diff --git a/cf2.bin b/cf2.bin
index a67a536007..c0cb1a67c9 100755
Binary files a/cf2.bin and b/cf2.bin differ
diff --git a/cf2.elf b/cf2.elf
index 796d4866b7..675797aa03 100755
Binary files a/cf2.elf and b/cf2.elf differ
diff --git a/cf2.hex b/cf2.hex
index 02b96f7aec..f29294f043 100644
--- a/cf2.hex
+++ b/cf2.hex
@@ -2789,11 +2789,11 @@
diff --git a/hal/src/imu_cf2.c b/hal/src/imu_cf2.c
index 0057d7ff5c..3d0c29dbde 100644
--- a/hal/src/imu_cf2.c
+++ b/hal/src/imu_cf2.c
@@ -1,568 +1,568 @@
- * || ____ _ __
- * +------+ / __ )(_) /_______________ _____ ___
- * | 0xBC | / __ / / __/ ___/ ___/ __ `/_ / / _ \
- * +------+ / /_/ / / /_/ /__/ / / /_/ / / /_/ __/
- * || || /_____/_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ /___/\___/
- *
- * Crazyflie control firmware
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Bitcraze AB
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, in version 3.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- *
- *
- * imu.c - inertial measurement unit
- */
-#include "stm32fxxx.h"
-#include "FreeRTOS.h"
-#include "task.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "configblock.h"
-#include "cfassert.h"
-#include "imu.h"
-#include "i2cdev.h"
-#include "mpu6500.h"
-#include "hmc5883l.h"
-#include "ms5611.h"
-#include "ak8963.h"
-#include "lps25h.h"
-#include "ledseq.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#define IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
-//#define IMU_MPU6500_DLPF_256HZ
-#define IMU_GYRO_FS_CFG MPU6500_GYRO_FS_2000
-#define IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG MPU6500_G_PER_LSB_8
-#define IMU_1G_RAW (int16_t)(1.0f / MPU6500_G_PER_LSB_8)
-#define IMU_VARIANCE_MAN_TEST_TIMEOUT M2T(1000) // Timeout in ms
-#define IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX 5.0f // Max degrees off
-#define MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB 666.7f
-#define IMU_STARTUP_TIME_MS 1000
-#define GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES 3
-#define GYRO_X_SIGN (-1)
-#define GYRO_Y_SIGN (-1)
-#define GYRO_Z_SIGN (-1)
-#define GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES 3
-#define GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS M2T(1*1000)
-#define GYRO_VARIANCE_BASE 4000 // 2000
-typedef struct
- Axis3i16 bias;
- bool isBiasValueFound;
- bool isBufferFilled;
- Axis3i16* bufHead;
- Axis3i16 buffer[IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES];
-} BiasObj;
-BiasObj gyroBias;
-BiasObj accelBias;
-static int32_t varianceSampleTime;
-static Axis3i16 gyroMpu;
-static Axis3i16 accelMpu;
-static Axis3i16 accelLPF;
-static Axis3i16 accelLPFAligned;
-static Axis3i16 mag;
-static Axis3i32 accelStoredFilterValues;
-static uint8_t imuAccLpfAttFactor;
-static bool isMagPresent;
-static bool isBaroPresent;
-static bool isMpu6500TestPassed = true;
-static bool isAK8963TestPassed = true;
-static bool isLPS25HTestPassed = true;
-// Pre-calculated values for accelerometer alignment
-float cosPitch;
-float sinPitch;
-float cosRoll;
-float sinRoll;
-LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, x, &mag.x)
-LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, y, &mag.y)
-LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, z, &mag.z)
- * MPU6500 selt test function. If the chip is moved to much during the self test
- * it will cause the test to fail.
