Implementation of the paper DEFINE: DEEP FACTORIZED INPUT TOKEN EMBEDDINGS FOR NEURAL SEQUENCE MODELING with AWD-LSTM from the paper Regularizing and Optimizing LSTM Language Models in PyTorch
This implemmentation only supports Language Modeling on Penn Treebank. Fine tuning for AWD-LSTM has not been implemented.
To train the model run
Optional arguments
--lr Learning rate
--epochs Number of epochs over the whole dataset
--k Size of the last layer of the DeFINE embeddings
--embed_dim Embedding size for adaptive shared inputs
--h_size hidden size for LSTM
--layers Number of splits for vocab
--n_layers Number of LSTM layers
--path_train path to training file
--path_dev path to validation file
--path_test path to testing file
--dropouti Variational dropout for input to the first LSTM layer
--dropouth Variational dropout for input to the other LSTM layer
--dropout Variational dropout to the output of the final LSTM layer
--dropout_embed Dropout for embeddings
--N Number of layers in DeFINE
--t1 First partition frequency for vocabulary
--t2 Second partition frequency for vocabulary
--n0 Minimum validation runs for non-monotonic ASGD
--log_interval Logging interval while training
--batch_size Batch size for training
--bptt Mean for sequence length for training
--alpha Scaling factor for Activation Regularization
--beta Scaling factor for Temporal Activation Regularization
--dropoutw DropConnect for hidden to hidden LSTM weights
--dev_batch_size Match size for development
--m Final output embedding size for DeFINE embeddings
--clip Gradient nomr for clipping