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lupu lupu60

@Sh4res Brasov

Axel H. noirbizarre

@apihackers @LedgerHQ Paris, France

Masashi Sode MasashiSode
PhD student @UNC-Chapel Hill in Biomedical Engineering

UNC-Chapel Hill United States

EE, RTOS enthusiast, love embedded systems, ham radio, antennas, RF.

Westmoreland Engineering, Inc. San Jose, CA

Maksym Bondarchuk belkamax05
TypeScript/React/.Net Full Stack developer

Lisbon, Portugal

Sandrico Provo sandricoprovo
Software Developer from Canada 🇨🇦.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

ConfusedOnCOFFEE ConfusedOnCOFFEE
Hi, I am here, so I can learn from the best, try to open source what was tested, works and helps the public. I like Emacs, SteamDeck and my privacy.

home Void

Johan Eklund jreklund
Working for, the company behind and

Geeks AB Sweden

James Qualls sourcec0de
Principal engineer @discernhq building neat stuff like @kibu-sh (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Phoenix, AZ

ziming ziming
Trying not to burn out

@ergon Zürich

Victor Damasceno DamascenoV
Software Developer. :wq!


Thomas Dunn tdunn891
Full Stack Developer

Dublin, Ireland

Artem Ivanov follow39

Epay Munich, Germany

Full-stack Web Developer (React, Java, Node)

FactoFly Poznań

Eiko Wagenknecht eikowagenknecht
IT Freelancer and solo founder. Software creator with a focus on quality and UX. Open-source contributor.

Wagenknecht IT GmbH Hanover, Germany

Ettore Del Negro ettoredn

@themecraftstudio Italy

Carl Joakim Damsleth damsleth
azure; m365; spfx; zsh; node; slackbots; typescript; home automation; macos

Puzzlepart Oslo, Norway

Daniel dgomlopez
Electronic Engineer. Interested in embedded systems and new challenges.

Seoul, South Korea