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Muhammad Saqlain Jaffar saqlain838
I am interested in data analysis and statistical learning.

Saarbrucken, Germany

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Samira Abedini SamiraAbedini
Bioinformatics student/ AI and Data Science enthusiast

Saarland university Saarbrücken, Germany

AbdelmoujoudFaris AbdelmoujoudFaris
I am a doctoral student at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Science, Dahr El Mahraz in Fez, Morocco. My research is primarily centered around th
Aryel Bezerra HighScientist
Biomedical Scientist | Bioinformatics | Data Science | Drug Design

Barretos Cancer Hospital Barretos, São Paulo

Daniel Antonio Espinoza Bernal daeb2222
Software engineer student doing a semester abroad in Germany.
Anuththara Gamage(Anu) ANUGAMAGE
Research Scientist | Sul's Research Group | Cheminformatics Intern | DevOps

@Global-Chem Sri Lanka

Surya Venkatesan suryavenkatsn

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

_ DmitryTsybulkin
Lead Software engineer. Bioinformatician.


Rubem Francisco Silva Bezerra therubemsilva
Programador | Data science | Inovação | Estudante de Química.

URCA - Universidade Regional do Cariri Brazil

Marius Rüve mariusrueve
M.Sc. Bioinformatics Student @ UHH

Germany, Hamburg

Akhila Mettu Akhila-Mettu
Computational Drug designing
Suhaib Shekfeh shekfeh
Medicinal chemistry/Computational chemistry/Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics
Paolo Governa pgoverna

University of Siena

Roshan Shrestha roshan2004
PhD Researcher

IBCP, CNRS Lyon, France

Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Shihang Wang Shihang-Wang-58
ShanghaiTech University


ChongChul Chai ccchai1
Drug & Target Discovery

PharosiBio Seoul

Hessam Mehr hessammehr

University of Glasgow Glasgow, UK

Takshan Takshan
An enthusiast young researcher fascinated by bioinformatics, biology-applied computer science and data analysis

University Medicine Greifswald Germany

hugolld hugolld
Biophysics, Computational Drug Discovery


Anna Vasileva vvrubel
Python Developer and Chemoinformatican

@insilicomedicine Tbilisi

Minh Nguyen ducminhnguyenle

Tam Anh Research Institute (TAMRI) HCM city- Vietnam

Antoine Lacour Tonylac77
Marie Curie Sklodowska PhD 🎓, Drug Hunter 💊, Creator of the CADD_Vault 💻

Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland

麦菲莉 (NUR-A-MAHFILA) Mahfila
计算机学院(2017) ,北京理工大学


Henry Wetton hfswetton
Doctoral candidate at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

JJJ zyz314
Majored in Computational Structural Biology Using Deep Learning and Rosetta to do protein design

New York

Ronghe ronghezhou


Sthitadhi Maiti smaiti7
Computational Chem Ph.D. student

Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Srikanth Divi srikanth-divi
A Chemical Engineer working as a Research Associate with Prof. Michail Stamatakis @mstamatakis at Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London.

@UCL London

Marc Lucas Appis Pharmarc
Biochemist on the wayside. Currentyl PhD student at MDC. Interested in computational chemistry/biology. Happy to collaborate! #Cheminformatics #Bioinformatics

Berlin Institute of Health at Charité Berlin, Germany

Ahmed Hassanin AhmedHassanin-IPB
Computational Chemist
