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Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

Raed Alkharboush cenrak

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Emmanuel FC emmanuellfc
PhD student in Physics

Tufts University

Enrique Ulises Báez Gómez Tagle enriquegomeztagle
- AWS Data & AI Engineer - MLOps / LLMOps - iOS Lab's Software Architect - App Development with Swift Associate (by Apple Inc.)

Mexico City

perestoronin perestoronin

perestoroniny France

Vincent Goldschmidt AurionRodgerDiablo
MD in medical oncology MSc in pharmacokinetics/modeling 1st year phd thesis on anthropometry by AI , medical imaging, biomarkers and cancer


Dirk Roeckmann diro5t
Comp. Scientist, IT Manager, Consultant, SAP Expert, Indep. AI Researcher, AI = Deep Learning + Causal Inference + Symbol Manipulation, Deep Quadric Learning


Piyush R. Maharana catastropiyush
Project Associate-I, CSIR-NCL Computational Physicist


Mahafuj Hossain MAHAFUJ
Navigating AI Horizons

BRAC University Dhaka

Joshua Greenfield jlgjobhunt
Open for 1099 work for hire. Grinding 24/7 on projects.

None Ever Worth Mentioning Except With Disdain, Hatred, and Regret USA (the embarrassment that's full of users)

Yuning Xia jssonx
PhD Student at Rice CS | Building scalable performance tools @HPCToolkit 🛠️⚡ | Performance Engineering + ML Compiler

Rice University Houston, TX

Alexei Manuel aalxi
AI x SynBio x Biotech Fanatic | 16 y/o | Building ChiralAI

TKS San Francisco

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Mridul Sahu mridul-sahu
Software Engineer at Google. Love to build and code stuff.

@google Bangalore

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Nicholas Kondal nicholas-kondal
AI Engineer | Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics

Auckland, New Zealand

José Renato joserdf
Master's student at @gmmsb-lncc | Computational Chemistry

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI) @gmmsb-lncc

David Kanaa davidkanaa

Mila – Quebec AI Institute Montreal, QC, Canada

yadnyesh ydnyshhh
tensor shepherd in a non-euclidean pasture | grazing on cuda cores
Abdullah Mahmood abdullahau

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ahmad Karajah Ahmad-Mtr
This is a bio.

Amman, Jordan


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Digits88 - L.Z. Digits88
Team Lead | Full Stack Software Engineer | DevOps | Programming Language Trainer | Former IT Director


KimJinwoo rlawlsdn1130

Hyundai-Rotem Repulic of Korea

C.K. Wolfe redspry
@ucberkeley PhD Candidate EECS AI Robotics | M.S. ME Robotics & Ctrls | B.S. EE & CS Minor

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines