file | line | message |
./core/log/outputsystems/FileOutputSystem.cpp | 17 | add error message and default to stderr |
./core/rtl/array.h | 103 | see if this can be optimized |
./core/rtl/basic_string.h | 77 | this is temporary code |
./core/rtl/hash_map.h | 21 | replace this pragma macro with something cross-compiler supported |
./core/rtl/hash_map.h | 277 | test code |
./core/system/profiler.cpp | 85 | add time api |
./platform/windows/debug/seh.cpp | 48 | see how big of a file this generates during |
./platform/windows/thread/mutex.cpp | 59 | find better values |
./platform/windows/win32Display.cpp | 14 | needs to be actualyl configured |
./renderer/dx11/dx11Device.h | 26 | might need to use a pool allocator for buffers etc for locality |
./renderer/interface/DisplayInfo.h | 27 | see if (x,y) pos needs to be here too |
./scene/ecs/ComponentPool.h | 17 | look into caching |
./scene/ecs/ComponentPool.h | 24 | temp code |
./scene/ecs/ComponentPoolFactory.h | 72 | look at other alternative storage methods. |