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MySQL Receiver

Stability unmaintained: metrics
Distributions contrib
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Code Owners | Seeking more code owners!
Emeritus @djaglowski

This receiver queries MySQL's global status and InnoDB tables.

Some metrics will not appear if their corresponding feature is inactive.
There are also optional metrics that you must specify in your configuration to collect, listed in


This receiver supports MySQL version 8.0

Collecting most metrics requires the ability to execute SHOW GLOBAL STATUS.


The following settings are optional:

  • endpoint: (default = localhost:3306)

  • tls: Defines the TLS configuration to use. If tls is not set, the default is to disable TLS connections.

    • insecure: (default = false) Set this to true to disable TLS connections.
    • insecure_skip_verify: (default = false) Set this to true to enable TLS but not verify the certificate.
    • server_name_override: This sets the ServerName in the TLSConfig.
  • username: (default = root)

  • password: The password to the username.

  • allow_native_passwords: (default = true)

  • database: The database name. If not specified, metrics will be collected for all databases.

  • collection_interval (default = 10s): This receiver collects metrics on an interval. This value must be a string readable by Golang's time.ParseDuration. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.

  • initial_delay (default = 1s): defines how long this receiver waits before starting.

  • transport: (default = tcp): Defines the network to use for connecting to the server.

  • statement_events: Additional configuration for query to build mysql.statement_events.count and mysql.statement_events.wait.time metrics:

    • digest_text_limit - maximum length of digest_text. Longer text will be truncated (default=120)
    • time_limit - maximum time from since the statements have been observed last time (default=24h)
    • limit - limit of records, which is maximum number of generated metrics (default=250)

Example Configuration

    endpoint: localhost:3306
    username: otel
    password: ${env:MYSQL_PASSWORD}
    database: otel
    collection_interval: 10s
    initial_delay: 1s
      digest_text_limit: 120
      time_limit: 24h
      limit: 250

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented in config.go with detailed sample configurations in testdata/config.yaml.


Details about the metrics produced by this receiver can be found in metadata.yaml