From a4cd8a2c37d4ddf9cd79d74ba3c66e5295f5d624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Ed Quinn <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 11:15:37 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Dumps the ported typer tests and adds appropriate testing

 .../kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTest.kt   |  236 +
 .../org/partiql/planner/TyperTestBuilder.kt   |  196 +
 .../internal/typer/PlanTyperTestsPorted.kt    |  163 +-
 .../typer/PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted.kt        |  179 +
 .../planner/internal/typer/TyperTests.kt      |   38 +
 .../org/partiql/planner/test/IteratorChain.kt |   24 +
 .../planner/test/PartiQLTestProvider.kt       |    1 +
 .../kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/Test.kt   |   14 +
 .../org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilder.kt   |   36 +
 .../planner/test/TestBuilderFactory.kt        |   15 +
 .../partiql/planner/test/TestFileIterator.kt  |   35 +
 .../kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestId.kt |   39 +
 .../org/partiql/planner/test/TestProvider.kt  |   80 +
 .../planner/test/TestProviderBuilder.kt       |   21 +
 .../resources/tests/aggregations.ion          |  256 -
 .../plan-typer/plan-typer-tests-ported.ion    | 6717 +++++++++++++++++
 16 files changed, 7720 insertions(+), 330 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTest.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTestBuilder.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/TyperTests.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/IteratorChain.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/Test.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilder.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilderFactory.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestFileIterator.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestId.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProvider.kt
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProviderBuilder.kt
 delete mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/aggregations.ion
 create mode 100644 partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/plan-typer/plan-typer-tests-ported.ion

diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTest.kt b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6889638bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+package org.partiql.planner
+import org.partiql.parser.PartiQLParser
+import org.partiql.plan.Statement
+import org.partiql.plan.debug.PlanPrinter
+import org.partiql.planner.catalog.Catalog
+import org.partiql.planner.catalog.Name
+import org.partiql.planner.catalog.Session
+import org.partiql.planner.internal.TestCatalog
+import org.partiql.planner.test.Test
+import org.partiql.planner.util.ProblemCollector
+import org.partiql.plugins.local.toStaticType
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+ * This is a port of the original assertion logic from [org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyperTestsPorted].
+ *
+ * @see Success
+ * @see org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.SuccessTestCase
+ * @see Failure
+ * @see org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.ErrorTestCase
+ */
+abstract class TyperTest(
+    private val _name: String,
+    open var expectedType: PType?,
+    var statement: String,
+    var catalog: String,
+    var directory: List<String>,
+) : Test {
+    val parser = PartiQLParser.default()
+    val planner = PartiQLPlanner.builder().signal().build()
+    override fun getName(): String {
+        return _name
+    }
+    override fun toString(): String {
+        return getName()
+    }
+    val catalogs: List<Catalog> by lazy {
+        // Make a map from catalog name to tables.
+        val inputStream ="/resource_path.txt")!!
+        val map = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<Pair<Name, PType>>>()
+        inputStream.reader().readLines().forEach { path ->
+            if (path.startsWith("catalogs/default")) {
+                val schema ="/$path")!!
+                val ion = loadSingleElement(schema.reader().readText())
+                val staticType = ion.toStaticType()
+                val steps = path.substring(0, path.length - 4).split('/').drop(2) // drop the catalogs/default
+                val catalogName = steps.first()
+                // args
+                val name = Name.of(steps.drop(1))
+                val ptype = PType.fromStaticType(staticType)
+                if (map.containsKey(catalogName)) {
+                    map[catalogName]!!.add(name to ptype)
+                } else {
+                    map[catalogName] = mutableListOf(name to ptype)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Make a catalogs list
+ { (catalog, tables) ->
+            TestCatalog.builder()
+                .name(catalog)
+                .apply {
+                    for ((name, schema) in tables) {
+                        createTable(name, schema)
+                    }
+                }
+                .build()
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * This represents a successful test case.
+     *
+     * The serialization of a test case looks as follows:
+     * ```
+     * test::{
+     *   name:"Test #4",
+     *   type:"type",
+     *   body:{
+     *     statement:"b",
+     *     session:{
+     *       catalog:"b",
+     *       cwd:[
+     *         "b"
+     *       ]
+     *     },
+     *     status:SUCCESS,
+     *     expected:(
+     *     ROW
+     *       "b"
+     *       (
+     *       ROW
+     *         "b"
+     *         INTEGER
+     *       )
+     *       "c"
+     *       INTEGER
+     *     )
+     *   }
+     * }
+     * ```
+     * @see org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.SuccessTestCase
+     */
+    class Success(
+        name: String,
+        expectedType: PType,
+        statement: String,
+        catalog: String,
+        directory: List<String>,
+    ) : TyperTest(name, expectedType, statement, catalog, directory) {
+        override fun assert() {
+            val session = Session.builder()
+                .catalog(catalog)
+                .catalogs(*catalogs.toTypedArray())
+                .namespace(directory)
+                .build()
+            val collector = ProblemCollector()
+            val ast = parser.parse(statement).root
+            val plan = planner.plan(ast, session, collector).plan
+            when (val statement = plan.statement) {
+                is Statement.Query -> {
+                    assert(collector.problems.isEmpty()) {
+                        buildString {
+                            appendLine(collector.problems.toString())
+                            appendLine()
+                            PlanPrinter.append(this, plan)
+                        }
+                    }
+                    val actual = statement.root.type
+                    assert(expectedType == actual) {
+                        buildString {
+                            appendLine()
+                            appendLine("Name: ${getName()}")
+                            appendLine("Expect: $expectedType")
+                            appendLine("Actual: $actual")
+                            appendLine("Statement: $statement")
+                            appendLine()
+                            PlanPrinter.append(this, plan)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * This represents an error test case.
+     *
+     * The serialization of an error test case looks as follows:
+     * ```
+     * test::{
+     *   name:"Pets should not be accessible #1",
+     *   type:"type",
+     *   body:{
+     *     statement:"SELECT * FROM pets",
+     *     session:{
+     *       catalog:"pql",
+     *       cwd:[
+     *       ]
+     *     },
+     *     status:FAILURE,
+     *     assertProblemExists:(
+     *     ERROR
+     *       '''Variable pets does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+     *     )
+     *   }
+     * }
+     * ```
+     * The `assertProblemExists` is optional.
+     *
+     * @see org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.ErrorTestCase
+     */
+    class Failure(
+        name: String,
+        expectedType: PType?,
+        private val assertion: TyperTestBuilder.ProblemAssertion?,
+        statement: String,
+        catalog: String,
+        directory: List<String>,
+    ) : TyperTest(name, expectedType, statement, catalog, directory) {
+        override fun assert() {
+            val session = Session.builder()
+                .catalog(catalog)
+                .catalogs(*catalogs.toTypedArray())
+                .namespace(directory)
+                .build()
+            val collector = ProblemCollector()
+            val ast = parser.parse(statement).root
+            val plan = planner.plan(ast, session, collector).plan
+            when (val statement = plan.statement) {
+                is Statement.Query -> {
+                    assert(collector.problems.isNotEmpty()) {
+                        buildString {
+                            appendLine("Expected to find problems, but none were found.")
+                            appendLine()
+                            PlanPrinter.append(this, plan)
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (expectedType != null) {
+                        assert(expectedType == statement.root.type) {
+                            buildString {
+                                appendLine()
+                                appendLine("Name: ${getName()}")
+                                appendLine("Expect: $expectedType")
+                                appendLine("Actual: ${statement.root.type}")
+                                appendLine("Statement: $statement")
+                                appendLine()
+                                PlanPrinter.append(this, plan)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    assert(collector.problems.isNotEmpty()) {
+                        "Expected to find problems, but none were found."
+                    }
+                    if (assertion != null) {
+                        val problemFound = collector.problems.any {
+                   == assertion.severity && it.details.message == assertion.message
+                        }
+                        assert(problemFound) {
+                            "Could not find problem: ${assertion.severity}: ${assertion.message}."
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTestBuilder.kt b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTestBuilder.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5261e3eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/TyperTestBuilder.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+package org.partiql.planner
+import org.partiql.planner.test.PartiQLTest
+import org.partiql.planner.test.PartiQLTestProvider
+import org.partiql.planner.test.Test
+import org.partiql.planner.test.TestBuilder
+import org.partiql.planner.test.TestId
+import org.partiql.types.Field
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+ * This parses an Ion test configuration where the test type is set to "type". Based on the test body's [FIELD_STATUS],
+ * this will either return a [TyperTest.Success] or [TyperTest.Failure].
