- @for (icon of tester.icons; track $index) {
+ @for (icon of tester.icons; track icon) {
@@ -35,4 +39,11 @@ export class FastIconRouteComponent extends BaseDemoComponent {
+ size = '24';
+ changeSort() {
+ this.tester.defineSet(SUPPORTED_ICONS.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5));
+ this.size = this.size === '24' ? '32' : '24';
+ }
diff --git a/packages/ngx-fast-lib/src/lib/fast-svg.component.ts b/packages/ngx-fast-lib/src/lib/fast-svg.component.ts
index 21ee1bc..8f1f5dd 100644
--- a/packages/ngx-fast-lib/src/lib/fast-svg.component.ts
+++ b/packages/ngx-fast-lib/src/lib/fast-svg.component.ts
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ import {
- Input,
+ Injector,
+ effect,
+ input,
+ untracked,
} from '@angular/core';
-import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { getZoneUnPatchedApi } from './internal/get-zone-unpatched-api';
import { SvgRegistry } from './svg-registry.service';
@@ -95,119 +97,141 @@ function createGetImgFn(renderer: Renderer2): (src: string) => HTMLElement {
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class FastSvgComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
+ private readonly injector = inject(Injector);
private readonly platform = inject(PLATFORM_ID);
private readonly renderer = inject(Renderer2);
private readonly registry = inject(SvgRegistry);
private readonly element = inject>(ElementRef);
- private readonly sub = new Subscription();
private readonly getImg = createGetImgFn(this.renderer);
- @Input() name = '';
- @Input() size: string = this.registry.defaultSize;
- @Input() width = '';
- @Input() height = '';
+ name = input('');
+ size = input(this.registry.defaultSize);
+ width = input('');
+ height = input('');
// When the browser loaded the svg resource we trigger the caching mechanism
// re-fetch -> cache-hit -> get SVG -> cache in DOM
loadedListener = () => {
- this.registry.fetchSvg(this.name);
+ this.registry.fetchSvg(this.name());
ngAfterViewInit() {
- if (!this.name) {
- throw new Error('svg component needs a name to operate');
- }
// Setup view refs and init them
const elem = this.element.nativeElement;
const svg = elem.querySelector('svg') as SVGElement;
- // apply size
- if (this.size && svg) {
- // We apply fixed dimensions
- // Additionally to SEO rules, to avoid any scroll flicker caused by `content-visibility:auto` defined in component styles
- svg.setAttribute('width', this.width || this.size);
- svg.setAttribute('height', this.height || this.width || this.size);
- }
- let img: HTMLImageElement | null = null;
- // if svg is not in cache we append
- if (!this.registry.isSvgCached(this.name)) {
- /**
- CSR - Browser native lazy loading hack
- We use an img element here to leverage the browsers native features:
- - lazy loading (loading="lazy") to only load the svg that are actually visible
- - priority hints to down prioritize the fetch to avoid delaying the LCP
- While the SVG is loading we display a fallback SVG.
- After the image is loaded we remove it from the DOM. (IMG load event)
- When the new svg arrives we append it to the template.
- Note:
- - the image is styled with display none. this prevents any loading of the resource ever.
- on component bootstrap we decide what we want to do. when we remove display none it performs the browser native behavior
- - the image has 0 height and with and containment as well as contnet-visibility to recuce any performance impact
- Edge cases:
- - only resources that are not loaded in the current session of the browser will get lazy loaded (same URL to trigger loading is not possible)
- - already loaded resources will get emitted from the cache immediately, even if loading is set to lazy :o
- - the image needs to have display other than none
- */
- const i = this.getImg(this.registry.url(this.name));
- this.renderer.appendChild(this.element.nativeElement, i);
- // get img
- img = elem.querySelector('img') as HTMLImageElement;
- addEventListener(img, 'load', this.loadedListener);
- }
- // Listen to svg changes
- // This potentially could already receive the svg from the cache and drop the img from the DOM before it gets activated for lazy loading.
