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Module ProcessOut Android SDK - Checkout 3DS


Framework wraps Checkout SDK to make it easy to use with ProcessOut when making requests that may trigger 3DS2.


SDK handles deep link to return back to your app after authorization in the following format:
It is required to provide this deep link on the backend as return_url when creating invoice and as invoice_return_url when creating token.

Implement 3DS service delegate

// 1) Initialize launcher in Activity or Fragment.

private lateinit var customTabLauncher: PO3DSRedirectCustomTabLauncher

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    customTabLauncher = PO3DSRedirectCustomTabLauncher.create(from = this)

// 2) Implement POCheckout3DSServiceDelegate and pass launcher.

class Checkout3DSServiceDelegate(
    private val activity: Activity,
    private val customTabLauncher: PO3DSRedirectCustomTabLauncher
) : POCheckout3DSServiceDelegate {

    override fun configuration(parameters: ConfigParameters): ThreeDS2ServiceConfiguration {
        return ThreeDS2ServiceConfiguration(
            context = activity,
            configParameters = parameters,
            // Optional properties.
            locale = Locale.UK,
            uiCustomization = UICustomization(),
            appUri = Uri.parse(""),
            challengeTimeout = 300

    override fun shouldContinue(warnings: Set<Warning>, callback: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
        // Default implementation ignores all warnings.
        // As an example we can define to continue the flow
        // only if there is no warnings or all warnings have low severity.
        callback(warnings.all { it.severity == Severity.LOW })

    override fun handle(redirect: PO3DSRedirect, callback: (ProcessOutResult<String>) -> Unit) {
            redirect = redirect,
            returnUrl = "",
            callback = callback

    // 3) Optionally implement service lifecycle callbacks for logs or custom logic.

    override fun willCreateAuthenticationRequest(configuration: PO3DS2Configuration) {}

    override fun didCreateAuthenticationRequest(result: ProcessOutResult<PO3DS2AuthenticationRequest>) {}

    override fun willHandle(challenge: PO3DS2Challenge) {}

    override fun didHandle3DS2Challenge(result: ProcessOutResult<Boolean>) {}

Create 3DS service

val threeDSService = POCheckout3DSService.Builder(
    activity = this,
    delegate = Checkout3DSServiceDelegate(activity = this, customTabLauncher)
)   // Optional parameter, by default Environment.PRODUCTION
    .with(environment = Environment.SANDBOX)