- */
-static void imuBiasInit(BiasObj* bias);
-static void imuCalculateBiasMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* meanOut);
-static void imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* varOut, Axis3i32* meanOut);
-static bool imuFindBiasValue(BiasObj* bias);
-static void imuAddBiasValue(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i16* dVal);
-static void imuAccIIRLPFilter(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out,
- Axis3i32* storedValues, int32_t attenuation);
-static void imuAccAlignToGravity(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out);
-static bool isInit;
-void imu6Init(void)
- if(isInit)
- return;
- isMagPresent = false;
- isBaroPresent = false;
- // Wait for sensors to startup
- while (xTaskGetTickCount() < M2T(IMU_STARTUP_TIME_MS));
- i2cdevInit(I2C3_DEV);
- mpu6500Init(I2C3_DEV);
- if (mpu6500TestConnection() == true)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("MPU9250 I2C connection [OK].\n");
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("MPU9250 I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
- }
- mpu6500Reset();
- vTaskDelay(M2T(50));
- // Activate MPU6500
- mpu6500SetSleepEnabled(false);
- // Enable temp sensor
- mpu6500SetTempSensorEnabled(true);
- // Disable interrupts
- mpu6500SetIntEnabled(false);
- // Connect the HMC5883L to the main I2C bus
- mpu6500SetI2CBypassEnabled(true);
- // Set x-axis gyro as clock source
- mpu6500SetClockSource(MPU6500_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO);
- // Set gyro full scale range
- mpu6500SetFullScaleGyroRange(IMU_GYRO_FS_CFG);
- // Set accelerometer full scale range
- mpu6500SetFullScaleAccelRange(IMU_ACCEL_FS_CFG);
-#ifdef IMU_MPU6500_DLPF_256HZ
- // 256Hz digital low-pass filter only works with little vibrations
- // Set output rate (15): 8000 / (1 + 15) = 500Hz
- mpu6500SetRate(15);
- // Set digital low-pass bandwidth
- mpu6500SetDLPFMode(MPU6500_DLPF_BW_256);
- // To low DLPF bandwidth might cause instability and decrease agility
- // but it works well for handling vibrations and unbalanced propellers
- // Set output rate (1): 1000 / (1 + 1) = 500Hz
- mpu6500SetRate(1);
- // Set digital low-pass bandwidth
- mpu6500SetDLPFMode(MPU6500_DLPF_BW_98);
-#ifdef IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
- ak8963Init(I2C3_DEV);
- if (ak8963TestConnection() == true)
- {
- isMagPresent = true;
- ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_16BIT | AK8963_MODE_CONT2); // 16bit 100Hz
- DEBUG_PRINT("AK8963 I2C connection [OK].\n");
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("AK8963 I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
- }
- lps25hInit(I2C3_DEV);
- if (lps25hTestConnection() == true)
- {
- lps25hSetEnabled(true);
- isBaroPresent = true;
- DEBUG_PRINT("LPS25H I2C connection [OK].\n");
- }
- else
- {
- //TODO: Should sensor test fail hard if no connection
- DEBUG_PRINT("LPS25H I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
- }
- imuBiasInit(&gyroBias);
- imuBiasInit(&accelBias);
- varianceSampleTime = -GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS + 1;
- imuAccLpfAttFactor = IMU_ACC_IIR_LPF_ATT_FACTOR;
- cosPitch = cosf(configblockGetCalibPitch() * (float) M_PI/180);
- sinPitch = sinf(configblockGetCalibPitch() * (float) M_PI/180);
- cosRoll = cosf(configblockGetCalibRoll() * (float) M_PI/180);
- sinRoll = sinf(configblockGetCalibRoll() * (float) M_PI/180);
- isInit = true;
-bool imu6Test(void)
- bool testStatus = true;
- if (!isInit)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("Uninitialized");
- testStatus = false;
- }
-#ifdef IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
- testStatus &= isMagPresent;
- if (testStatus)
- {
- isAK8963TestPassed = ak8963SelfTest();
- testStatus = isAK8963TestPassed;