+ * @see TyperTest
+ * @see TyperTest.Success
+ * @see TyperTest.Failure
+ */
+class TyperTestBuilder : TestBuilder {
+    private var name: TestId? = null
+    private var expectedType: PType? = null
+    private var isSuccess: Boolean = true
+    private var statement: String? = null
+    private var sessionCatalog: String? = null
+    private var sessionDirectory: List<String>? = null
+    private var inputProvider: PartiQLTestProvider? = null
+    private var assertion: ProblemAssertion? = null
+    companion object {
+        const val STATUS_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"
+        const val STATUS_FAILURE = "FAILURE"
+        const val FIELD_EXPECTED = "expected"
+        const val FIELD_STATUS = "status"
+        const val FIELD_STATEMENT = "statement"
+        const val FIELD_SESSION = "session"
+        const val FIELD_CATALOG = "catalog"
+        const val FIELD_CWD = "cwd"
+        const val FIELD_ASSERT_PROBLEM_EXISTS = "assertProblemExists"
+    }
+    override fun id(id: TestId): TestBuilder = this.apply {
+ = id
+    }
+    override fun config(body: StructElement, statementProvider: PartiQLTestProvider): TestBuilder = this.apply {
+        this.inputProvider = statementProvider
+        val session = body[FIELD_SESSION].asStruct()
+        this.sessionCatalog = session[FIELD_CATALOG].asString().textValue
+        this.sessionDirectory = session[FIELD_CWD].asList() { it.asString().textValue }
+        this.statement = getStatement(body[FIELD_STATEMENT])
+        val status = body[FIELD_STATUS].asSymbol().textValue
+        when (status) {
+            STATUS_SUCCESS -> {
+                this.isSuccess = true
+                this.expectedType = TypeParser.parse(body[FIELD_EXPECTED])
+            }
+            STATUS_FAILURE -> {
+                this.isSuccess = false
+                if (body.containsField(FIELD_EXPECTED)) {
+                    this.expectedType = TypeParser.parse(body[FIELD_EXPECTED])
+                }
+                if (body.containsField(FIELD_ASSERT_PROBLEM_EXISTS)) {
+                    val sexp = body[FIELD_ASSERT_PROBLEM_EXISTS].asSexp()
+                    val severity = sexp.values[0].textValue
+                    val message = sexp.values[1].textValue
+                    this.assertion = ProblemAssertion(severity, message)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override fun build(): Test {
+        return when (this.isSuccess) {
+            true -> TyperTest.Success(, this.expectedType!!, this.statement!!, this.sessionCatalog!!, this.sessionDirectory!!)
+            false -> TyperTest.Failure(, this.expectedType, this.assertion, this.statement!!, this.sessionCatalog!!, this.sessionDirectory!!)
+        }
+    }
+    private fun getStatement(element: AnyElement): String {
+        return when (element.type) {
+            ElementType.STRING, ElementType.SYMBOL -> element.textValue
+            ElementType.SEXP -> {
+                val sexp = element.asSexp()
+                val values = sexp.values
+                assert(values[0].textValue == "@")
+                val remaining = values.subList(1, values.size)
+                assert(remaining.size == 3)
+                assert(remaining[0].textValue == "\$inputs")
+                val group = remaining[1].textValue
+                val name = remaining[2].textValue
+                return inputProvider?.get(PartiQLTest.Key(group, name))?.statement ?: error("Input Provider: $inputProvider")
+            }
+            else -> "Unsupported element type for statement: ${element.type}"
+        }
+    }
+    private object TypeParser {
+        fun parse(element: AnyElement): PType {
+            return when (element.type) {
+                ElementType.STRING, ElementType.SYMBOL -> parseTypeSimple(element.textValue.trim())
+                ElementType.SEXP -> parseTypeComplex(element.asSexp())
+                else -> error("Cannot parse type from ${element.type}.")
+            }
+        }
+        val SIMPLE_TYPE_MAP = mapOf(
+            PType.Kind.DECIMAL to PType.decimal(),
+            PType.Kind.STRING to PType.string(),
+            PType.Kind.BOOL to PType.bool(),
+            PType.Kind.TINYINT to PType.tinyint(),
+            PType.Kind.SMALLINT to PType.smallint(),
+            PType.Kind.INTEGER to PType.integer(),
+            PType.Kind.BIGINT to PType.bigint(),
+            PType.Kind.NUMERIC to PType.numeric(),
+            PType.Kind.DECIMAL_ARBITRARY to PType.decimal(),
+            PType.Kind.STRING to PType.string(),
+            PType.Kind.STRUCT to PType.struct(),
+            PType.Kind.ARRAY to PType.array(),
+            PType.Kind.BAG to PType.bag(),
+            PType.Kind.BOOL to PType.bool(),
+            PType.Kind.DYNAMIC to PType.dynamic(),
+            PType.Kind.DOUBLE to PType.doublePrecision(),
+            PType.Kind.DATE to
+        )
+        val COMPLEX_TYPE_MAP = mapOf(
+            PType.Kind.DECIMAL to TypeParser::typeDecimal,
+            PType.Kind.CHAR to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::character) },
+            PType.Kind.VARCHAR to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::varchar) },
+            PType.Kind.CLOB to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::clob) },
+            PType.Kind.BLOB to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::blob) },
+            PType.Kind.TIME to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::time) },
+            PType.Kind.TIMEZ to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::timez) },
+            PType.Kind.TIMESTAMP to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::timestamp) },
+            PType.Kind.TIMESTAMPZ to { params -> typeWithParamInt(params, PType::timestampz) },
+            PType.Kind.BAG to { params -> typeWithParamType(params, PType::bag) },
+            PType.Kind.ARRAY to { params -> typeWithParamType(params, PType::array) },
+            PType.Kind.SEXP to { params -> typeWithParamType(params, PType::sexp) },
+            PType.Kind.ROW to TypeParser::typeRow,
+        )
+        private fun parseTypeComplex(element: SexpElement): PType {
+            val values = element.values
+            val kind = PType.Kind.valueOf(values.first().textValue.trim())
+            val params = values.drop(1)
+            return COMPLEX_TYPE_MAP[kind]?.invoke(params) ?: error("Unsupported type: $kind")
+        }
+        private fun typeDecimal(params: List<AnyElement>): PType {
+            assert(params.size == 2)
+            val precision = params[0].asInt().longValue.toInt()
+            val scale = params[1].asInt().longValue.toInt()
+            return PType.decimal(precision, scale)
+        }
+        private fun typeWithParamInt(params: List<AnyElement>, typeInit: (Int) -> PType): PType {
+            assert(params.size == 1)
+            val length = params[0].asInt().longValue.toInt()
+            return typeInit(length)
+        }
+        private fun typeWithParamType(params: List<AnyElement>, typeInit: (PType) -> PType): PType {
+            assert(params.size == 1)
+            val typeParam = parse(params[0])
+            return typeInit(typeParam)
+        }
+        private fun typeRow(params: List<AnyElement>): PType {
+            assert(params.size % 2 == 0)
+            val fields = mutableListOf<Field>()
+            for (i in params.indices.filter { it % 2 == 0 }) {
+                val name = params[i].textValue
+                val type = parse(params[i + 1])
+                fields.add(Field.of(name, type))
+            }
+            return PType.row(fields)
+        }
+        private fun parseTypeSimple(name: String): PType {
+            val kind = PType.Kind.valueOf(name)
+            return SIMPLE_TYPE_MAP[kind] ?: error("Unsupported type: $name")
+        }
+    }
+    class ProblemAssertion(
+        val severity: String,
+        val message: String
+    )
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PlanTyperTestsPorted.kt b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
index 500b77bc38..22a4e03827 100644
--- a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
@@ -53,15 +53,27 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
 import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
 import kotlin.test.assertTrue
+ * NOTE: These have been serialized as Ion.
+ * TODO: Delete this file once errors have a better serialization.
+ * @see PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted
+ * @see TyperTests
+ */
 internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
     sealed class TestCase {
+        abstract val name: String?
+        abstract val key: PartiQLTest.Key?
+        abstract val query: String?
