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PostgreSQL Receiver

Stability unmaintained: metrics
Distributions contrib
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Emeritus @djaglowski

This receiver queries the PostgreSQL statistics collector.

🚧 This receiver is in BETA. Configuration fields and metric data model are subject to change.


See PostgreSQL documentation for supported versions.

The monitoring user must be granted SELECT on pg_stat_database.


The following settings are required to create a database connection:

  • username
  • password

The following settings are optional:

  • endpoint (default = localhost:5432): The endpoint of the postgresql server. Whether using TCP or Unix sockets, this value should be host:port. If transport is set to unix, the endpoint will internally be translated from host:port to /host.s.PGSQL.port

  • transport (default = tcp): The transport protocol being used to connect to postgresql. Available options are tcp and unix.

  • databases (default = []): The list of databases for which the receiver will attempt to collect statistics. If an empty list is provided, the receiver will attempt to collect statistics for all non-template databases.

  • exclude_databases (default = []): List of databases which will be excluded when collecting statistics.

The following settings are also optional and nested under tls to help configure client transport security

  • insecure (default = false): Whether to enable client transport security for the postgresql connection.

  • insecure_skip_verify (default = true): Whether to validate server name and certificate if client transport security is enabled.

  • cert_file (default = $HOME/.postgresql/postgresql.crt): A certificate used for client authentication, if necessary.

  • key_file (default = $HOME/.postgresql/postgresql.key): An SSL key used for client authentication, if necessary.

  • ca_file (default = ""): A set of certificate authorities used to validate the database server's SSL certificate.

  • collection_interval (default = 10s): This receiver collects metrics on an interval. This value must be a string readable by Golang's time.ParseDuration. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.

  • initial_delay (default = 1s): defines how long this receiver waits before starting.

Example Configuration

    endpoint: localhost:5432
    transport: tcp
    username: otel
    password: ${env:POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}
      - otel
    collection_interval: 10s
      insecure: false
      insecure_skip_verify: false
      ca_file: /home/otel/authorities.crt
      cert_file: /home/otel/mypostgrescert.crt
      key_file: /home/otel/mypostgreskey.key

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented in config.go with detailed sample configurations in testdata/config.yaml. TLS config is documented further under the opentelemetry collector's configtls package.

Connection pool feature

The feature gate receiver.postgresql.connectionPool allows to enable the creation & reuse of a pool per database for the connections instead of creating & closing on each scrape. This is generally a useful optimization but also alleviates the volume of generated audit logs when the PostgreSQL instance is configured with log_connections=on and/or log_disconnections=on.

When this feature gate is enabled, the following optional settings are available nested under connection_pool to help configure the connection pools:

  • max_idle_time: The maximum amount of time a connection may be idle before being closed.
  • max_lifetime: The maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
  • max_idle: The maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
  • max_open: The maximum number of open connections to the database.

Those settings and their defaults are further documented in the sql/database package.

Example Configuration

    endpoint: localhost:5432
    transport: tcp
    username: otel
    password: ${env:POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}
      max_idle_time: 10m
      max_lifetime: 0
      max_idle: 2
      max_open: 5


Details about the metrics produced by this receiver can be found in metadata.yaml