- }
- testStatus &= isBaroPresent;
- if (testStatus)
- {
- isLPS25HTestPassed = lps25hSelfTest();
- testStatus = isLPS25HTestPassed;
- }
- return testStatus;
-bool imu6ManufacturingTest(void)
- bool testStatus = false;
- Axis3f gyro; // Gyro axis data in deg/s
- Axis3f acc; // Accelerometer axis data in mG
- float pitch, roll;
- uint32_t startTick = xTaskGetTickCount();
- testStatus = mpu6500SelfTest();
- if (testStatus)
- {
- while (xTaskGetTickCount() - startTick < IMU_VARIANCE_MAN_TEST_TIMEOUT)
- {
- imu6Read(&gyro, &acc);
- if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("Gyro variance test [OK]\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- // Calculate pitch and roll based on accelerometer. Board must be level
- pitch = tanf(-acc.x/(sqrtf(acc.y*acc.y + acc.z*acc.z))) * 180/(float) M_PI;
- roll = tanf(acc.y/acc.z) * 180/(float) M_PI;
- if ((fabsf(roll) < IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX) && (fabsf(pitch) < IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX))
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("Acc level test [OK]\n");
- testStatus = true;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("Acc level test Roll:%0.2f, Pitch:%0.2f [FAIL]\n", roll, pitch);
- testStatus = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG_PRINT("Gyro variance test [FAIL]\n");
- testStatus = false;
- }
- }
- return testStatus;
-void imu6Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut)
- mpu6500GetMotion6(&accelMpu.y, &accelMpu.x, &accelMpu.z, &gyroMpu.y, &gyroMpu.x, &gyroMpu.z);
- imuAddBiasValue(&gyroBias, &gyroMpu);
- if (!accelBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- imuAddBiasValue(&accelBias, &accelMpu);
- }
- if (!gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- imuFindBiasValue(&gyroBias);
- if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- // For SkyRoverNano2
- //ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_calibrated);
- ledseqStop(SYS_LED, seq_alive);
- ledseqRun(LED_GREEN_R, seq_calibrated);
- }
- }
- if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound &&
- !accelBias.isBiasValueFound)
- {
- Axis3i32 mean;
- imuCalculateBiasMean(&accelBias, &mean);
- accelBias.bias.x = mean.x;
- accelBias.bias.y = mean.y;
- accelBias.bias.z = mean.z - IMU_1G_RAW;
- accelBias.isBiasValueFound = true;
- }
- imuAccIIRLPFilter(&accelMpu, &accelLPF, &accelStoredFilterValues,
- (int32_t)imuAccLpfAttFactor);
- imuAccAlignToGravity(&accelLPF, &accelLPFAligned);
- // Re-map outputs
- gyroOut->x = -(gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
- gyroOut->y = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
- gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->x = -(accelLPFAligned.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
- accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
-bool imu6IsCalibrated(void)
- bool status;
- status = gyroBias.isBiasValueFound;
- status &= accelBias.isBiasValueFound;
- return status;
-void imu9Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut, Axis3f* magOut)
- imu6Read(gyroOut, accOut);
- if (isMagPresent)
- {
- ak8963GetHeading(&mag.x, &mag.y, &mag.z);
- ak8963GetOverflowStatus();
- magOut->x = (float)mag.x / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
- magOut->y = (float)mag.y / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
- magOut->z = (float)mag.z / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
- }
- else
- {
- magOut->x = 0.0;
- magOut->y = 0.0;
- magOut->z = 0.0;
- }
-bool imuHasBarometer(void)
- return isBaroPresent;
-bool imuHasMangnetometer(void)
- return isMagPresent;
-static void imuBiasInit(BiasObj* bias)
- bias->isBufferFilled = false;
- bias->bufHead = bias->buffer;
- * Calculates the variance and mean for the bias buffer.