- // NOTICE:
- // If the svg is already cached the following code will execute synchronously. This gives us the chance to add
- this.sub.add(
- this.registry.svgCache$(this.name).subscribe((cache) => {
- // The first child is the `use` tag. The value of href gets displayed as SVG
- svg.children[0].setAttribute('href', cache.name);
- svg.setAttribute('viewBox', cache.viewBox);
- // early exvit no image
- if (!img) return;
- // If the img is present
- // and the name in included in the href (svg is fully loaded, not only the suspense svg)
- // Remove the element from the DOM as it is no longer needed
- if (cache.name.includes(this.name)) {
- img.removeEventListener('load', this.loadedListener);
- // removeEventListener.bind(img, 'load', this.loadedListener);
- img.remove();
+ effect(
+ () => {
+ // apply size
+ if (this.size() && svg) {
+ // We apply fixed dimensions
+ // Additionally to SEO rules, to avoid any scroll flicker caused by `content-visibility:auto` defined in component styles
+ svg.setAttribute('width', this.width() || this.size());
+ svg.setAttribute(
+ 'height',
+ this.height() || this.width() || this.size()
+ );
- })
+ },
+ { injector: this.injector }
- // SSR
- if (isPlatformServer(this.platform)) {
- // if SSR load svgs on server => ends up in DOM cache and ships to the client
- this.registry.fetchSvg(this.name);
- }
- // CSR
- else {
- // Activate the lazy loading hack
- // Loading is triggered in the template over loading="lazy" and onload
- // Than the same image is fetched over fromFetch and rendered as SVG. (This will result in a cache hit for this svg)
- //
- // If the img is present activate it
- img && img.style.setProperty('display', 'block');
- }
+ effect(
+ (onCleanup) => {
+ const name = this.name();
+ untracked(() => {
+ if (!name) {
+ throw new Error('svg component needs a name to operate');
+ }
+ let img: HTMLImageElement | null = null;
+ // if svg is not in cache we append
+ if (!this.registry.isSvgCached(name)) {
+ /**
+ CSR - Browser native lazy loading hack
+ We use an img element here to leverage the browsers native features:
+ - lazy loading (loading="lazy") to only load the svg that are actually visible
+ - priority hints to down prioritize the fetch to avoid delaying the LCP
+ While the SVG is loading we display a fallback SVG.
+ After the image is loaded we remove it from the DOM. (IMG load event)
+ When the new svg arrives we append it to the template.
+ Note:
+ - the image is styled with display none. this prevents any loading of the resource ever.
+ on component bootstrap we decide what we want to do. when we remove display none it performs the browser native behavior
+ - the image has 0 height and with and containment as well as contnet-visibility to reduce any performance impact
+ Edge cases:
+ - only resources that are not loaded in the current session of the browser will get lazy loaded (same URL to trigger loading is not possible)
+ - already loaded resources will get emitted from the cache immediately, even if loading is set to lazy :o
+ - the image needs to have display other than none
+ */
+ const i = this.getImg(this.registry.url(name));
+ this.renderer.appendChild(this.element.nativeElement, i);
+ // get img
+ img = elem.querySelector('img') as HTMLImageElement;
+ addEventListener(img, 'load', this.loadedListener);
+ }
+ // Listen to svg changes
+ // This potentially could already receive the svg from the cache and drop the img from the DOM before it gets activated for lazy loading.
+ // NOTICE:
+ // If the svg is already cached the following code will execute synchronously. This gives us the chance to add
+ const sub = this.registry.svgCache$(name).subscribe((cache) => {
+ // The first child is the `use` tag. The value of href gets displayed as SVG
+ svg.children[0].setAttribute('href', cache.name);
+ svg.setAttribute('viewBox', cache.viewBox);
+ // early exit no image
+ if (!img) return;
+ // If the img is present
+ // and the name in included in the href (svg is fully loaded, not only the suspense svg)
+ // Remove the element from the DOM as it is no longer needed
+ if (cache.name.includes(name)) {
+ img.removeEventListener('load', this.loadedListener);
+ // removeEventListener.bind(img, 'load', this.loadedListener);
+ img.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ // SSR
+ if (isPlatformServer(this.platform)) {
+ // if SSR load svgs on server => ends up in DOM cache and ships to the client
+ this.registry.fetchSvg(name);
+ }
+ // CSR
+ else {
+ // Activate the lazy loading hack
+ // Loading is triggered in the template over loading="lazy" and onload
+ // Than the same image is fetched over fromFetch and rendered as SVG. (This will result in a cache hit for this svg)
+ //
+ // If the img is present activate it
+ img && img.style.setProperty('display', 'block');
+ }
+ onCleanup(() => {
+ sub.unsubscribe();
+ if (img) {
+ img.removeEventListener('load', this.loadedListener);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ { injector: this.injector }
+ );
ngOnDestroy() {
- this.sub.unsubscribe();
?.removeEventListener('load', this.loadedListener);