+        abstract val catalog: String
+        abstract val catalogPath: List<String>
         class SuccessTestCase(
-            val name: String? = null,
-            val key: PartiQLTest.Key? = null,
-            val query: String? = null,
-            val catalog: String = "pql",
-            val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
+            override val name: String? = null,
+            override val key: PartiQLTest.Key? = null,
+            override val query: String? = null,
+            override val catalog: String = "pql",
+            override val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
             val expected: CompilerType,
             val warnings: ProblemHandler? = null,
         ) : TestCase() {
@@ -84,14 +96,14 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
         class ErrorTestCase(
-            val name: String,
-            val key: PartiQLTest.Key?,
-            val query: String?,
-            val catalog: String = "pql",
-            val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
+            override val name: String,
+            override val key: PartiQLTest.Key?,
+            override val query: String?,
+            override val catalog: String = "pql",
+            override val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
             val note: String?,
             val expected: CompilerType?,
-            val problemHandler: ProblemHandler?,
+            val problemHandler: AssertProblemExists?,
         ) : TestCase() {
@@ -102,20 +114,21 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
                 note: String? = null,
                 expected: StaticType? = null,
-                problemHandler: ProblemHandler? = null,
+                problemHandler: AssertProblemExists? = null,
             ) : this(name, key, query, catalog, catalogPath, note, expected?.let { PType.fromStaticType(it).toCType() }, problemHandler)
             override fun toString(): String = "$name : ${query ?: key}"
         class ThrowingExceptionTestCase(
-            val name: String,
-            val query: String,
-            val catalog: String = "pql",
-            val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
+            override val name: String,
+            override val query: String,
+            override val catalog: String = "pql",
+            override val catalogPath: List<String> = emptyList(),
             val note: String? = null,
             val expectedThrowable: KClass<out Throwable>,
         ) : TestCase() {
+            override val key: PartiQLTest.Key? = null
             override fun toString(): String {
                 return "$name : $query"
@@ -127,19 +140,21 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
         private val parser = PartiQLParser.default()
         private val planner = PartiQLPlanner.builder().signal().build()
-        private fun assertProblemExists(problem: Problem) = ProblemHandler { problems, ignoreSourceLocation ->
-            val message = buildString {
-                appendLine("Expected problems to include: $problem")
-                appendLine("Received: [")
-                problems.forEach {
-                    append("\t")
-                    appendLine(it)
+        class AssertProblemExists(val problem: Problem) : ProblemHandler {
+            override fun handle(problems: List<Problem>, ignoreSourceLocation: Boolean) {
+                val message = buildString {
+                    appendLine("Expected problems to include: $problem")
+                    appendLine("Received: [")
+                    problems.forEach {
+                        append("\t")
+                        appendLine(it)
+                    }
+                    appendLine("]")
+                }
+                when (ignoreSourceLocation) {
+                    true -> assertTrue(message) { problems.any { it.details == problem.details } }
+                    false -> assertTrue(message) { problems.any { it == problem } }
-                appendLine("]")
-            }
-            when (ignoreSourceLocation) {
-                true -> assertTrue(message) { problems.any { it.details == problem.details } }
-                false -> assertTrue(message) { problems.any { it == problem } }
@@ -754,7 +769,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         CURRENT_DATE AS "curr_date",
                         CURRENT_USER || ' is my name.' AS name_desc
                     FROM << 0, 1 >>;
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = listOf(
@@ -777,7 +792,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = "Current User (String) PLUS String",
                 query = "CURRENT_USER + 'hello'",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -850,7 +865,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = "BITWISE_AND_MISSING_OPERAND",
                 query = "1 & MISSING",
                 expected = INT4,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.expressionAlwaysReturnsMissing("Static function always receives MISSING arguments.")
@@ -858,7 +873,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = "BITWISE_AND_NON_INT_OPERAND",
                 query = "1 & 'NOT AN INT'",
                 expected = StaticType.ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.INT4, StaticType.STRING),
@@ -1014,7 +1029,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("a"), setOf("t1", "t2"))
@@ -1025,7 +1040,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
                     LEFT OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
                     ON lhs[2] = rhs
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(INT4)
@@ -1035,7 +1050,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
                     INNER JOIN lhs AS rhs
                     ON lhs[2] = rhs
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(INT4)
@@ -1045,8 +1060,8 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
                     RIGHT OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
                     ON lhs[2] = rhs
-                """.trimIndent(),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                """,
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("lhs"), setOf())
@@ -1057,8 +1072,8 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
                     FULL OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
                     ON lhs[2] = rhs
-                """.trimIndent(),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                """,
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("lhs"), setOf())
@@ -2127,7 +2142,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -2214,7 +2229,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = listOf("ddb"),
                 query = "SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY unknown_col",
                 expected = TABLE_AWS_DDB_PETS_LIST,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("unknown_col"), setOf("pets"))
@@ -3139,7 +3154,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     SELECT VALUE 1 FROM "pql"."main"['employer'] AS e;
                 expected = BagType(StaticType.INT4),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         id(sensitive("pql"), sensitive("main"))
@@ -3151,7 +3166,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     SELECT VALUE 1 FROM "pql"['main']."employer" AS e;
                 expected = BagType(StaticType.INT4),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -3169,7 +3184,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                     { 'aBc': 1, 'AbC': 2.0 }['Ab' || 'C'];
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.expressionAlwaysReturnsMissing("Collections must be indexed with integers, found STRING")
@@ -3362,7 +3377,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                                 FROM T3 AS T3_mapping
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = mapOf(
@@ -3390,7 +3405,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         { 'a': CAST(1 AS INT8) },
                         { 'a': CAST(1 AS INT4) }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = mapOf(
@@ -3414,7 +3429,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         { 'a': CAST(1 AS INT4) },
                         { }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = mapOf(
@@ -3438,7 +3453,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         { 'a': CAST(1 AS INT4) },
                         { 'a': 'hello world!' }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = mapOf(
@@ -3462,7 +3477,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         { 'a': CAST(1 AS INT4), 'b': TRUE },
                         { 'a': 'hello world!!', 'b': DATE '2023-01-01' }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(
                         fields = mapOf(
@@ -3481,15 +3496,15 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = """
                     unary plus on non-compatible type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
                     will ever be invoked.
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 query = """
                     SELECT VALUE +t.a
                     FROM <<
                         { 'a': 'hello world!'  }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(ANY),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -3499,29 +3514,29 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = """
                     unary plus on dynamic types
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 query = """
                     SELECT VALUE +t.a
                     FROM <<
                         { 'a': 'hello world!'  },
                         { 'a': <<>> }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(ANY),
                 name = """
                     unary plus on missing type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
                     will ever be invoked.
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 query = """
                     SELECT VALUE +t.a
                     FROM <<
                         { 'NOT_A': 1 }
                     >> AS t
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = BagType(ANY),
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         Identifier.Symbol("a", Identifier.CaseSensitivity.INSENSITIVE),
@@ -3532,12 +3547,12 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = """
                     unary plus on missing type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
                     will ever be invoked.
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 query = """
-                """.trimIndent(),
+                """,
                 expected = StaticType.DECIMAL, // This is due to it being the highest precedence type
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.expressionAlwaysReturnsMissing("Static function always receives MISSING arguments.")
@@ -3677,7 +3692,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                         { 'a': 3, 'b': 4 },
                         { 'a': 5, 'b': NULL }
                     >> GROUP BY a
-            """.trimIndent(),
+            """,
             expected = BagType(
                     fields = mapOf(
@@ -4010,7 +4025,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -4040,7 +4055,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -4104,7 +4119,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(id(insensitive("ddb"), insensitive("pets")))
@@ -4260,7 +4275,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = DB_SCHEMA_MARKETS,
                 query = "order_info.customer_id IN 'hello'",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.INT4, StaticType.STRING),
                         "" +
@@ -4281,7 +4296,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = DB_SCHEMA_MARKETS,
                 query = "order_info.customer_id BETWEEN 1 AND 'a'",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
@@ -4305,7 +4320,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = DB_SCHEMA_MARKETS,
                 query = "order_info.ship_option LIKE 3",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.STRING, StaticType.INT4),
@@ -4365,7 +4380,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 // Function resolves to EQ__ANY_ANY__BOOL
                 // Which can return BOOL Or NULL
                 expected = StaticType.BOOL,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("non_existing_column"), emptySet())
@@ -4375,7 +4390,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = DB_SCHEMA_MARKETS,
                 query = "order_info.customer_id = 1 AND 1",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.BOOL, StaticType.INT4),
@@ -4388,7 +4403,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = DB_SCHEMA_MARKETS,
                 query = "1 AND order_info.customer_id = 1",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.INT4, StaticType.BOOL),
@@ -4413,7 +4428,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.undefinedVariable(insensitive("unknown_col"), setOf("orders"))
@@ -4430,7 +4445,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = listOf("ddb"),
                 query = "SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT '5'",
                 expected = TABLE_AWS_DDB_PETS,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         StaticType.STRING, setOf(StaticType.INT)
@@ -4449,7 +4464,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 catalogPath = listOf("ddb"),
                 query = "SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 1 OFFSET '5'",
                 expected = TABLE_AWS_DDB_PETS,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                     ProblemGenerator.unexpectedType(StaticType.STRING, setOf(StaticType.INT))
@@ -4597,7 +4612,7 @@ internal class PlanTyperTestsPorted {
                 name = "TRIM_2_error",
                 query = "trim(2 FROM ' Hello, World! ')",
                 expected = ANY,
-                problemHandler = assertProblemExists(
+                problemHandler = AssertProblemExists(
                         listOf(StaticType.STRING, StaticType.INT4),
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted.kt b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46d1b12787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.internal.typer
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+import org.partiql.planner.TyperTestBuilder
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+import kotlin.streams.toList
+ * This serializes the [PlanTyperTestsPorted].
