diff --git a/release-notes.md b/release-notes.md index e76ff8d..1de52a2 100644 --- a/release-notes.md +++ b/release-notes.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Changes: the local study list since we have implemented "infinite-scroll". However, the option is still used when performing remote DicomWEB queries. - New configuration "PageLoadSize" that defines the number of items that are loaded when scrolling the study or instance list. - - The "StudyListContentIfNoSearch" configuration is now taken into account and always considered as "most-recents". + - The "StudyListContentIfNoSearch" configuration is not taken into account and always considered as "most-recents". - New "order-by" argument in the url to open the UI directly on a search result, e.g: http://localhost:8042/ui/app/#/filtered-studies?StudyDate=20231213-20241213&order-by=DicomTag,StudyDate,ASC;DicomTag,PatientName,ASC;Metadata,LastUpdate,DESC - Disable some UI components on ReadOnly systems.