In this exercise we will learn how to set up Server Side Rendering using Angular SSR package and fix some of the issues we will encounter.
Start off by measuring the current state. Open your browser to show you any movie list, e.g. http://localhost:4200/list/popular
Open the devtools with F12
or Ctrl + Shift + I
and open the Network Tab
. Create a new Network recording with Ctrl + R
or by reloading the page.
You should see all the network requests made by the initial navigation.
Open the first request which should be named popular/list
You should find that the html document is almost identical the index.html
located at the root of the application src/index.html
This step is already done for you, so SKIP this step.
ng add @angular/ssr
- Uncomment
.- Import the functions from
- Import the functions from
- Go to
and add the following fields to thebuild
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:application",
"options": {
// ... other options
"outputMode": "server",
"server": "src/main.server.ts",
"prerender": false,
"ssr": {
"entry": "server.ts"
You should now be able to run the application with ng serve
and the app will be server side rendered.
If you want to close the dev server, press Ctrl + D
in the terminal. (known issue)
After running the application, you should see the following error:
ERROR ReferenceError: document is not defined
at eval (../ng-perf-ws/src/app/shared/cdk/element-visibility/element-visibility.directive.ts:27:19)
at _ZoneDelegate.invoke (../ng-perf-ws/node_modules/zone.js/fesm2015/zone-node.js:369:28)
at (../ng-perf-ws/node_modules/zone.js/fesm2015/zone-node.js:111:43)
at _NgZone.runOutsideAngular (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/chunk-ULH7NJ5N.js:5813:24)
at _ElementVisibilityDirective (../ng-perf-ws/src/app/shared/cdk/element-visibility/element-visibility.directive.ts:26:17)
This tells us that the document
is not defined in the server environment, so we need to not run that code on the server.
Fix it by running it only in the browser environment using the function that we learned in the presentation.
Run code only in browser environment
import { afterNextRender } from '@angular/core';
export class ElementVisibilityDirective {
constructor() {
afterNextRender(() => { // 👈️👈️👈️
fromEvent(document, 'scroll')
.pipe(/* ... removed for brevity */)
.subscribe(() => {
// ... removed for brevity
This should fix one of the issues we have on the page.
Open the Terminal and check for the next error:
ReferenceError: window is not defined
at SvgLoadStrategyImpl (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/@push-based_ngx-fast-svg.js:73:47)
at _SvgRegistry (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/@push-based_ngx-fast-svg.js:116:11)
at Object.SvgRegistry_Factory (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/@push-based_ngx-fast-svg.js:193:14)
at eval (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/chunk-ULH7NJ5N.js:3471:35)
As we learned in the presentation, sometimes third party libraries require additional configuration to work on the server. In our case, we need to configure the ngx-fast-svg library to work on the server.
Create a SSR load strategy for the ngx-fast-svg
library and configure it to work on the server.
Configure the ngx-fast-svg library
import { isDevMode } from '@angular/core';
import { provideFastSVG, SvgLoadStrategy } from '@push-based/ngx-fast-svg';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs';
import { join } from 'node:path';
export class SvgLoadStrategySsr implements SvgLoadStrategy {
load(url: string): Observable<string> {
let iconPath: string;
if (isDevMode()) {
// In dev mode, we load the SVG from the file system
iconPath = join(process.cwd(), 'src', url);
} else {
// In production, we load the SVG from the build folder
iconPath = join(process.cwd(), 'dist', 'ws-ng-perf', 'browser', url);
return of(readFileSync(iconPath, 'utf8'));
const serverConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
// ... removed for brevity
provideFastSVG({ // 👈️️ configure the ngx-fast-svg library
svgLoadStrategy: SvgLoadStrategySsr, // 👈️ add the SSR load strategy
url: (name: string) => `assets/svg-icons/${name}.svg`,
In the console, we should see the last error:
ERROR ReferenceError: window is not defined
at toggleTheme (../ng-perf-ws/src/app/ui/component/dark-mode-toggle/dark-mode-toggle.component.ts:50:7)
at eval (../ng-perf-ws/.angular/cache/19.0.0-next.8/vite/deps_ssr/chunk-YDWMFPC4.js:8546:78)
Fix the issue, by using the same approach we followed in the first step.
Fix the issue
import { afterNextRender } from '@angular/core';
export class DarkModeToggleComponent {
constructor() {
// ... removed for brevity
afterNextRender(() => {
this.hold(this.isLightTheme$, this.toggleTheme);
Great job! You shouldn't see any more errors on the terminal.
Open the devtools with F12
or Ctrl + Shift + I
and open the Network Tab
. Create a new Network recording with Ctrl + R
or by reloading the page.
You should see the following:
This means that the index.html
file is being served with the content from the server.
Now that SSR is set up you can run a new network recording and compare the results. You should see that the html delivered already has the movies list rendered in html.
You can also see that the LCP images are being downloaded and rendered earlier.