diff --git a/xmlfiles/_10.14470_1p7568352842.xml b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_1p7568352842.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_1p7568352842.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ 10.14470/1P7568352842
+ Schurr, Bernd
+ Bernd
+ Schurr
+ Yuan, Xiaohui
+ Xiaohui
+ Yuan
+ Haberland, Christian
+ Christian
+ Haberland
+ Mechie, James
+ James
+ Mechie
+ Kufner, Sofia-Katerina
+ Sofia-Katerina
+ Kufner
+ TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) AFGHANISTAN (2013/2014)
+ Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
+ 0
+ Seismic Network
+ Broadband seismic waveforms
+ Seismic monitoring
+ 2015-07-08
+ ?
+ The TIPTIMON seismic deployment in Afghanistan aimed to study the seismotectonics of the Hindu Kush and the Tajik-Afghan basin. Within this network 8 seismic stations were deployed between 2013 to 2014 to study shallow and intermediate depth seismicity. TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring) is a research programme funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the CAME Programme (Central Asia - Monsoon dynamics and Geo-ecosystems). All stations were equipped with MARK L-4C-3D geophones and DSS CUBE recorders, continuously recording with 100 samples per second. Waveform data is available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 6C, and is embargoed until Oct 2018.
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diff --git a/xmlfiles/_10.14470_7t7561754109.xml b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_7t7561754109.xml
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index 0000000..f8c48a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_7t7561754109.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ 10.14470/7T7561754109
+ Walter, Thomas
+ Thomas
+ Walter
+ Gaete, Ayleen
+ Ayleen
+ Gaete
+ Lara, Luis
+ Luis
+ Lara
+ Mikulla, Stefan
+ Stefan
+ Mikulla
+ Kujawa, Christian
+ Christian
+ Kujawa
+ Zimmer, Martin
+ Martin
+ Zimmer
+ Allahbakshi, Masoud
+ Masoud
+ Allahbakshi
+ Lastarria volcano experiment
+ Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
+ 0
+ Seismic Network
+ Broadband seismic waveforms
+ Seismic monitoring
+ 2017-03-17
+ ?
+ The network consistes in 6 stations surronding the fumarole field at Lastarria volcano. These stations were operative during one month with the final purpose of detect changes in the hydrothermal system triggered by passing of seismic waves produced by artificial explosions. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 2G, and are embargoed until 001 2019.
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diff --git a/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7554472182.xml b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7554472182.xml
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index 0000000..05f8cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7554472182.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ 10.14470/8U7554472182
+ Pilz, Marco
+ Marco
+ Pilz
+ Parolai, Stefano
+ Stefano
+ Parolai
+ Norcia basin (Italy) temporary seismic network
+ GFZ Data Services
+ 2009
+ Seismic Network
+ Seismic waveforms
+ Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
+ 2017-04-06
+ 2009
+ A temporary local seismic network was installed in the basin of Norcia (Italy) in January 2009 and operated until May 2009. Several recordings collected by the network are earthquakes of the 2009, Mw 6.3 L'Aquila seismic sequence. The seismic equipments consisted of fifteen Earth-Data Loggers (24 bit) connected to Mark L4-3D sensors (1Hz). The stations continuously recorded at a rate of 100 samples per second, and the timing was provided by a GPS link. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre.
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diff --git a/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7561563769.xml b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7561563769.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2207e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlfiles/_10.14470_8u7561563769.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ 10.14470/8U7561563769
+ Larose, Eric
+ Eric
+ Larose
+ Renland
+ GFZ Data Services
+ 2016
+ Seismic Network
+ Seismic waveforms
+ Naturevolution
+ 2017-04-06
+ 2016
+ The experiments are performed down the Edward Bailey valley, in the Renland peninsula, Scoresby Sund, Greenland. General purpose: ambient seismic noise recordings are obtained to characterize the geometry/structure of the valley the geometry/structure of the glaciers the microseismicity of the glacier, the friction process, crack orientation and mechanisms the seismic activity of glacial rivers, the relation between hydrological flow and noise spectrum the localization and characterization of sub-glacial flow from surface recordings. Seismic stations were composed of 3C broadband Trillium compact seismometer, a Cube datalogger and a 12V (D-cell types, stacked) battery pack.The experiment splits into three surveys performed at three different sites, one after the other, from july to august 2016. In the first experiment, we deploy 11 stations, 9 of them on a flat sandy area covering, partly, immobile ice that seems to be blocked between the Bailey Glacier (upstream) and the Apusinikajik glacier (downstream). The 9 sensors are placed a few hundreds of meters from the Apusinikajik lateral front, the last 2 are placed on the glacier next to the collapsing front. In the second and third experiment (chronologically speaking), we deploy 10 and 8 stations, respectively. Each deployment is performed along a Bailey valley transect. The first one intercepts the front-end of the glacier and the sub-glacial river exit (flow of several m3/s). The second transect is performed some 850m upstream. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 3H, and are embargoed until summer of 2019.
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