A Class is a representation of one or more objects which share the same or similar properties. Each class is like its own custom data type with properties defined by the developer.
In Python, class definition requires a specific function called __init__()
to initialize, or create a new member of the object class.
Like a function, we first define the object class, including its parameters, properties (i.e. attributes), and methods (i.e. capabilities):
class Polo():
def __init__(self, color, size, price=99.00, style=None):
self.color = color
self.size = size
self.price = price = style
def fold(self):
print("FOLDING THE " + self.color.upper() + " POLO!")
def transfer_to(self, store_name):
print(f"TRANSFERING THE {self.color.upper()} POLO TO STORE: '{store_name.upper()}'")
After defining an object class, create a new member of that object class. This is called "instantiating", or "initializing", or creating an "instance" of the object class.
polo_1 = Polo(color="Blue", size="Large", price=4.99)
print(type(polo_1)) #> <class '__main__.Polo'>
print(polo_1.color) #> Blue
print(polo_1.price) #> 4.99
polo_1.fold() #> FOLDING THE BLUE POLO!
polo_2 = Polo(color="Yellow", size="Small")
print(type(polo_2)) #> <class '__main__.Polo'>
print(polo_2.color) #> Yellow
print(polo_2.price) #> 99.0
polo_2.fold() #> FOLDING THE YELLOW POLO!
polo_3 = Polo(color="Red", size="Large", price=65.00, style="Slim")
print(type(polo_3)) #> <class '__main__.Polo'>
print(polo_2.color) #> Red
print(polo_2.price) #> 99.0
polo_3.fold() #> FOLDING THE RED POLO!
polo_3.transfer_to("Boston, MA") #> TRANSFERING THE RED POLO TO STORE: 'BOSTON, MA'