- */
-static void imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* varOut, Axis3i32* meanOut)
- uint32_t i;
- int32_t sum[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
- int64_t sumSq[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
- for (i = 0; i < IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES; i++)
- {
- sum[0] += bias->buffer[i].x;
- sum[1] += bias->buffer[i].y;
- sum[2] += bias->buffer[i].z;
- sumSq[0] += bias->buffer[i].x * bias->buffer[i].x;
- sumSq[1] += bias->buffer[i].y * bias->buffer[i].y;
- sumSq[2] += bias->buffer[i].z * bias->buffer[i].z;
- }
- varOut->x = (sumSq[0] - ((int64_t)sum[0] * sum[0]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
- varOut->y = (sumSq[1] - ((int64_t)sum[1] * sum[1]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
- varOut->z = (sumSq[2] - ((int64_t)sum[2] * sum[2]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
- meanOut->x = sum[0] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- meanOut->y = sum[1] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- meanOut->z = sum[2] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- isInit = true;
- * Calculates the mean for the bias buffer.
- */
-static void __attribute__((used)) imuCalculateBiasMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* meanOut)
- uint32_t i;
- int32_t sum[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
- for (i = 0; i < IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES; i++)
- {
- sum[0] += bias->buffer[i].x;
- sum[1] += bias->buffer[i].y;
- sum[2] += bias->buffer[i].z;
- }
- meanOut->x = sum[0] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- meanOut->y = sum[1] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- meanOut->z = sum[2] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
- * Adds a new value to the variance buffer and if it is full
- * replaces the oldest one. Thus a circular buffer.
- */
-static void imuAddBiasValue(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i16* dVal)
- bias->bufHead->x = dVal->x;
- bias->bufHead->y = dVal->y;
- bias->bufHead->z = dVal->z;
- bias->bufHead++;
- if (bias->bufHead >= &bias->buffer[IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES])
- {
- bias->bufHead = bias->buffer;
- bias->isBufferFilled = true;
- }
- * Checks if the variances is below the predefined thresholds.
- * The bias value should have been added before calling this.
- * @param bias The bias object
- */
-static bool imuFindBiasValue(BiasObj* bias)
- bool foundBias = false;
- if (bias->isBufferFilled)
- {
- Axis3i32 variance;
- Axis3i32 mean;
- imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(bias, &variance, &mean);
- if (variance.x < GYRO_VARIANCE_THRESHOLD_X &&
- (varianceSampleTime + GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS < xTaskGetTickCount()))
- {
- varianceSampleTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
- bias->bias.x = mean.x;
- bias->bias.y = mean.y;
- bias->bias.z = mean.z;
- foundBias = true;
- bias->isBiasValueFound = true;
- }
- }
- return foundBias;
-static void imuAccIIRLPFilter(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out, Axis3i32* storedValues, int32_t attenuation)
- out->x = iirLPFilterSingle(in->x, attenuation, &storedValues->x);
- out->y = iirLPFilterSingle(in->y, attenuation, &storedValues->y);
- out->z = iirLPFilterSingle(in->z, attenuation, &storedValues->z);
- * Compensate for a miss-aligned accelerometer. It uses the trim
- * data gathered from the UI and written in the config-block to
- * rotate the accelerometer to be aligned with gravity.
- */
-static void imuAccAlignToGravity(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out)
- Axis3i16 rx;
- Axis3i16 ry;
- // Rotate around x-axis
- rx.x = in->x;
- rx.y = in->y * cosRoll - in->z * sinRoll;
- rx.z = in->y * sinRoll + in->z * cosRoll;
- // Rotate around y-axis
- ry.x = rx.x * cosPitch - rx.z * sinPitch;
- ry.y = rx.y;
- ry.z = -rx.x * sinPitch + rx.z * cosPitch;
- out->x = ry.x;
- out->y = ry.y;
- out->z = ry.z;
-PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8, factor, &imuAccLpfAttFactor)
-PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MS5611, &isBaroPresent) // TODO: Rename MS5611 to LPS25H. Client needs to be updated at the same time.
-PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MPU6500, &isMpu6500TestPassed)
-PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MS5611, &isLPS25HTestPassed) // TODO: Rename MS5611 to LPS25H. Client needs to be updated at the same time.
