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Variables and style rules

ukrien edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 28 revisions
variable description key comment
tz timezone
dni direct normal irradiation
dhi diffuse horizontal irradiation
ghi global horizontal irradiation
aoi angle of incident
airmass airmass
diffuse_ground or e_diffuse_ground ground reflected irradiation
e_direct or e_beam direct/beam irradiation in plane What sounds better for native speakers?
e_diffuse diffuse irradiation in plane
e or e_global global irradiation in plane
sky_diffuse or e_sky_diffuse diffuse irradiation in plane without ground reflected irradiation
surf_tilt tilt angle of the surface
surf_az or surf_azimuth azimuth angle of the surface
sun_zen or sun_zenith zenith angle of the sun
sun_az or sun_azimuth azimuth angle of the sun
temp_cell or temp_cell_kelvin temperature of the cell in Kelvin I think we don't need Kelvin, that is obvious
volt_mpp or voltage_mpp module voltage at the maximum power point likewise: ampere, power