+ * TODO: Remove this once we have a better way to serialize errors.
+ *
+ * @see TyperTests
+ */
+class PrintPlanTyperTestsPorted {
+    /**
+     * This "test" serializes the [PlanTyperTestsPorted] as Ion. It is copied and pasted into the resource folder.
+     */
+    @Test
+    @Disabled
+    fun print() {
+        val other = PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestProvider().provideArguments(null).map { it.get()[0] as PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase }.toList()
+        val testCases =
+            other + PlanTyperTestsPorted.collections() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.decimalCastCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.selectStar() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.sessionVariables() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.bitwiseAnd() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.unpivotCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.joinCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.excludeCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.orderByCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.tupleUnionCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.aggregationCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.scalarFunctions() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.distinctClauseCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.pathExpressions() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.caseWhens() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.nullIf() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.coalesce() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.subqueryCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.dynamicCalls() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.scanCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.pivotCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.isTypeCases() + PlanTyperTestsPorted.castCases()
+        testCases.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
+            it.print(index)
+        }
+    }
+    private fun PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.print(index: Int) {
+        val writer = IonTextWriterBuilder.pretty().withLongStringThreshold(50).build(System.out as OutputStream)
+        when (this) {
+            is PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.SuccessTestCase -> writer.print(this, index) {
+                it.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_STATUS)
+                it.writeSymbol(TyperTestBuilder.STATUS_SUCCESS)
+                it.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_EXPECTED)
+                it.writeType(this.expected)
+            }
+            is PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.ErrorTestCase -> writer.print(this, index) {
+                it.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_STATUS)
+                it.writeSymbol(TyperTestBuilder.STATUS_FAILURE)
+                if (this.problemHandler != null) {
+                    it.writeProblemHandler(this.problemHandler)
+                }
+            }
+            is PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase.ThrowingExceptionTestCase -> error("Not implemented")
+        }
+    }
+    private fun IonWriter.print(tc: PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase, index: Int, expectedFields: (IonWriter) -> Unit) {
+        this.addTypeAnnotation("test")
+        this.stepIn(IonType.STRUCT)
+        // Write name
+        this.setFieldName("name")
+        this.writeString( ?: "no-name-found-$index")
+        // Write type
+        this.setFieldName("type")
+        this.writeString("type")
+        // Write payload
+        this.setFieldName("body")
+        this.stepIn(IonType.STRUCT)
+        // Write statement
+        this.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_STATEMENT)
+        writeStatement(this, tc)
+        // Session
+        this.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_SESSION)
+        writeSession(this, tc)
+        // Expectation
+        expectedFields.invoke(this)
+        this.stepOut()
+        this.stepOut()
+        this.flush()
+    }
+    private fun writeStatement(writer: IonWriter, tc: PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase) {
+        if (tc.query != null) {
+            writer.writeString(tc.query)
+        }
+        val key = tc.key
+        if (key != null) {
+            writer.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+            writer.writeSymbol("@")
+            writer.writeString("\$inputs")
+            writer.writeString(
+            writer.writeString(
+            writer.stepOut()
+        }
+    }
+    private fun writeSession(writer: IonWriter, tc: PlanTyperTestsPorted.TestCase) {
+        writer.stepIn(IonType.STRUCT)
+        writer.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_CATALOG)
+        writer.writeString(tc.catalog)
+        writer.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_CWD)
+        writer.stepIn(IonType.LIST)
+        tc.catalogPath.forEach { writer.writeString(it) }
+        writer.stepOut()
+        writer.stepOut()
+    }
+    private fun IonWriter.writeType(type: PType) {
+        when (val kind = type.kind) {
+            // No params
+            PType.Kind.DYNAMIC, PType.Kind.BOOL, PType.Kind.TINYINT, PType.Kind.SMALLINT, PType.Kind.INTEGER, PType.Kind.BIGINT, PType.Kind.REAL, PType.Kind.DOUBLE, PType.Kind.DATE, PType.Kind.STRUCT, PType.Kind.UNKNOWN, PType.Kind.STRING, PType.Kind.SYMBOL, PType.Kind.NUMERIC -> this.writeSymbol(
+            )
+            // Override name
+            PType.Kind.DECIMAL_ARBITRARY -> this.writeSymbol("DECIMAL")
+            // Precision and scale
+            PType.Kind.DECIMAL -> {
+                this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+                this.writeSymbol(
+                this.writeInt(type.precision.toLong())
+                this.writeInt(type.scale.toLong())
+                this.stepOut()
+            }
+            // Uses Length
+            PType.Kind.VARCHAR, PType.Kind.BLOB, PType.Kind.CLOB, PType.Kind.CHAR -> {
+                this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+                this.writeSymbol(
+                this.writeInt(type.length.toLong())
+                this.stepOut()
+            }
+            // Uses type param
+            PType.Kind.BAG, PType.Kind.SEXP, PType.Kind.ARRAY -> {
+                this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+                this.writeSymbol(
+                this.writeType(type.typeParameter)
+                this.stepOut()
+            }
+            // Precision
+            PType.Kind.TIME, PType.Kind.TIMEZ, PType.Kind.TIMESTAMP, PType.Kind.TIMESTAMPZ -> {
+                this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+                this.writeSymbol(
+                this.writeInt(type.precision.toLong())
+                this.stepOut()
+            }
+            // Row
+            PType.Kind.ROW -> {
+                this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+                this.writeSymbol(
+                type.fields.forEach { field ->
+                    this.writeString(
+                    this.writeType(field.type)
+                }
+                this.stepOut()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // TODO: We need to make error reporting more flexible. Potentially create error codes to assert on with
+    //  attributes attached.
+    private fun IonWriter.writeProblemHandler(handler: PlanTyperTestsPorted.Companion.AssertProblemExists) {
+        this.setFieldName(TyperTestBuilder.FIELD_ASSERT_PROBLEM_EXISTS)
+        this.stepIn(IonType.SEXP)
+        this.writeSymbol(
+        this.writeString(handler.problem.details.message)
+        this.stepOut()
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/TyperTests.kt b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/TyperTests.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed624cc109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/typer/TyperTests.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.internal.typer
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ArgumentsProvider
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ArgumentsSource
+import org.partiql.planner.TyperTestBuilder
+import org.partiql.planner.test.Test
+import org.partiql.planner.test.TestBuilder
+import org.partiql.planner.test.TestBuilderFactory
+import org.partiql.planner.test.TestProviderBuilder
+class TyperTests {
+    @ParameterizedTest
+    @ArgumentsSource(TestProvider::class)
+    fun test(test: Test) {
+        test.assert()
+    }
+    class TestProvider : ArgumentsProvider {
+        private val provider = TestProviderBuilder().factory(Factory).build()
+        override fun provideArguments(context: ExtensionContext?): Stream<out Arguments> {
+            return { Arguments.of(it) }.stream()
+        }
+    }
+    private object Factory : TestBuilderFactory {
+        override fun get(type: String): TestBuilder? {
+            return when (type.trim().lowercase()) {
+                "type" -> TyperTestBuilder()
+                else -> null
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/IteratorChain.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/IteratorChain.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2397bd719f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/IteratorChain.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+internal class IteratorChain<T>(
+    iterators: Iterable<Iterator<T>>
+) : Iterator<T> {
+    private var _iter: Iterator<Iterator<T>> = iterators.iterator()
+    private var _currentIter: Iterator<T> = emptyList<T>().iterator()
+    override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
+        if (!_currentIter.hasNext()) {
+            if (!_iter.hasNext()) {
+                return false
+            }
+            _currentIter =
+            return hasNext()
+        }
+        return true
+    }
+    override fun next(): T {
+        return
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/PartiQLTestProvider.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/PartiQLTestProvider.kt
index 086571fe3d..3a968b34ef 100644
--- a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/PartiQLTestProvider.kt
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/PartiQLTestProvider.kt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import
  * The PartiQLTestProvider is a simple utility for indexing SQL statements within files for re-use across library tests.
 class PartiQLTestProvider {
+    // TODO: Rename this to StatementProvider to better reflect its purpose
      * Backing map for test input lookup.
