Channel 3x3
Mine 1x20 Hallway
Mine 5x5 Trade Depot area
Mine 10x10 General Stockpile area
Mine 3x3 Stairways area
Mine 10x10 Plow area
Stockpile the 10x10 General Stockpile - Custom: ALL but:
- Corpses
- Refuse
- Stone
- Gems
- Wood
Stockpile 5x5 Refuse outside
Stockpile 5x3 Temporary Wood outside
Zone outside over grass for your animals to pasture (i)
Check Labors, make sure someone is AT LEAST doing:
- wood burner
- furnace operator
- wood cutter
- plant gathering
- gem cutter
- armorsmith
- weaponsmith
- blacksmith
- metal crafter
- engraver (stone detailing)
Zone a temporary meeting area for the dwarves (can be inside of Stockpile area)
Build a 3x3 farm plot (uukk): Plot PLUMP HELMETS during ALL SEASONS
Downward Stairway and create 5x5 areas for 4 workshops
Stockpiles for STONE (MASON, MECHANIC), WOOD (CARPENTER) and GEMS (JEWELER). Remove temporary wood stockpile outside.
Zone a 1x1 Garbage Dumping (i, g) area, then dump (d-b-d) loose stones
Task (q) MASON'S workshop to produce 1 throne and 1 table for the office.
Downward Stairway 7 more levels for dormitory.
Design the way you want the bedrooms: Leave one room for office.
(n) Nobles and Administrators Set expedition leader to be the broker, bookkeeper and manager.
Build TABLE and THRONE into the manager's office.
(q) Task the chair to the manager to set up the office. Press (n) to verify. No reds.
Queue JOBS (j-m-q)
- 7 beds
- 7 wooden chests or stone coffers
- 8 doors
- 7 cabinets
- 2 tables
- 2 thrones/chairs
Build for each bedroom:
- Door
- Cabinet
- Chest
- Bed
Build a door for the office as well
Task bedrooms using Q. No owners required.
- One level above the living quarters, mine 4 rooms:
- General food storage (Large area: possibility to expand)
- Dining hall (Large area: possibility to expand)
- Kitchen 5x5
- Still 5x5
(b-w) Build KITCHEN and STILL in the middle of the 5x5 rooms.
Stockpile food around the rooms + food storage room.
Disable food in the General Stockpile area.
(z) Check status of Kitchen, then:
- DISABLE COOKING for BOOZE (You would only want this if you are running out of food and have lots of booze)
(optional) FISHING: Mine another area and create a Fishery (will clean fishes) and prepare for consumption.
(optional) HUNTING: Mine another area and create a Butcher's shop. Use a DOOR to contain Miasma in case of rotten food.
Build crafted chairs and tables in the dining room.