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Steve Moraco stevemoraco
i taught myself how to code (badly) in 2023 w GPT-4, after over a decade lurking on github as a contributing designer to a few projects in highschool/college

LANDER Colorado

Martin Salo salomartin
Tech founder with a 15-year track record in AI, merging deep industry knowledge with fresh innovations in my upcoming venture.


Manuela Detomaso ManuelaDetomaso
Data Scientist, Economist

Data Scientist Milan



Bill Gehring billgehring
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

A traveller that's open and looking to learn.
Shenzhen Southern Machinery Sales and Service Co., Ltd smthelp
We design and manufacture automatic machine for the PCB/SMT and Thru-hole industries in Shenzhen China.

Shenzhen Southern Machinery Sales and Service Co., Ltd Shenzhen China

Pan Xiuxi BobPXX
AI Optics, AIGC, Vision for Autonomous Driving.

Gaudiy Tokyo

Stacy Bradford stacy-bradford
GTM Specialist. web3 👀 . Human.

Indiegogo California

Haoyang_Li616 haoyangli16
Research Scholar at UCSD | Computer Science & Robotics Engineering. @haosulab

UCSD La Jolla

Artūras Rotomskis ArturasRotomskis
Student since August 22 (2022)
Pablo Castro ttruga
Engineer who enjoys innovation, learning by doing and discovering new technologies.

Santiago de Chile