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File metadata and controls

399 lines (290 loc) · 9.86 KB

Exercise: Create MovieListComponent

In this exercise we want to create a reusable MovieListComponent which is responsible for displaying a single movie as a list on the screen.

1. Create MovieListComponent component skeleton

Let's start by using the ng generate component command to create a movie-list component in the movie/ folder.

generate MovieListComponent
ng generate component movie/movie-list


ng g c movie/movie-list

As our workspace is configured to generate single file components, you should now see 2 files being generated:

  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts => component logic
  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.spec => test file

If you want to have a separate file for the styles and/or the template, please use

ng generate component movie/movie-list --inline-style=false --inline-template=false


ng g c movie/movie-list --inline-style=false --inline-template=false

It'll generate:

  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts => component logic
  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.html => template (--inline-template=false)
  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.scss => stylesheet (--inline-style=false)
  • src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.spec => test file

Great, now open the newly created file(s) and check what was generated.

The result (depending on your choices), should look similar to this:

MovieListComponent Skeleton
// src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'movie-list',
  imports: [],
  template: ` <p>movie-list works!</p> `,
  styles: ``,
export class MovieListComponent {}

2. Define MovieListComponent API

Now it's time for us to define the components API, by introducing input and outputs respectively for what we want to achieve.

The MovieListComponent should have two inputs:

  • movies = input.required<MovieModel[]>()
  • favoriteMovieIds = input(Set<string>()) -> not required with an empty set as default
MovieListComponent Inputs
// src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts

import { Component, input } from '@angular/core';

import { MovieModel } from '../../shared/model/movie.model';

export class MovieListComponent {

  movies = input.required<MovieModel[]>();
  favoriteMovieIds = input(new Set<string>());

On top of that, the MovieListComponent should have an output for the interaction with the favoriteToggle, where we emit the clicked MovieModel to the consumer.

  • favoriteChanged = output<MovieModel>()
MovieListComponent Output
// src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts

import { Component, input, output } from '@angular/core';

import { MovieModel } from '../../shared/model/movie.model';

export class MovieListComponent {
  movies = input.required<MovieModel[]>();
  favoriteMovieIds = input(new Set<string>());
  toggleFavorite = output<MovieModel>();

3. Migrate code to MovieListComponent

As the template is already implemented in AppComponent, let's migrate everything related to the movie-list into it: the whole @for loop that iterates over the movies.

You don't need to migrate any typescript code. And no worries, you can just cut out the contents, they don't need to stay in AppComponent anymore.

When migrating the template you notice that you also need to slightly adjust it:

  • instead of calling toggleFavorite(movie) -> call toggleFavorite.emit(movie)
Migrate to MovieListComponent

Migrate the template from AppComponent to the MovieListComponent

<!-- src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts -->

@for (movie of movies(); track {
<div class="movie-card">
    [src]="'' + movie.poster_path" />
  <div class="movie-card-content">
    <div class="movie-card-title">{{ movie.title }}</div>
    <div class="movie-card-rating">{{ movie.vote_average }}</div>
    @if (favoriteMovieIds().has( {
      I like it
    } @else {
      Like me

4. use movie-list

Great job, the MovieListComponent is feature complete for now. Let's finally make use of it in the AppComponent and see how it works :).

Use movie-list inside of AppComponents template and bind to its inputs and outputs:

  • [movies]="movies()"
  • [favoriteMovieIds]="favoriteMovieIds()"
  • (toggleFavorite)="toggleFavorite($event)" <- $event is the special syntax to extract arguments. It'll be typed as MovieModel

As the AppComponent now consumes the movie-list, don't forget to put it into the imports array.

Of course, if not done before, remove the old movie-list implementation.

Use `MovieListComponent` in `AppComponent`
<!-- src/app/app.component.ts -->

  (toggleFavorite)="toggleFavorite($event)" />

If not autocompleted from your IDE, let's make sure the imports are good:

import { MovieListComponent } from './movie/movie-list/movie-list.component';

  selector: 'app-root',
  imports: [AppShellComponent, MovieListComponent],
export class AppComponent {}

Very well done!

Serve the application and make sure movie-list component is actually rendered in your browser.

In case it isn't running any longer:

ng serve

# or

npm run start

5. Make it beautiful 💅

Now we want to make the whole application a little bit more visually appealing, so let's add some styles to it.

For those who chose to go with the single file component, add the following snippet to the styles property of the MovieListComponents component decorator.

Otherwise, add it to the movie-list.component.scss file.

MovieListComponent Styles
/* src/app/movie/movie-list/movie-list.component.ts */

:host {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10rem, 35rem));
  gap: 4rem 2rem;
  place-content: space-between space-evenly;
  align-items: start;
  position: relative;

Great job! Now see your final result in action and enjoy your super clean app component :).

Full Solution

import { Component, input, output } from '@angular/core';

import { MovieModel } from '../../shared/model/movie.model';

  selector: 'movie-list',
  imports: [],
  template: `
    @for (movie of movies(); track {
      <div class="movie-card">
          [src]="'' + movie.poster_path" />
        <div class="movie-card-content">
          <div class="movie-card-title">{{ movie.title }}</div>
          <div class="movie-card-rating">{{ movie.vote_average }}</div>
          @if (favoriteMovieIds().has( {
            I like it
          } @else {
            Like me
  styles: `
    :host {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10rem, 35rem));
      gap: 4rem 2rem;
      place-content: space-between space-evenly;
      align-items: start;
      position: relative;
export class MovieListComponent {
  movies = input.required<MovieModel[]>();
  favoriteMovieIds = input(new Set<string>());
  toggleFavorite = output<MovieModel>();
import { Component, computed, signal } from '@angular/core';

import { AppShellComponent } from './app-shell/app-shell.component';
import { MovieListComponent } from './movie/movie-list/movie-list.component';
import { MovieModel } from './shared/model/movie.model';

  selector: 'app-root',
  imports: [AppShellComponent, MovieListComponent],
  template: `
      <div class="favorite-widget">
        @for (fav of favoriteMovies(); track fav; let last = $last) {
          <span>{{ fav.title }}</span>
          @if (!last) {
        (toggleFavorite)="toggleFavorite($event)" />
export class AppComponent {
  movies = signal<MovieModel[]>([
      id: 'the-god',
      title: 'The Godfather',
      poster_path: '/3bhkrj58Vtu7enYsRolD1fZdja1.jpg',
      vote_average: 10,
      id: 'the-god-2',
      title: 'The Godfather part II',
      poster_path: '/hek3koDUyRQk7FIhPXsa6mT2Zc3.jpg',
      vote_average: 9,
      id: 'the-god-3',
      title: 'The Godfather part III',
      poster_path: '/lm3pQ2QoQ16pextRsmnUbG2onES.jpg',
      vote_average: 10,

  favoriteMovieIds = signal(new Set<string>(), {
    equal: () => false,

  favoriteMovies = computed(() =>
    this.movies().filter(movie => this.favoriteMovieIds().has(

  toggleFavorite(movie: MovieModel) {
    this.favoriteMovieIds.update(favoriteMovieIds => {
      if (favoriteMovieIds.has( {
      } else {
      return favoriteMovieIds;