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Vsevolod V Gromov vgromov
Head of ECO-E Software Development team. Bare-metal firmware programming, mobile and desktop applications programming.

ECO-E Moscow, Russia

kalProject-old kalproject-old

kalProject-old Carmen 1937, Santiago Chile

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Frederick Pellerin TheRealFREDP3D
Tech and computer science enthusiast focusing on Cybersecurity, AI, and Python. Constantly exploring. Always Learning.

Quebec City, QC, Canada

Thomas Herrmann BKLronin
Loves making things.

raise-UAV Jena

Matt Ruffner ruffner
PhD EE. Embedded systems firmware dev, signal analysis, and mandolins.


Kirk Wilson kirkdwilson

Global Systems Design Lakewood, CO

William Gill 57-Wolve
"Where there's a Will, there's a way."

Wisconsin, USA.

decadenza decadenza
Tryin' to keep it simple.
David Cdaprod
As a highly motivated autodidact, a single father of triplet boys, I’ve got an amazing story to tell.

CDAProd Douglasville, GA (West ATL)

LightMaster001 LightMaster001
studying Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng) at TH Mittelhessen


Divya Pujara Divyastra

Leicester Hackspace Leicester

Owen Carter easytarget
Amsterdam based Maker and Geek.


Erik Lundh eriklundh

The Joy of Engineering Helsingborg