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/Test.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/Test.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73db409bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/Test.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+interface Test {
+    /**
+     * @return the name of the test.
+     */
+    fun getName(): String
+    /**
+     * Should throw an exception if a failure occurs.
+     */
+    fun assert()
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilder.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilder.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19599fd148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilder.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+ * A [TestBuilder] is used to construct a [Test] object.
+ * @see Test
+ * @see TestId
+ * @see StructElement
+ * @see PartiQLTestProvider
+ */
+interface TestBuilder {
+    /**
+     * Sets the unique identifier for a [Test].
+     *
+     * @see TestId
+     */
+    fun id(id: TestId): TestBuilder
+    /**
+     * Configures the [Test] with a [StructElement] and a [PartiQLTestProvider].
+     *
+     * @see StructElement
+     * @see PartiQLTestProvider
+     * @see Test
+     */
+    fun config(body: StructElement, statementProvider: PartiQLTestProvider): TestBuilder
+    /**
+     * Builds and returns a [Test] object.
+     *
+     * @see Test
+     */
+    fun build(): Test
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilderFactory.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilderFactory.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..912c1cecca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestBuilderFactory.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+ * A factory for creating [TestBuilder] instances based on the type of test.
+ */
+interface TestBuilderFactory {
+    /**
+     * Creates a [TestBuilder] instance based on the given type.
+     *
+     * @param type The type of test to create a [TestBuilder] for.
+     * @return The [TestBuilder] instance or `null` if the type is not supported.
+     */
+    infix operator fun get(type: String): TestBuilder?
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestFileIterator.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestFileIterator.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa89732bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestFileIterator.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+ * Iterates over the tests defined in a file.
+ */
+internal class TestFileIterator(
+    private val path: List<String>,
+    stream: InputStream,
+    private val factory: TestBuilderFactory,
+    private val inputProvider: PartiQLTestProvider
+) : Iterator<Test> {
+    private val reader = IonReaderBuilder.standard().build(stream)
+    private val loader = createIonElementLoader()
+    private var _type =
+    override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
+        return _type != null
+    }
+    override fun next(): Test {
+        val element = loader.loadCurrentElement(reader)
+        _type =
+        val struct = element.asStruct()
+        val name = struct["name"].asString().textValue
+        val type = struct["type"].asString().textValue
+        val payload = struct["body"].asStruct()
+        val testId = TestId.of(path + listOf(name))
+        return factory[type]?.id(testId)?.config(payload, inputProvider)?.build() ?: error("Could not find test builder for: $type")
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestId.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestId.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2419cd40b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestId.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+ * Represents a unique identifier for a test case.
+ *
+ * This is used to uniquely identify a test case within a test suite.
+ */
+class TestId private constructor(
+    private val _qualifier: Array<String>,
+    private val _name: String
+) {
+    private fun getQualifier(): Array<String> {
+        return _qualifier
+    }
+    private fun getName(): String {
+        return _name
+    }
+    override fun toString(): String {
+        return (getQualifier() + arrayOf(getName())).joinToString(".")
+    }
+    companion object {
+        @JvmStatic
+        fun of(vararg parts: String): TestId = of(parts.toList())
+        @JvmStatic
+        fun of(parts: Collection<String>): TestId {
+            if (parts.isEmpty()) {
+                error("Cannot create an identifier with no parts")
+            }
+            val qualifier = parts.take(parts.size - 1).toTypedArray()
+            val identifier = parts.last()
+            return TestId(qualifier, identifier)
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProvider.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProvider.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c6030cabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProvider.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
+ *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * A copy of the License is located at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
+ *  language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+import java.nio.file.Path
+ * Provides a set of tests to be run by the test runner.
+ *
+ * The tests are loaded from a directory or a resource path.
+ *
+ * @param factory The test builder factory to use.
+ * @param root The root directory to load tests from. If null, the tests will be loaded from resources.
+ * @see TestBuilderFactory
+ * @see Test
+ * @see PartiQLTestProvider
+ */
+class TestProvider(
+    private val factory: TestBuilderFactory,
+    private val root: Path?
+) : Iterable<Test> {
+    private val inputProvider: PartiQLTestProvider = PartiQLTestProvider()
+    init {
+        inputProvider.load()
+    }
+    /**
+     * Load test groups from a directory.
+     */
+    override fun iterator(): Iterator<Test> {
+        val testIterators: MutableList<Iterator<Test>> = mutableListOf()
+        if (root != null) {
+            val dir = root.toFile()
+            val tests = load(dir, emptyList())
+            testIterators.add(tests)
+        } else {
+            // user default resources
+            val inputStream ="/resource_path.txt")!!
+            inputStream.reader().forEachLine { path ->
+                val pathSteps = path.split("/")
+                val outMostDir = pathSteps.first()
+                // Open tests directory
+                if (outMostDir == "tests") {
+                    val resource ="/$path")!!
+                    val dirs = pathSteps.drop(1).dropLast(1)
+                    val tests = TestFileIterator(dirs, resource, factory, inputProvider)
+                    testIterators.add(tests)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return IteratorChain(testIterators)
+    }
+    // load all tests in a directory
+    private fun load(file: File, parent: List<String>): Iterator<Test> {
+        if (file.isDirectory) {
+            val iterators = file.listFiles()!!.map {
+                load(it, parent + listOf(it.nameWithoutExtension))
+            }
+            return IteratorChain(iterators)
+        } else {
+            return TestFileIterator(parent, file.inputStream(), factory, inputProvider)
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProviderBuilder.kt b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProviderBuilder.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8ddfb1ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/test/TestProviderBuilder.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package org.partiql.planner.test
+import java.nio.file.Path
+class TestProviderBuilder {
+    private var root: Path? = null
+    private var factory: TestBuilderFactory? = null
+    fun root(path: Path): TestProviderBuilder = this.apply {
+        this.root = path
+    }
+    fun factory(factory: TestBuilderFactory): TestProviderBuilder = this.apply {
+        this.factory = factory
+    }
+    fun build(): TestProvider {
+        return TestProvider(factory!!, root)
+    }
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/aggregations.ion b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/aggregations.ion
deleted file mode 100644
index 515b6f2e6b..0000000000
--- a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/aggregations.ion
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-  name: "aggregations",
-  session: {
-    catalog: "default",
-    path: [
-      "pql"
-    ],
-    vars: {},
-  },
-  tests: {
-    'avg(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT AVG(n) as "avg" FROM numbers.nullable_int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "avg",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'count(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT COUNT(n) as "count" FROM numbers.nullable_int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "count",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'min(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT MIN(n) as "min" FROM numbers.nullable_int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "min",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'max(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT MAX(n) as "max" FROM numbers.nullable_int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "max",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'sum(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT SUM(n) as "sum" FROM numbers.nullable_int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "sum",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'avg(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT AVG(n) as "avg" FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "avg",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'count(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT COUNT(n) as "count" FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "count",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'min(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT MIN(n) as "min" FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "min",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'max(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT MAX(n) as "max" FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "max",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'sum(int32)': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT SUM(n) as "sum" FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "sum",
-              type: "int32",
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'group_by_key': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT COUNT(*) as "count", isOdd FROM numbers.int32s AS n
-        GROUP BY n % 2 = 0 AS isOdd
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "count",
-              type: "int32"
-            },
-            {
-              name: "isOdd",
-              type: "bool"
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'group_by_keys_noalias': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT AVG(x), y, z FROM points
-        GROUP BY y, z
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "_1",
-              type: "float32",
-            },
-            {
-              name: "y",
-              type: "float32"
-            },
-            {
-              name: "z",
-              type: "float32"
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    'group_by_keys_alias': {
-      statement: '''
-        SELECT AVG(x), a, b FROM points
-        GROUP BY y as a, z as b
-      ''',
-      schema: {
-        type: "bag",
-        items: {
-          type: "struct",
-          fields: [
-            {
-              name: "_1",
-              type: "float32",
-            },
-            {
-              name: "a",
-              type: "float32"
-            },
-            {
-              name: "b",
-              type: "float32"
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
diff --git a/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/plan-typer/plan-typer-tests-ported.ion b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/plan-typer/plan-typer-tests-ported.ion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5941b3b77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-planner/src/testFixtures/resources/tests/plan-typer/plan-typer-tests-ported.ion
@@ -0,0 +1,6717 @@
+  name:"Pets should not be accessible #1",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable pets does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Pets should not be accessible #2",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable pets does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Project all explicitly",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Project all implicitly",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT id, breed FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #4",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+        "b"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "b"
+      (
+      ROW
+        "b"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+      "c"
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #5",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #6",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "b"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #7",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM ddb.pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable ddb.pets does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #10",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "b"
+      (
+      ROW
+        "b"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+      "c"
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #11",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+        "b"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "b"
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #12",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #13",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM ddb.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #14",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM aws.ddb.pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #15",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM aws.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #16",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "b"