+ * || ____ _ __
+ * +------+ / __ )(_) /_______________ _____ ___
+ * | 0xBC | / __ / / __/ ___/ ___/ __ `/_ / / _ \
+ * +------+ / /_/ / / /_/ /__/ / / /_/ / / /_/ __/
+ * || || /_____/_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ /___/\___/
+ *
+ * Crazyflie control firmware
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Bitcraze AB
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, in version 3.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ *
+ *
+ * imu.c - inertial measurement unit
+ */
+#include "stm32fxxx.h"
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "task.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "configblock.h"
+#include "cfassert.h"
+#include "imu.h"
+#include "i2cdev.h"
+#include "mpu6500.h"
+#include "hmc5883l.h"
+#include "ms5611.h"
+#include "ak8963.h"
+#include "lps25h.h"
+#include "ledseq.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#define IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
+//#define IMU_MPU6500_DLPF_256HZ
+#define IMU_GYRO_FS_CFG MPU6500_GYRO_FS_2000
+#define IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG MPU6500_G_PER_LSB_8
+#define IMU_1G_RAW (int16_t)(1.0f / MPU6500_G_PER_LSB_8)
+#define IMU_VARIANCE_MAN_TEST_TIMEOUT M2T(1000) // Timeout in ms
+#define IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX 5.0f // Max degrees off
+#define MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB 666.7f
+#define IMU_STARTUP_TIME_MS 1000
+#define GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES 3
+#define GYRO_X_SIGN (-1)
+#define GYRO_Y_SIGN (-1)
+#define GYRO_Z_SIGN (-1)
+#define GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES 3
+#define GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS M2T(1*1000)
+#define GYRO_VARIANCE_BASE 2000
+typedef struct
+ Axis3i16 bias;
+ bool isBiasValueFound;
+ bool isBufferFilled;
+ Axis3i16* bufHead;
+ Axis3i16 buffer[IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES];
+} BiasObj;
+BiasObj gyroBias;
+BiasObj accelBias;
+static int32_t varianceSampleTime;
+static Axis3i16 gyroMpu;
+static Axis3i16 accelMpu;
+static Axis3i16 accelLPF;
+static Axis3i16 accelLPFAligned;
+static Axis3i16 mag;
+static Axis3i32 accelStoredFilterValues;
+static uint8_t imuAccLpfAttFactor;
+static bool isMagPresent;
+static bool isBaroPresent;
+static bool isMpu6500TestPassed = true;
+static bool isAK8963TestPassed = true;
+static bool isLPS25HTestPassed = true;
+// Pre-calculated values for accelerometer alignment
+float cosPitch;
+float sinPitch;
+float cosRoll;
+float sinRoll;
+LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, x, &mag.x)
+LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, y, &mag.y)
+LOG_ADD(LOG_INT16, z, &mag.z)
+ * MPU6500 selt test function. If the chip is moved to much during the self test
+ * it will cause the test to fail.
