Version: 1.0
This document describes file format used for importing and exporting indexes for compressed GZIP, ZLIB or DEFLATE data.
Conventionally, .zx or .zidx file extensions are used for storing checkpoint indexing data created by zidx library.
Byte order is little-endian for all fields by default.
- Header
- Checkpoint Metadata Section
- Checkpoint Window Data
Checkpoint metadata is separated from checkpoint window data to allow sequential reading of metadata and lazy reading of window data, in case it is implemented in the future.
- 4 bytes: ASCII "ZIDX" string (hex "5a 49 44 58").
- 2 bytes: File format version (currently hex "00 00").
- 1 byte: Type of checksum algorithm used for the uncompressed file.
- None
. - CRC-32
. - Adler-32
- None
- 1 byte: Type of indexed file.
. - ZLIB
- 4 bytes: Number of checkpoints.
- 4 bytes: Checksum value. Zero if no checksum is used.
- 8 bytes: Length of compressed indexed file,
if unknown. - 8 bytes: Length of uncompreesed indexed file,
if unknown.
- For every checkpoint:
- 8 bytes: Uncompressed offset
- 8 bytes: Compressed offset
- 1 byte: Number of bits used from next compressed byte on block boundary
- 1 byte: Compressed byte on block boundary if there is one, else zero
- 4 bytes: Length of the window
- 4 bytes: Checksum of the uncompressed data upto checkpoint offset. Zero if no checksum is used.