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Adding Views

{% include toc.html %}

XOS is designed to be extensible, with new services incorporated into XOS so they are readily available to other users. Our goal is to build a diverse collection of services that can be accessed through the XOS programmatic interface. This is done by extending the XOS data model with objects that represent the available services, as described in the Adding Services section.

This collection of services, in turn, defines a range of functionality that can be combined in different ways to provide customized views targeted at different user communities and usage scenarios. A view might provide a graphical interface to just one service, it might present a subset of a service customized for a particular user community, it might serve as a dashboard for one or more services, or it might create a new capability by combining features from multiple services.

XOS provides a default view, which we sometimes call the Developer View. Confusingly, the Developer View is implemented by Django's "standard template view" (also called the Admin View) that Django auto-generates from its data model. Each service developer is expected to provide any service-specific customizations to the Admin View as part of the service implementation. (This corresponds to the file in the service implementation.)

In addition to this default view, XOS provides an AngularJS-based mechanism for creating new views. The mechanism builds on top of xoslib and includes the ability to link the view into the XOS portal. This section describes how to create a view using this mechanism.

Users are aways free to implement stand-alone portals on top of XOS's RESTful API using whatever GUI framework they want. In the source tree, example stand-alone applications (GUI-based and otherwise) are given in the applications directory. Example views built using the mechanism described in this section can be found in the views directory.

Note that the source tree contains legacy views created as extensions to Django's standard template view, but XOS no longer supports these Django-based views.

A video tutorial is available here.


Directory views/ngXosLib contains a collection of tools for implementing an XOS View as an Angular Single Page Application (SPA). In the following description, we assume XOS is running on your development system and responding at and nodeJs is installed. The xos/configurations/frontend is normally sufficient for GUI development.


XOS comes with a set of common libraries, as listed in bower.json

  • angular
  • angular-ui-router
  • angular-resource
  • angular-cookie
  • angular-mocks
  • angular-chart.js
  • bootstrap-css
  • lodash
  • jquery
  • d3

These libraries are served through Django, so they are not included in your minified vendor file. To add a library and generate a new file (that will override the old one):

  • enter ngXosLib folder
  • run bower install [myPackage] --save
  • rebuild the file with gulp vendor

NOTE before adding libraries please discuss it on the devel list to avoid this file becoming too big

Helpers and UI components

XOS comes with a helper library that is automatically loaded in the Django template.

To use it, add xos.helpers to your required modules:

angular.module('xos.myView', [

Doing so will automatically add a token to all your requests. Eventually you can take advantage of some other services:

  • NoHyperlinks Interceptor: will add a ?no_hyperlinks=1 to your request, to tell Django to return ids instead of links.
  • Api Resources A set of automatically generated ng-resource
  • Common UI Components UI Components such as tables, alerts, paginations...

Generated the documentation

Documentation for both helpers and UI Components is available in the source code. It can be extracted with npm run doc. This command will open a new tab in your browser and display a browsable documentation for each component:

{% include figure.html url="/figures/ui-component.png" caption="UI Component Documentation" %}

This documentation include also the API documentation.


We have created a yeoman generator to help scaffold views.

As it is in an early stage of development, you should manually link it to your system. To do this enter /views/ngXosLib/generator-xos and run npm link.

Generating a New View

By convention, customized views are located in views/ngXosViews. From /views run yo xos. This command creates a new folder with the provided name in /views/ngXosViews that contains your application.

If you left View name empty it should be /views/ngXosViews/sampleView

Run a Development Server

In your view folder run npm start.

This will install the required dependencies and start a local server with BrowserSync.

Publish Your View

Once your view is done, from your view root folder, run: npm run build. This will build your application and copy files in the appropriate directories for use by Django.

At this point you can enter a running XOS instance, and trough the customize page is possible to add your custom view.

NOTE: url field should be template:xosSampleView

You can easily set this as a default view in a configuration by editing the {config}.yml file for that configuration. Add these lines:

  type: tosca.nodes.DashboardView              
      url: template:{viewName}     

Then edit the User section (normally it starts with [email protected]) as follows:

[email protected]:                                          
  type: tosca.nodes.User                                   
      firstname: XOS                                       
      lastname: admin                                      
      is_admin: true                                       
      - tenant_dashboard:                                  
          node: Tenant                                     
          relationship: tosca.relationships.UsesDashboard  
      - {custom_dashboard}:                              
          node: {TabName}                                 
          relationship: tosca.relationships.UsesDashboard  

The TOSCA recipe is printed on the console after you execute the npm run build command, or can be printed using npm run tosca.

Install Dependencies

To install a local dependency use bower with --save. Common modules are saved in devDependencies as they already loaded in the Django template.

The npm start command watches your dependencies and will automatically inject it in your index.html.


A styleguide is enforced through EsLint and is checked during the build process. We highly recommend installing the linter in your editor to have realtime hints.


The generator sets up a test environment with a default test. To run it, execute: npm test