+ */
+static void imuBiasInit(BiasObj* bias);
+static void imuCalculateBiasMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* meanOut);
+static void imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* varOut, Axis3i32* meanOut);
+static bool imuFindBiasValue(BiasObj* bias);
+static void imuAddBiasValue(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i16* dVal);
+static void imuAccIIRLPFilter(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out,
+ Axis3i32* storedValues, int32_t attenuation);
+static void imuAccAlignToGravity(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out);
+static bool isInit;
+void imu6Init(void)
+ if(isInit)
+ return;
+ isMagPresent = false;
+ isBaroPresent = false;
+ // Wait for sensors to startup
+ while (xTaskGetTickCount() < M2T(IMU_STARTUP_TIME_MS));
+ i2cdevInit(I2C3_DEV);
+ mpu6500Init(I2C3_DEV);
+ if (mpu6500TestConnection() == true)
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("MPU9250 I2C connection [OK].\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("MPU9250 I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
+ }
+ mpu6500Reset();
+ vTaskDelay(M2T(50));
+ // Activate MPU6500
+ mpu6500SetSleepEnabled(false);
+ // Enable temp sensor
+ mpu6500SetTempSensorEnabled(true);
+ // Disable interrupts
+ mpu6500SetIntEnabled(false);
+ // Connect the HMC5883L to the main I2C bus
+ mpu6500SetI2CBypassEnabled(true);
+ // Set x-axis gyro as clock source
+ mpu6500SetClockSource(MPU6500_CLOCK_PLL_XGYRO);
+ // Set gyro full scale range
+ mpu6500SetFullScaleGyroRange(IMU_GYRO_FS_CFG);
+ // Set accelerometer full scale range
+ mpu6500SetFullScaleAccelRange(IMU_ACCEL_FS_CFG);
+#ifdef IMU_MPU6500_DLPF_256HZ
+ // 256Hz digital low-pass filter only works with little vibrations
+ // Set output rate (15): 8000 / (1 + 15) = 500Hz
+ mpu6500SetRate(15);
+ // Set digital low-pass bandwidth
+ mpu6500SetDLPFMode(MPU6500_DLPF_BW_256);
+ // To low DLPF bandwidth might cause instability and decrease agility
+ // but it works well for handling vibrations and unbalanced propellers
+ // Set output rate (1): 1000 / (1 + 1) = 500Hz
+ mpu6500SetRate(1);
+ // Set digital low-pass bandwidth
+ mpu6500SetDLPFMode(MPU6500_DLPF_BW_98);
+#ifdef IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
+ ak8963Init(I2C3_DEV);
+ if (ak8963TestConnection() == true)
+ {
+ isMagPresent = true;
+ ak8963SetMode(AK8963_MODE_16BIT | AK8963_MODE_CONT2); // 16bit 100Hz
+ DEBUG_PRINT("AK8963 I2C connection [OK].\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("AK8963 I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
+ }
+ lps25hInit(I2C3_DEV);
+ if (lps25hTestConnection() == true)
+ {
+ lps25hSetEnabled(true);
+ isBaroPresent = true;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("LPS25H I2C connection [OK].\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //TODO: Should sensor test fail hard if no connection
+ DEBUG_PRINT("LPS25H I2C connection [FAIL].\n");
+ }
+ imuBiasInit(&gyroBias);
+ imuBiasInit(&accelBias);
+ varianceSampleTime = -GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS + 1;
+ imuAccLpfAttFactor = IMU_ACC_IIR_LPF_ATT_FACTOR;
+ cosPitch = cosf(configblockGetCalibPitch() * (float) M_PI/180);
+ sinPitch = sinf(configblockGetCalibPitch() * (float) M_PI/180);
+ cosRoll = cosf(configblockGetCalibRoll() * (float) M_PI/180);
+ sinRoll = sinf(configblockGetCalibRoll() * (float) M_PI/180);
+ isInit = true;
+bool imu6Test(void)
+ bool testStatus = true;
+ if (!isInit)
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Uninitialized");
+ testStatus = false;
+ }
+#ifdef IMU_ENABLE_MAG_AK8963
+ testStatus &= isMagPresent;
+ if (testStatus)
+ {
+ isAK8963TestPassed = ak8963SelfTest();
+ testStatus = isAK8963TestPassed;
+ }
+ testStatus &= isBaroPresent;
+ if (testStatus)
+ {
+ isLPS25HTestPassed = lps25hSelfTest();
+ testStatus = isLPS25HTestPassed;
+ }
+ return testStatus;
+bool imu6ManufacturingTest(void)
+ bool testStatus = false;
+ Axis3f gyro; // Gyro axis data in deg/s
+ Axis3f acc; // Accelerometer axis data in mG
+ float pitch, roll;
+ uint32_t startTick = xTaskGetTickCount();
+ testStatus = mpu6500SelfTest();
+ if (testStatus)
+ {
+ while (xTaskGetTickCount() - startTick < IMU_VARIANCE_MAN_TEST_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ imu6Read(&gyro, &acc);
