From eeec19f6daee4c5eb3dc2b77e293d73a8bf65f06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Georgi Lyubenov Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 20:53:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update docs for tactics We now have runTSimple and bindTSimple and should recommend them to users. --- src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs | 66 ++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs b/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs index 32bc991e..9a7c44e6 100644 --- a/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs +++ b/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs @@ -28,8 +28,11 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union -- effect @Tactics@, which is capable of rewriting monadic actions so they run -- in the correct stateful environment. -- --- Inside a 'Tactical', you're capable of running 'pureT', 'runT' and 'bindT' --- which are the main tools for rewriting monadic stateful environments. +-- Inside a 'Tactical', you're capable of running 'pureT', 'runTSimple', 'bindTSimple', +-- 'runT' and 'bindT', which are the main tools for rewriting monadic stateful environments. +-- +-- You should usually reach for 'runTSimple' and 'bindTSimple' first, as they are easier to use, +-- albeit less powerful versions of 'runT' and 'bindT'. -- -- For example, consider trying to write an interpreter for -- 'Polysemy.Resource.Resource', whose effect is defined as: @@ -38,41 +41,48 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union -- data 'Polysemy.Resource.Resource' m a where -- 'Polysemy.Resource.Bracket' :: m a -> (a -> m ()) -> (a -> m b) -> 'Polysemy.Resource.Resource' m b -- @ --- --- Here we have an @m a@ which clearly needs to be run first, and then --- subsequently call the @a -> m ()@ and @a -> m b@ arguments. In a 'Tactical' --- environment, we can write the threading code thusly: +-- We can interpret this effect like so: -- -- @ --- 'Polysemy.Resource.Bracket' alloc dealloc use -> do --- alloc' <- 'runT' alloc --- dealloc' <- 'bindT' dealloc --- use' <- 'bindT' use +-- runResource = Polysemy.interpretH $ \\case +-- 'Polysemy.Resource.Bracket' alloc dealloc use -> do +-- resource <- 'runTSimple' alloc +-- result <- 'bindTSimple' use resource +-- 'bindTSimple' dealloc resource +-- pure result -- @ -- --- where +-- To run embedded higher-order actions (e.g. @alloc :: m a@s) we use 'runTSimple'. -- --- @ --- alloc' :: 'Polysemy.Sem' ('Polysemy.Resource.Resource' ': r) (f a1) --- dealloc' :: f a1 -> 'Polysemy.Sem' ('Polysemy.Resource.Resource' ': r) (f ()) --- use' :: f a1 -> 'Polysemy.Sem' ('Polysemy.Resource.Resource' ': r) (f x) --- @ +-- If we have a kleisli action (e.g. @use :: a -> m b@) we can instead use 'bindTSimple'. +-- +-- There are however some cases where these functions are not sufficient. +-- +-- Consider, for example, the 'Polysemy.Reader.local' action. -- --- The @f@ type here is existential and corresponds to "whatever --- state the other effects want to keep track of." @f@ is always --- a 'Functor'. +-- In it, we want any inner computations to be executed with a __modified__ environment. -- --- @alloc'@, @dealloc'@ and @use'@ are now in a form that can be --- easily consumed by your interpreter. At this point, simply bind --- them in the desired order and continue on your merry way. +-- This is not possible with 'runTSimple' and 'bindTSimple', because they automatically +-- take the care to run all your embedded actions by using the current set of interpreters. +-- +-- Instead, we need to use 'runT' and 'bindT', which give more control over how inner actions are run. +-- +-- As an example, let's look at the implementation for running a 'Polysemy.Reader.Reader' +-- with a constant value: +-- +-- @ +-- 'Polysemy.Reader.runReader' i = 'Polysemy.interpretH' $ \\case +-- 'Polysemy.Reader.Ask' -> pureT i +-- 'Polysemy.Reader.Local' f m -> do +-- mm <- 'runT' m +-- 'Polysemy.raise' $ 'Polysemy.Reader.runReader' (f i) mm +-- @ -- --- We can see from the types of @dealloc'@ and @use'@ that since they both --- consume a @f a1@, they must run in the same stateful environment. This --- means, for illustration, any 'Polysemy.State.put's run inside the @use@ --- block will not be visible inside of the @dealloc@ block. +-- We can see that there is a recursive call to 'Polysemy.Reader.runReader', which handles +-- any other potential 'Polysemy.Reader' computations that might be present in our @m@. -- --- Power users may explicitly use 'getInitialStateT' and 'bindT' to construct --- whatever data flow they'd like; although this is usually unnecessary. +-- The thing to note here is that the call is made with a __modified__ environment of @f i@ +-- instead of the __initial__ @i@ that our interpreter was currently running with. type Tactical e m r x = ∀ f. Functor f => Sem (WithTactics e f m r) (f x) From b5d6ee6ce4f1163c4ccdd0f1f39059ee1437db0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Georgi Lyubenov Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:03:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add back deleted sections from docs --- src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs | 11 ++++++++++- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs b/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs index 9a7c44e6..61421cd0 100644 --- a/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs +++ b/src/Polysemy/Internal/Tactics.hs @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union -- effect @Tactics@, which is capable of rewriting monadic actions so they run -- in the correct stateful environment. -- +-- The @f@ type here is existential and corresponds to "whatever +-- state the other effects want to keep track of." @f@ is always +-- a 'Functor'. +-- -- Inside a 'Tactical', you're capable of running 'pureT', 'runTSimple', 'bindTSimple', -- 'runT' and 'bindT', which are the main tools for rewriting monadic stateful environments. -- @@ -56,7 +60,12 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union -- -- If we have a kleisli action (e.g. @use :: a -> m b@) we can instead use 'bindTSimple'. -- --- There are however some cases where these functions are not sufficient. +-- Note that because of the types of @'bindTSimple' use resource@ and @'bindTSimple' dealloc resource@ +-- both use @f a@, they must run in the same stateful environment. This +-- means, for illustration, any 'Polysemy.State.put's run inside the @'bindTSimple' use resource@ +-- block will not be visible inside of the @dealloc@ block. +-- +-- There are however some cases where the @\*Simple@ functions are not sufficient. -- -- Consider, for example, the 'Polysemy.Reader.local' action. --