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #17",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.c",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #18",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+        "b"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #19",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b.c",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #20",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "b"
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #21",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #22",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.c",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #23",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+        "b"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #24",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Test #25",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"b.b.b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"b",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"EQ",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"NEQ",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id <> 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"GEQ",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id >= 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"GT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id > 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"LEQ",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id <= 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"LT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id < 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"IN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id IN (1, 2, 3)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"IN Failure",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id IN 'hello'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''INTEGER, STRING is/are incompatible data types for the \'IN_COLLECTION\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"BETWEEN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id BETWEEN 1 AND 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"BETWEEN Failure",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id BETWEEN 1 AND 'a'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''INTEGER, INTEGER, STRING is/are incompatible data types for the \'BETWEEN\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LIKE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.ship_option LIKE '%ABC%'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"LIKE Failure",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.ship_option LIKE 3",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''STRING, INTEGER is/are incompatible data types for the \'LIKE\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Case Insensitive success",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.CUSTOMER_ID = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"Case Sensitive failure",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.\"CUSTOMER_ID\" = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE
+  }
+  name:"Case Sensitive success",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.\"customer_id\" = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"1-Level Junction",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''(order_info.customer_id = 1) AND (order_info.marketplace_id = 2)''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"2-Level Junction",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''(order_info.customer_id = 1) AND (order_info.marketplace_id = 2) OR (order_info.customer_id = 3) AND (order_info.marketplace_id = 4)''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"INT and STR Comparison",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id = 'something'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"Nonexisting Comparison",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"non_existing_column = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable non_existing_column does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Bad comparison",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"order_info.customer_id = 1 AND 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''BOOL, INTEGER is/are incompatible data types for the \'AND\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Bad comparison",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 AND order_info.customer_id = 1",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''INTEGER, BOOL is/are incompatible data types for the \'AND\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Unknown column",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT unknown_col FROM orders WHERE customer_id = 1''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"db",
+      cwd:[
+        "markets"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable unknown_col does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [orders].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LIMIT INT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 5",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LIMIT STR",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT '5'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      "Unexpected type STRING, expected one of NUMERIC"
+    )
+  }
+  name:"OFFSET INT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 1 OFFSET 5",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"OFFSET STR",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets LIMIT 1 OFFSET '5'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      "Unexpected type STRING, expected one of NUMERIC"
+    )
+  }
+  name:"CAST",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT CAST(breed AS INT) AS cast_breed FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "cast_breed"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"UPPER",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT UPPER(breed) AS upper_breed FROM pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "upper_breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Non-tuples",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT a FROM << [ 1, 1.0 ] >> AS a",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          DYNAMIC
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Non-tuples in SELECT VALUE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT VALUE a FROM << [ 1, 1.0 ] >> AS a",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ARRAY
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"SELECT VALUE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT VALUE [1, 1.0] FROM <<>>",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ARRAY
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Duplicate fields in struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT t.a AS a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': 1, \'a\': \'hello\' }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Duplicate fields in struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT a AS a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': 1, \'a\': \'hello\' }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Current User",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CURRENT_USER",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Trim",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"trim(' ')",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Current User Concat",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CURRENT_USER || 'hello'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Current User Concat in WHERE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT VALUE a FROM [ 0 ] AS a WHERE CURRENT_USER = \'hello\'''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"TRIM_2",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"trim(' ' FROM ' Hello, World! ')",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"TRIM_1",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"trim(' Hello, World! ')",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"TRIM_3",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"trim(LEADING ' ' FROM ' Hello, World! ')",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"TRIM_2_error",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"trim(2 FROM ' Hello, World! ')",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''STRING, INTEGER is/are incompatible data types for the \'TRIM_CHARS\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Collection BAG<INT4>",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Collection LIST<INT4>",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Collection LIST<INT4>",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Collection SEXP<INT4>",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    SEXP
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"SELECT from array",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"SELECT from array",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "collections-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "x"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(1))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1,0)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(1,0))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1,1)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(1,1))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      1
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(38))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38,0)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(38,0))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38,38)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(38,38))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      38
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(1))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1,0) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(1,0))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(1,1) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(1,1))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      1
+      1
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(38))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38,0) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(38,0))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      0
+    )
+  }
+  name:"cast decimal(38,38) string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST('1' AS DECIMAL(38,38))",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      38
+      38
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #8",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM ddb.pets",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Test #9",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM b.b",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "identifier"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Select star with join",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "sanity-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "name"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "first"
+          STRING
+          "last"
+          STRING
+        )
+        "ssn"
+        STRING
+        "employer"
+        STRING
+        "name"
+        STRING
+        "tax_id"
+        BIGINT
+        "address"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "street"
+          STRING
+          "zip"
+          INTEGER
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Select star",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "sanity-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "first"
+        STRING
+        "last"
+        STRING
+        "full_name"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Current User",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CURRENT_USER",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Current User Concat",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CURRENT_USER || 'hello'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Current User in WHERE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT VALUE a FROM [ 0 ] AS a WHERE CURRENT_USER = \'hello\'''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Current User in WHERE",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT VALUE a FROM [ 0 ] AS a WHERE CURRENT_USER = 5''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Testing CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_DATE Binders",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT
+                        CURRENT_USER,
+                        CURRENT_DATE,
+                        CURRENT_USER AS "curr_user",
+                        CURRENT_DATE AS "curr_date",
+                        CURRENT_USER || \' is my name.\' AS name_desc
+                    FROM << 0, 1 >>;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "CURRENT_USER"
+        STRING
+        "CURRENT_DATE"
+        DATE
+        "curr_user"
+        STRING
+        "curr_date"
+        DATE
+        "name_desc"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Current User (String) PLUS String",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CURRENT_USER + 'hello'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''STRING, STRING is/are incompatible data types for the \'PLUS\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_1",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_2",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT2) & CAST(2 AS INT2)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:SMALLINT
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_3",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_4",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT8) & CAST(2 AS INT8)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_5",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT2) & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_6",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT2) & CAST(2 AS INT8)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_7",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT2) & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_8",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & CAST(2 AS INT8)",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_9",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"BITWISE_AND_10",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"CAST(1 AS INT8) & 2",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & NULL",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & MISSING",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Expression always returns missing: caused by Static function always receives MISSING arguments.'''