+ if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Gyro variance test [OK]\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ // Calculate pitch and roll based on accelerometer. Board must be level
+ pitch = tanf(-acc.x/(sqrtf(acc.y*acc.y + acc.z*acc.z))) * 180/(float) M_PI;
+ roll = tanf(acc.y/acc.z) * 180/(float) M_PI;
+ if ((fabsf(roll) < IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX) && (fabsf(pitch) < IMU_MAN_TEST_LEVEL_MAX))
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Acc level test [OK]\n");
+ testStatus = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Acc level test Roll:%0.2f, Pitch:%0.2f [FAIL]\n", roll, pitch);
+ testStatus = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Gyro variance test [FAIL]\n");
+ testStatus = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return testStatus;
+void imu6Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut)
+ mpu6500GetMotion6(&accelMpu.y, &accelMpu.x, &accelMpu.z, &gyroMpu.y, &gyroMpu.x, &gyroMpu.z);
+ imuAddBiasValue(&gyroBias, &gyroMpu);
+ if (!accelBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ imuAddBiasValue(&accelBias, &accelMpu);
+ }
+ if (!gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ imuFindBiasValue(&gyroBias);
+ if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ // For SkyRoverNano2
+ //ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_calibrated);
+ ledseqStop(SYS_LED, seq_alive);
+ ledseqRun(LED_GREEN_R, seq_calibrated);
+ }
+ }
+ if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound &&
+ !accelBias.isBiasValueFound)
+ {
+ Axis3i32 mean;
+ imuCalculateBiasMean(&accelBias, &mean);
+ accelBias.bias.x = mean.x;
+ accelBias.bias.y = mean.y;
+ accelBias.bias.z = mean.z - IMU_1G_RAW;
+ accelBias.isBiasValueFound = true;
+ }
+ imuAccIIRLPFilter(&accelMpu, &accelLPF, &accelStoredFilterValues,
+ (int32_t)imuAccLpfAttFactor);
+ imuAccAlignToGravity(&accelLPF, &accelLPFAligned);
+ // Re-map outputs
+ gyroOut->x = -(gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ gyroOut->y = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->x = -(accelLPFAligned.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+ accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG;
+bool imu6IsCalibrated(void)
+ bool status;
+ status = gyroBias.isBiasValueFound;
+ status &= accelBias.isBiasValueFound;
+ return status;
+void imu9Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut, Axis3f* magOut)
+ imu6Read(gyroOut, accOut);
+ if (isMagPresent)
+ {
+ ak8963GetHeading(&mag.x, &mag.y, &mag.z);
+ ak8963GetOverflowStatus();
+ magOut->x = (float)mag.x / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
+ magOut->y = (float)mag.y / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
+ magOut->z = (float)mag.z / MAG_GAUSS_PER_LSB;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ magOut->x = 0.0;
+ magOut->y = 0.0;
+ magOut->z = 0.0;
+ }
+bool imuHasBarometer(void)
+ return isBaroPresent;
+bool imuHasMangnetometer(void)
+ return isMagPresent;
+static void imuBiasInit(BiasObj* bias)
+ bias->isBufferFilled = false;
+ bias->bufHead = bias->buffer;
+ * Calculates the variance and mean for the bias buffer.
+ */
+static void imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* varOut, Axis3i32* meanOut)
+ uint32_t i;
+ int32_t sum[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
+ int64_t sumSq[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
+ for (i = 0; i < IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES; i++)
+ {
+ sum[0] += bias->buffer[i].x;
+ sum[1] += bias->buffer[i].y;
+ sum[2] += bias->buffer[i].z;
+ sumSq[0] += bias->buffer[i].x * bias->buffer[i].x;
+ sumSq[1] += bias->buffer[i].y * bias->buffer[i].y;
+ sumSq[2] += bias->buffer[i].z * bias->buffer[i].z;
+ }
+ varOut->x = (sumSq[0] - ((int64_t)sum[0] * sum[0]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
+ varOut->y = (sumSq[1] - ((int64_t)sum[1] * sum[1]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
+ varOut->z = (sumSq[2] - ((int64_t)sum[2] * sum[2]) / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES);
+ meanOut->x = sum[0] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ meanOut->y = sum[1] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ meanOut->z = sum[2] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ isInit = true;
+ * Calculates the mean for the bias buffer.
