Documentation for working with the @balancer-labs/sor
package. For a description of the SOR and math, see this page.
{% hint style="danger" %} Please take caution as the SOR is under heavy development and may have breaking changes. {% endhint %}
The SOR package includes a primary smartOrderRouter
function along with several helper functions for working with the subgraph and formatting data.
All numerical data such as balances, weights, fees, etc. stored in subgraph are stored in a normalized decimal point form. This is to allow for easy integrations with partners and teams building on top of Balancer.
The network subgraph can be chosen using the environment variable: REACT_APP_SUBGRAPH_URL
. It currently defaults to mainnet which is:
Several helper functions exist for common queries against the subgraph:
This returns a list of all pools in the balancer ecosystem that include the pair: tokenIn
& tokenOut
and also have publicSwap
This function formats all the returned pool data from getPoolsWithTokens
into a format that the SOR needs. Includes scaling balances to their wei representation based on token decimals and converting denormalized weights into normalized weights. Returns an array of type Pool:
export interface Pool {
id: string;
balanceIn: BigNumber;
balanceOut: BigNumber;
weightIn: BigNumber;
weightOut: BigNumber;
swapFee: BigNumber;
spotPrice?: BigNumber;
slippage?: BigNumber;
limitAmount?: BigNumber;
This function is the exact same as parsePoolData
but instead pulls all balances, weights, and fees onchain using multicall. This requires a web3 provider (ex: local node or infura) that can be passed using provider
. multiAddress
is the address for the deployed multicall contract - on mainnet this is 0xeefba1e63905ef1d7acba5a8513c70307c1ce441
The smartOrderRouter
function takes in pool data and trade parameters and does an optimization for best price execution.
export const smartOrderRouter = (
balancers: Pool[],
swapType: string,
targetInputAmount: BigNumber,
maxBalancers: number,
costOutputToken: BigNumber
): SwapAmount[] => {
- array of type Pool
shown above
- string of either swapExactIn
or swapExactOut
- amount to be traded in wei form
- max number of pools to split the trade across
- the cost of the output token in ETH multiplied by the swap gas cost. This is used to determine if the gas costs of using an additional pool outweigh the better price from splitting. We are working to have helper data for this parameter. In the meantime, it is recommended to set this as 0
and limit the number of maxBalancers
to a reasonable number given gas costs.
Below is an example snippet that uses most helper functions along with the order routing to return a final list of swaps and the expected output. The swaps
returned can then be passed on to the exchange proxy or use another solution to atomically execute the trades.
const sor = require('@balancer-labs/sor');
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
const ethers = require('ethers');
const MAX_UINT = ethers.constants.MaxUint256;
const tokenIn = '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F' // DAI
const tokenOut = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2' // WETH
(async function() {
const data = await sor.getPoolsWithTokens(tokenIn, tokenOut);
const poolData = sor.parsePoolData(data.pools, tokenIn, tokenOut);
const sorSwaps = sor.smartOrderRouter(
new BigNumber('10000000000000000000'),
new BigNumber('10'),
const swaps = sor.formatSwapsExactAmountIn(sorSwaps, MAX_UINT, 0)
const expectedOut = sor.calcTotalOutput(swaps, poolData)
Below is the same example as above but instead uses parsePoolDataOnChain
const sor = require('@balancer-labs/sor');
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
const ethers = require('ethers');
const MAX_UINT = ethers.constants.MaxUint256;
const providerUrl = 'http://localhost:8545' // can use infura, etc.
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(providerUrl);
const multi = '0xeefba1e63905ef1d7acba5a8513c70307c1ce441'
const tokenIn = '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F' // DAI
const tokenOut = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2' // WETH
(async function() {
const data = await sor.getPoolsWithTokens(tokenIn, tokenOut);
const poolData = await sor.parsePoolDataOnChain(data.pools, tokenIn, tokenOut, multi, provider));
const sorSwaps = sor.smartOrderRouter(
new BigNumber('10000000000000000000'),
new BigNumber('10'),
const swaps = sor.formatSwapsExactAmountIn(sorSwaps, MAX_UINT, 0)
const expectedOut = sor.calcTotalOutput(swaps, poolData)