+    )
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"1 & 'NOT AN INT'",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''INTEGER, STRING is/are incompatible data types for the \'BITWISE_AND\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"UNPIVOT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT VALUE v FROM UNPIVOT { \'a\': 2 } AS v AT attr WHERE attr = \'a\'''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"CROSS JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT * FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1, <<{ \'b\': 2.0 }>> AS t2''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        DECIMAL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT * FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1 LEFT JOIN <<{ \'b\': 2.0 }>> AS t2 ON TRUE''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        DECIMAL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT b, a FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1 LEFT JOIN <<{ \'b\': 2.0 }>> AS t2 ON TRUE''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "b"
+        DECIMAL
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1 LEFT JOIN <<{ \'a\': 2.0 }>> AS t2 ON t1.a = t2.a''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "a"
+        DECIMAL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN ALL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT * FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1 LEFT JOIN <<{ \'a\': 2.0 }>> AS t2 ON t1.a = t2.a''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "a"
+        DECIMAL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN ALL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT *
+                    FROM
+                            <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1
+                        LEFT JOIN
+                            <<{ \'a\': 2.0 }>> AS t2
+                        ON t1.a = t2.a
+                        LEFT JOIN
+                            <<{ \'a\': \'hello, world\' }>> AS t3
+                        ON t3.a = \'hello\'
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "a"
+        DECIMAL
+        "a"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN Ambiguous Reference in ON",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT * FROM <<{ \'a\': 1 }>> AS t1 LEFT JOIN <<{ \'a\': 2.0 }>> AS t2 ON a = 3''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable a does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [t1, t2].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"LEFT JOIN (Lateral references)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE rhs
+                    FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
+                    LEFT OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
+                    ON lhs[2] = rhs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"INNER JOIN (Lateral references)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE rhs
+                    FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
+                    INNER JOIN lhs AS rhs
+                    ON lhs[2] = rhs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"RIGHT JOIN (Doesn't support lateral references)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE rhs
+                    FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
+                    RIGHT OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
+                    ON lhs[2] = rhs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable lhs does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"FULL JOIN (Doesn't support lateral references)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE rhs
+                    FROM << [0, 1, 2], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22] >> AS lhs
+                    FULL OUTER JOIN lhs AS rhs
+                    ON lhs[2] = rhs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable lhs does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "name"
+        STRING
+        "custId"
+        INTEGER
+        "address"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "city"
+          STRING
+          "zipcode"
+          INTEGER
+          "street"
+          STRING
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star multiple paths",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "name"
+        STRING
+        "custId"
+        INTEGER
+        "address"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "city"
+          STRING
+          "zipcode"
+          INTEGER
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''EXCLUDE SELECT star list index and list index field''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            (
+            ARRAY
+              (
+              ROW
+                "field"
+                INTEGER
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+        "foo"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star collection index as last step",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            (
+            ARRAY
+              INTEGER
+            )
+          )
+        )
+        "foo"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''EXCLUDE SELECT star collection wildcard as last step''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          INTEGER
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star list wildcard",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            (
+            ARRAY
+              (
+              ROW
+                "field_y"
+                INTEGER
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+        "foo"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star tuple wildcard as last step",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            (
+            ARRAY
+              (
+              ROW
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+        "foo"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star order by",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-08"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      (
+      ROW
+        "foo"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE SELECT star with JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-09"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        INTEGER
+        "c"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"SELECT t.b EXCLUDE ex 1",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-10"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "b"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b_2"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"SELECT * EXCLUDE ex 2",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-11"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "a_1"
+          INTEGER
+          "a_2"
+          INTEGER
+        )
+        "b"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b_2"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+        "c"
+        INTEGER
+        "d"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-12"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ARRAY
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b_2"
+          INTEGER
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection wildcard and nested tuple attr''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-13"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "d"
+              STRING
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection index and nested tuple attr''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-14"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "c"
+              INTEGER
+              "d"
+              STRING
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection wildcard and nested tuple wildcard''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-15"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection index and nested tuple wildcard''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-16"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "c"
+              INTEGER
+              "d"
+              STRING
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection wildcard and nested collection wildcard''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-17"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "c"
+              INTEGER
+              "d"
+              (
+              ARRAY
+                (
+                ROW
+                  "f"
+                  BOOL
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection index and nested collection wildcard''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-18"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "c"
+              INTEGER
+              "d"
+              (
+              ARRAY
+                (
+                ROW
+                  "e"
+                  STRING
+                  "f"
+                  BOOL
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''SELECT * EXCLUDE collection index and nested collection index''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-19"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            (
+            ROW
+              "c"
+              INTEGER
+              "d"
+              (
+              ARRAY
+                (
+                ROW
+                  "e"
+                  STRING
+                  "f"
+                  BOOL
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE case sensitive lookup",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-20"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "B"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''EXCLUDE case sensitive lookup with capitalized and uncapitalized attr''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-21"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "B"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "C"
+            BOOL
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''EXCLUDE case sensitive lookup with both capitalized and uncapitalized removed''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-22"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "B"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE with both duplicates",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-23"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "B"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE with removed attribute later referenced",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-24"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "c"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"EXCLUDE with non-existent attribute reference",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-25"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"exclude union of types",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-26"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "t"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "a"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"exclude union of types exclude same type",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-27"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "t"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "a"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"exclude union of types exclude different type",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-28"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "t"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "a"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude collection wildcard",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-29"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            INTEGER
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude collection index",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-30"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ROW
+          "b"
+          (
+          ROW
+            "c"
+            INTEGER
+            "d"
+            STRING
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude tuple attr",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-31"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude tuple wildcard",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-32"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude tuple attr step",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-33"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        BAG
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            INTEGER
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"invalid exclude root",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-34"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Exclude expression given an unresolvable root \'nonsense\''''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"exclude with unions and last step collection index",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "exclude-35"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        (
+        ARRAY
+          (
+          ROW
+            "b"
+            INTEGER
+            "c"
+            DYNAMIC
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"ORDER BY int",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY id",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"ORDER BY str",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY breed",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      (
+      ROW
+        "id"
+        INTEGER
+        "breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"ORDER BY str",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"SELECT * FROM pets ORDER BY unknown_col",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+        "ddb"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable unknown_col does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [pets].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Empty Tuple Union",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"TUPLEUNION()",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Literal Struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"TUPLEUNION({ 'a': 1, 'b': 'hello' })",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "a"
+      INTEGER
+      "b"
+      STRING
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Literal Struct AND Duplicates",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"TUPLEUNION({ 'a': 1, 'a': 'hello' })",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ROW
+      "a"
+      INTEGER
+      "a"
+      STRING
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Nested Struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE TUPLEUNION(
+                      t.a
+                    ) FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': { \'b\': 1 } }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "b"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Heterogeneous Data",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE TUPLEUNION(
+                      t.a
+                    ) FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': { \'b\': 1 } },
+                        { \'a\': 1 }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      DYNAMIC
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Heterogeneous Data (2)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE TUPLEUNION(
+                      t.a
+                    ) FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': { \'b\': 1 } },
+                        { \'a\': { \'b\': \'hello\' } },
+                        { \'a\': \'world\' },
+                        { \'a\': 4.5 },
+                        { }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      DYNAMIC
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Tuple Union with Heterogeneous Data (3)",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE TUPLEUNION(
+                    ) FROM aws.ddb.persons AS p
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      DYNAMIC
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Complex Tuple Union with Heterogeneous Data",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE TUPLEUNION(
+            ,
+                    ) FROM aws.ddb.persons AS p
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      DYNAMIC
+    )
+  }
+  name:"AGGREGATE over INTS, without alias",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT a, COUNT(*), COUNT(a), SUM(a), MIN(b), MAX(a) FROM << {\'a\': 1, \'b\': 2} >> GROUP BY a''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "_1"
+        BIGINT
+        "_2"
+        BIGINT
+        "_3"
+        INTEGER
+        "_4"
+        INTEGER
+        "_5"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"AGGREGATE over INTS, with alias",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT a, COUNT(*) AS c_s, COUNT(a) AS c, SUM(a) AS s, MIN(b) AS m FROM << {\'a\': 1, \'b\': 2} >> GROUP BY a''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "c_s"
+        BIGINT
+        "c"
+        BIGINT
+        "s"
+        INTEGER
+        "m"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"AGGREGATE over DECIMALS",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT a, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(a) AS s, MIN(b) AS m FROM << {\'a\': 1.0, \'b\': 2.0}, {\'a\': 1.0, \'b\': 2.0} >> GROUP BY a''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DECIMAL
+        "c"
+        BIGINT
+        "s"
+        DECIMAL
+        "m"
+        DECIMAL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"AGGREGATE over nullable integers",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT T1.a
+                    FROM T1
+                        LEFT JOIN T2 AS T2_1
+                            ON T2_1.d =
+                            (
+                                SELECT
+                                    CASE WHEN COUNT(f) = 1 THEN MAX(f) ELSE 0 END AS e
+                                FROM T3 AS T3_mapping
+                            )
+                        LEFT JOIN T2 AS T2_2
+                            ON T2_2.d =
+                            (
+                                SELECT
+                                    CASE WHEN COUNT(f) = 1 THEN MAX(f) ELSE 0 END AS e
+                                FROM T3 AS T3_mapping
+                            )
+                    ;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aggregations",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        BOOL
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on binding tuple of literal string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT
+                        UPPER(some_str) AS upper_str
+                    FROM
+                        << { \'some_str\': \'hello world!\' } >>
+                        AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "upper_str"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on literal string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    UPPER(\'hello world\')
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on global string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"\n                    UPPER(os)\n                ",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on global string",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"\n                    UPPER(os)\n                ",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on global struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    UPPER(person.ssn)
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on global nested struct",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    UPPER("first")
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"UPPER on global table",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT UPPER(breed) AS upper_breed
+                    FROM dogs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "upper_breed"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct SQL Select",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT a, b FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >>;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct SQL Select with Ordering",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT a, b FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >> ORDER BY a;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct SQL Select *",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT * FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >>;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct SQL Select * with Ordering",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT * FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >> ORDER BY a;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct PartiQL Select Value *",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT VALUE a FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >>;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Distinct PartiQL Select Value * with Ordering",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''SELECT DISTINCT VALUE a FROM << { \'a\': 1, \'b\': \'Hello, world!\' } >> ORDER BY a;''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"aws",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    ARRAY
+      INTEGER
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Index on literal list",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    [0, 1, 2, 3][0]
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Index on global list",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    dogs[0].breed
