The innova_climate
climate platform creates a climate device which can be used
to control a Innova fancoil via modbus communication.
This component supports the following functionality:
- Set the operating mode: off, heat, cool
- Set the desired fan speed: auto, high (maximum), medium (silent), low (night)
- Set the desired target temperature
Optional you can set sensors:
- Current temperature
- Target temperature
- Water temperature
- Fan speed sensor
binary sensors:
- Output boiler relay status
- Output chiller relay status
and a switch:
- Keyboard lock switch for lock the on-board keyboard (same function when you push + and - key on the device)
Tested with Innova INN-FR-B32 board, can work with same board installed on other brand fancoil, for more details read the PDF file.
You need an RS485 transceiver module:
a DC-DC step down regulator like this with the output voltage regulated at 5V from 12V input:
Connect all as this schematic, don't forget to apply jumper at RTU pin on the Innova board:
To use this component in your ESPHome configuration, follow the example below. NOTE: verify the modbus address of fancoil board, default is 1, refer to the attached manual for advanced settings.
- source:
type: git
ref: main
components: [ innova_climate ]
baud_rate: 0 #disable serial logger when use serial hardware pins
tx_pin: GPIO01
rx_pin: GPIO03
baud_rate: 9600
stop_bits: 1
- platform: innova_climate
name: Innova #Required field, set your desired name for the climate
address: 1 #Set modbus address of Innova board default 1
update_interval: 60s #The interval that the sensors should be checked. Defaults to 60 seconds.
#optional Air temperature sensor
name: ${name} air temp
#optional Water temperature sensor
name: ${name} water temp
#optional Fan Speed sensor
name: ${name} fan speed
#optional Temperature setpoint sensor
name: ${name} setpoint
#optional binary sensor for output status of boiler relay
name: ${name} boiler relay
#optional binary sensor for output status of chiller relay
name: ${name} chiller relay
#optional switch for lock the on-board device keyboard
name: ${name} key lock