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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Amur Amurmurmur
Human built on top of a JoyStack
yoichi-ikegawa tanakaryo
IT Specialist in Deloitte.
Data & Software Engineer

ATICHOF Casablanca, Morocco

Julian Hecker julian-hecker
Full Stack Software Engineer

@AWirelessDev Raleigh, NC

Saad277 saad277

Remote Karachi

Henry Doce hendo12
Frontend software engineer

Ever.Ag Austin, TX

Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Kurt VanDusen equationalapplications
Equational Applications LLC - Kurt VanDusen, Founder and Sole Member

Equational Applications LLC Grand Rapids, MI, USA

@hquu hquu
+86 15923502951

飞源信息科技 chongqing

Dmitry Vyazin VDS13
Conor Kennedy GatesKennedy
.:. exceedingly curious .:.

Gates Kennedy Portland, OR

OpenAI | MERN | Senior Full Stack Developer tekdadz
I am a Senior Full Stack Developer with more than 9+ years of experience in designing and developing scalable Applications.

Working From Home Worldwide

Eduardo Dorantes doranteseduardo
Software Engineer

Hidalgo, México

Yuri Pourre yuripourre
Software Engineer


Ramiro Mendez RamiroG8k
Casualidad, Naturaleza

Guadalajara, Jalisco. México

Wayne WayneKim92
React Native App developer 🍀

HYBE BINARY Seoul, South Korea

Oushesh Haradhun Oushesh
Roboticist Physicist, Electronic Music Lover. Interests in Deep Learning, Computer vision Contact Info: [email protected]

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Mohamed Nifras nifra-s
Full Stack Development 🧑‍💻 IoT ⚡ Embedded Engineering 🪫 Industrial Automation 🏭
pjstein pjstein
empty vessel half full
Laurensius Dede Suhardiman laurensius
Internet of Things enthusiast

@Ganesh-Lab-Solutions, @gurungaji-com Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

Antoine antoine1anthony
coder that loves art & tech | Builder of Digital Dreams

Bay Area, CA

龙泉月夕 ltProcess
trust the Process


Alexandr alvitsit

Private entrepreneur Batumi

Jake Hamilton jakehamilton
I make things on the web.

@noopai Orange County, California

yeliex yeliex
Focusing on how AI changes business and your life. Front-end engineer, full-stack, e-commerce, marketing and SEO

want job / outsourced welcome Hangzhou • China

matrixbirds Matrixbirds
Formerly @AgoraIO Web Developer. Now enrolled in comedic entertainment, any agora's Q&A won't be responded.

@ZangaiFamily Nanjing

Felix_xue Xue-Felix
Your biggest obstacle is yourself!🍀

58 Group Beijing

LongYinan Brooooooklyn
TypeScript at day, Rustacean at night. Coding for fun.

@toeverything Singapore

Issacc Lee issacclee
Keep calm and coding on.
Dexter Yang dexteryy
e/acc. 🔨 spatial web at PICO OS. Founded WebDevEngine @bytedance, JS hacker & FE architect at @strikingly, @Flipboard, 豆瓣, 土豆. Made metaverse apps & TRPG tools

ByteDance Beijing, China

Filip Kinský Buthrakaur

@SmartGuideApp Prague