diff --git a/BINDINGS.md b/BINDINGS.md
index 2a0d21ba14a2..275087b82102 100644
--- a/BINDINGS.md
+++ b/BINDINGS.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to
 | raylib-Forever     | auto    | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/)         | ? | https://github.com/Guevara-chan/Raylib-Forever  |
 | naylib             | auto    | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/)         | MIT | https://github.com/planetis-m/naylib          |
 | node-raylib        | 4.5     | [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/)    | Zlib     | https://github.com/RobLoach/node-raylib         |
-| raylib-odin        | 4.5     | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/)       | BSD-3Clause | https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib  |
+| raylib-odin        | 5.0     | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/)       | BSD-3Clause | https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib  |
 | raylib_odin_bindings | 4.0-dev | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/)     | MIT | https://github.com/Deathbat2190/raylib_odin_bindings |
 | raylib-ocaml       | **5.0** | [OCaml](https://ocaml.org/)          | MIT | https://github.com/tjammer/raylib-ocaml        |
 | TurboRaylib        | 4.5   | [Object Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_Pascal) | MIT | https://github.com/turborium/TurboRaylib |
diff --git a/examples/models/models_bone_socket.c b/examples/models/models_bone_socket.c
index 8f62f70f7252..66f952e89ebe 100644
--- a/examples/models/models_bone_socket.c
+++ b/examples/models/models_bone_socket.c
@@ -144,10 +144,8 @@ int main(void)
                     Matrix matrixTransform = QuaternionToMatrix(rotate);
                     // Translate socket to its position in the current animation
                     matrixTransform = MatrixMultiply(matrixTransform, MatrixTranslate(transform->translation.x, transform->translation.y, transform->translation.z));
-                    // Rotate socket by character angle
-                    matrixTransform = MatrixMultiply(matrixTransform, QuaternionToMatrix(characterRotate));
-                    // Translate socket to character position
-                    matrixTransform = MatrixMultiply(matrixTransform, MatrixTranslate(position.x, position.y + 0.0f, position.z));
+                    // Transform the socket using the transform of the character (angle and translate)
+                    matrixTransform = MatrixMultiply(matrixTransform, characterModel.transform);
                     // Draw mesh at socket position with socket angle rotation
                     DrawMesh(equipModel[i].meshes[0], equipModel[i].materials[1], matrixTransform);