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Index on list attribute of global table",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT typical_allergies[0] AS main_allergy FROM dogs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "main_allergy"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Pathing into resolved local variable without qualification''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT address.street AS s FROM employer;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "s"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Pathing into resolved local variable without qualification and with sensitivity''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT address."street" AS s FROM employer;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "s"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Pathing into resolved local variable without qualification and with indexing syntax''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT address[\'street\'] AS s FROM employer;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "s"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Pathing into resolved local variable without qualification and with indexing syntax and fully-qualified FROM''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT e.address[\'street\'] AS s FROM "pql"."main"."employer" AS e;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "s"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Show that we can\'t use [<string>] to reference a value in a schema. It can only be used on tuples.''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE 1 FROM "pql"."main"[\'employer\'] AS e;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable "pql"."main" does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Show that we can\'t use [<string>] to reference a schema in a catalog. It can only be used on tuples.''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE 1 FROM "pql"[\'main\']."employer" AS e;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable "pql" does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables []. Hint: did you intend to use single-quotes (\') here?  Remember that double-quotes (") denote quoted identifiers and single-quotes denote strings.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Tuple indexing syntax on literal tuple with literal string key''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    { \'aBc\': 1, \'AbC\': 2.0 }[\'AbC\'];
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:'''Array indexing syntax on literal tuple with non-literal and non-cast key''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    { \'aBc\': 1, \'AbC\': 2.0 }[\'Ab\' || \'C\'];
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Expression always returns missing: caused by Collections must be indexed with integers, found STRING'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''Tuple indexing syntax on literal tuple with explicit cast key''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    { \'aBc\': 1, \'AbC\': 2.0 }[CAST(\'Ab\' || \'C\' AS STRING)];
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"Easy case when",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE
+                        WHEN FALSE THEN 0
+                        WHEN TRUE THEN 1
+                        ELSE 2
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"Folded case when to grab the true",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE
+                        WHEN FALSE THEN 0
+                        WHEN TRUE THEN \'hello\'
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"Boolean case when",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE \'Hello World\'
+                        WHEN \'Hello World\' THEN TRUE
+                        ELSE FALSE
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"Typing even with false condition",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE
+                        WHEN FALSE THEN \'IMPOSSIBLE TO GET\'
+                        ELSE TRUE
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"Folded out false without default",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE
+                        WHEN FALSE THEN \'IMPOSSIBLE TO GET\'
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"Not folded gives us a nullable without default",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    CASE 1
+                        WHEN 1 THEN TRUE
+                        WHEN 2 THEN FALSE
+                    END;
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:'''Not folded gives us a nullable without default for query''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT
+                        CASE breed
+                            WHEN \'golden retriever\' THEN \'fluffy dog\'
+                            WHEN \'pitbull\' THEN \'short-haired dog\'
+                        END AS breed_descriptor
+                    FROM dogs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "breed_descriptor"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Query",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT
+                        CASE breed
+                            WHEN \'golden retriever\' THEN \'fluffy dog\'
+                            WHEN \'pitbull\' THEN \'short-haired dog\'
+                            ELSE \'something else\'
+                        END AS breed_descriptor
+                    FROM dogs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "breed_descriptor"
+        STRING
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Query with heterogeneous data",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT
+                        CASE breed
+                            WHEN \'golden retriever\' THEN \'fluffy dog\'
+                            WHEN \'pitbull\' THEN 2
+                            ELSE 2.0
+                        END AS breed_descriptor
+                    FROM dogs
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "breed_descriptor"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-204",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-205",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-206",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-207",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:NUMERIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-208",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:NUMERIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-209",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:NUMERIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-210",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-211",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-09"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:NUMERIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-212",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-10"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-213",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-11"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-214",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-12"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DOUBLE
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-215",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-13"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DOUBLE
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-216",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-14"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-217",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-15"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-218",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-16"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    CLOB
+      2147483647
+    )
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-219",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-17"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    CLOB
+      2147483647
+    )
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-220",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-18"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-221",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-19"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-222",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-20"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-223",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-21"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-224",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-24"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-225",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-25"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-226",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-26"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-227",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-27"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-228",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-28"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-229",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-29"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRUCT
+  }
+  name:"CASE-WHEN always MISSING",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-30"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-231",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-31"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-232",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-32"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-233",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-33"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-234",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-34"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-235",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-35"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      10
+      5
+    )
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-236",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-36"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+      10
+      5
+    )
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-237",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-37"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-238",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-38"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-239",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-39"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-240",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-40"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-241",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-41"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-242",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-42"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-243",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-43"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-244",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-44"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-245",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-45"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-246",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "case-when-46"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-247",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-248",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-249",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-250",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-251",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-252",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-253",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-254",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-255",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-08"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-256",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-09"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-257",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-11"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-258",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-12"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-259",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-13"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-260",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-14"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRING
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-261",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-15"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-262",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-16"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-263",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-17"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-264",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "nullif-18"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-265",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-266",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-267",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-268",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-269",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-270",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-271",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-272",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-273",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-08"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-274",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-09"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-275",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-10"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-276",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-11"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-277",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-12"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-278",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-13"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-279",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-14"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-280",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-15"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-281",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-16"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"no-name-found-282",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "basics"
+      "coalesce-17"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DYNAMIC
+  }
+  name:"Subquery IN collection",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "subquery"
+      "subquery-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"subqueries",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "x"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Subquery scalar coercion",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "subquery"
+      "subquery-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"subqueries",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "x"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Subquery simple JOIN",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "subquery"
+      "subquery-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"subqueries",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "x"
+        INTEGER
+        "y"
+        INTEGER
+        "z"
+        INTEGER
+        "a"
+        INTEGER
+        "b"
+        INTEGER
+        "c"
+        INTEGER
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Subquery scalar coercion",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "subquery"
+      "subquery-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"subqueries",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:'''unary plus on varying numeric types -- this cannot return missing!''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT +t.a AS a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT8) },
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT4) }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''unary plus on varying numeric types including missing -- this may return missing''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT +t.a AS a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT8) },
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT4) },
+                        { }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''unary plus on varying numeric types including string -- this may return missing''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT +t.a AS a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT8) },
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT4) },
+                        { \'a\': \'hello world!\' }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "a"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''binary plus on varying types -- this will return missing if one of the operands is not a number''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT t.a + t.b AS c
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT8), \'b\': CAST(1.0 AS DECIMAL) },
+                        { \'a\': CAST(1 AS INT4), \'b\': TRUE },
+                        { \'a\': \'hello world!!\', \'b\': DATE \'2023-01-01\' }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "c"
+        DYNAMIC
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''
+                    unary plus on non-compatible type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
+                    will ever be invoked.
+                ''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE +t.a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': \'hello world!\'  }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''STRING is/are incompatible data types for the \'POS\' operator.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''
+                    unary plus on dynamic types
+                ''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE +t.a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'a\': \'hello world!\'  },
+                        { \'a\': <<>> }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      DYNAMIC
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''
+                    unary plus on missing type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
+                    will ever be invoked.
+                ''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:'''
+                    SELECT VALUE +t.a
+                    FROM <<
+                        { \'NOT_A\': 1 }
+                    >> AS t
+                ''',
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Variable a does not exist in the database environment and is not an attribute of the following in-scope variables [t].'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:'''
+                    unary plus on missing type -- this cannot resolve to a dynamic call since no function
+                    will ever be invoked.
+                ''',
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:"\n                    +MISSING\n                ",
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE,
+    assertProblemExists:(
+    ERROR
+      '''Expression always returns missing: caused by Static function always receives MISSING arguments.'''
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Basic Scan Indexed",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "sanity-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:(
+    BAG
+      (
+      ROW
+        "first"
+        STRING
+        "i"
+        BIGINT
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  name:"Basic PIVOT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "pivot-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:STRUCT
+  }
+  name:"IS BOOL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"IS INT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"IS STRING",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+        "main"
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"IS NULL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"MISSING IS NULL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"NULL IS NULL",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-06"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"NULL IS MISSING",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-07"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BOOL
+  }
+  name:"ERROR always MISSING",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "is-type-08"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:FAILURE
+  }
+  name:"DECIMAL AS INT2",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-00"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:SMALLINT
+  }
+  name:"DECIMAL AS INT4",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-01"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  name:"DECIMAL AS INT8",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-02"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  name:"DECIMAL AS INT",
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-03"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:INTEGER
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-04"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:BIGINT
+  }
+  type:"type",
+  body:{
+    statement:(
+      @
+      "$inputs"
+      "schema_inferencer"
+      "cast-05"
+    ),
+    session:{
+      catalog:"pql",
+      cwd:[
+      ]
+    },
+    status:SUCCESS,
+    expected:DECIMAL
+  }
\ No newline at end of file