+ */
+static void __attribute__((used)) imuCalculateBiasMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i32* meanOut)
+ uint32_t i;
+ int32_t sum[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};
+ for (i = 0; i < IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES; i++)
+ {
+ sum[0] += bias->buffer[i].x;
+ sum[1] += bias->buffer[i].y;
+ sum[2] += bias->buffer[i].z;
+ }
+ meanOut->x = sum[0] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ meanOut->y = sum[1] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ meanOut->z = sum[2] / IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES;
+ * Adds a new value to the variance buffer and if it is full
+ * replaces the oldest one. Thus a circular buffer.
+ */
+static void imuAddBiasValue(BiasObj* bias, Axis3i16* dVal)
+ bias->bufHead->x = dVal->x;
+ bias->bufHead->y = dVal->y;
+ bias->bufHead->z = dVal->z;
+ bias->bufHead++;
+ if (bias->bufHead >= &bias->buffer[IMU_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES])
+ {
+ bias->bufHead = bias->buffer;
+ bias->isBufferFilled = true;
+ }
+ * Checks if the variances is below the predefined thresholds.
+ * The bias value should have been added before calling this.
+ * @param bias The bias object
+ */
+static bool imuFindBiasValue(BiasObj* bias)
+ bool foundBias = false;
+ if (bias->isBufferFilled)
+ {
+ Axis3i32 variance;
+ Axis3i32 mean;
+ imuCalculateVarianceAndMean(bias, &variance, &mean);
+ if (variance.x < GYRO_VARIANCE_THRESHOLD_X &&
+ (varianceSampleTime + GYRO_MIN_BIAS_TIMEOUT_MS < xTaskGetTickCount()))
+ {
+ varianceSampleTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
+ bias->bias.x = mean.x;
+ bias->bias.y = mean.y;
+ bias->bias.z = mean.z;
+ foundBias = true;
+ bias->isBiasValueFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return foundBias;
+static void imuAccIIRLPFilter(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out, Axis3i32* storedValues, int32_t attenuation)
+ out->x = iirLPFilterSingle(in->x, attenuation, &storedValues->x);
+ out->y = iirLPFilterSingle(in->y, attenuation, &storedValues->y);
+ out->z = iirLPFilterSingle(in->z, attenuation, &storedValues->z);
+ * Compensate for a miss-aligned accelerometer. It uses the trim
+ * data gathered from the UI and written in the config-block to
+ * rotate the accelerometer to be aligned with gravity.
+ */
+static void imuAccAlignToGravity(Axis3i16* in, Axis3i16* out)
+ Axis3i16 rx;
+ Axis3i16 ry;
+ // Rotate around x-axis
+ rx.x = in->x;
+ rx.y = in->y * cosRoll - in->z * sinRoll;
+ rx.z = in->y * sinRoll + in->z * cosRoll;
+ // Rotate around y-axis
+ ry.x = rx.x * cosPitch - rx.z * sinPitch;
+ ry.y = rx.y;
+ ry.z = -rx.x * sinPitch + rx.z * cosPitch;
+ out->x = ry.x;
+ out->y = ry.y;
+ out->z = ry.z;
+PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8, factor, &imuAccLpfAttFactor)
+PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MS5611, &isBaroPresent) // TODO: Rename MS5611 to LPS25H. Client needs to be updated at the same time.
+PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MPU6500, &isMpu6500TestPassed)
+PARAM_ADD(PARAM_UINT8 | PARAM_RONLY, MS5611, &isLPS25HTestPassed) // TODO: Rename MS5611 to LPS25H. Client needs to be updated at the same time.