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Olympus (The blockchain layer in Oort)

Official C++ implementation of the Olympus protocol.

To understand the consensus algorithm in Olympus, refer to the mcp yellow paper.

API Reference Discord

Building the source



  • g++ version >= 9. Use command g++ -v to check current version.
  • Install git, cmake, wget and unzip.
    apt-get install -y git cmake wget unzip
  • Install boost.
    tar --bzip2 -xf  boost_1_81_0_rc1.tar.bz2
    cd boost_1_81_0
    ./ --prefix=/usr/local
    ./b2 -j$(nproc) --with-atomic --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-log \
        --with-program_options --with-regex --with-system --with-thread link=static install
    cd .. && rm -rf boost_1_81_0 boost_1_81_0_rc1.tar.bz2
  • Install libraries required by rocksdb. The output libraries are liblz4.a libzstd.a libz.a.
    apt-get install -y liblz4-dev libzstd-dev zlib1g-dev
  • Install rocksdb. The installed library name is librocksdb.a.
    cd rocksdb-8.3.3
    PORTABLE=1 make -j$(nproc) USE_RTTI=1 static_lib
    make install
    cd .. && rm -rf rocksdb-8.3.3
    Note: Set USE_RTTI=1 in Makefile. Otherwise, there will be link failed to rocksdb. Moreover, set PORTABLE=1 to enhance the portability of the code. Please refer the Installation Instructions for more details.

Compile MCP

  • Download source code
    git clone --recursive
    cd Olympus
    mkdir -p build && cd build
  • CMake configuration
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ../
  • Compile
    make -j$(nproc)

Note: If compilation fails because some libraries can not be found, first check if libraries exist in /usr/local/lib. Check if make install has been run for all installed libraries. If the libraries are installed to other directories, these directories can be specified as a cmake option as following.

cmake -Drocksdb_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include -Drocksdb_LIBRARY_RELEASE=/usr/local/lib/librocksdb.a

Next is a list of all configurable parameters in cmake

-Drocksdb_INCLUDE_DIR=... -Drocksdb_LIBRARY_RELEASE=.../librocksdb.a -Drocksdb_LIBRARY_DEBUG=.../librocksdb.a
-Dlz4_LIBRARY_DEBUG=.../liblz4.a -Dlz4_LIBRARY_RELEASE=.../liblz4.a
-DZLIB_LIB_DEBUG=.../libz.a -DZLIB_LIB_RELEASE=.../libz.a


The installation procedure is the same as Linux system. The only difference is to use command brew install to install packages.


Note:1).Compilation of a few library will fail in Debug mode. Set the "treat warnings as errors" option to be false. 2). Run msbuild in the command line tools inside vs-tools, instead of in command shell.


  • Visual studio version >= 2022.

  • Install gitcmake. Download these tools from official website.

  • Install boost. Download Version 1.81.0 from, and install in c:\dependence.

  • Install lz4 which is required by rocksdb. Download v1.9.2, and install in c:\dependence.

    cd c:\dependence (Download the package in this directory and unzip it)
    cd lz4-1.9.2
    cd visual\VS2017
    devenv lz4.sln /upgrade
    msbuild lz4.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
    msbuild lz4.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
  • Install zstd which is required by rocksdb. Download v1.5.2, and install in c:\dependence.

    cd c:\dependence (Download the package in this directory and unzip it)
    cd zstd-1.5.2\build\VS2010
    devenv zstd.sln /upgrade
    msbuild zstd.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
    msbuild zstd.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
  • Install zlib which is required by rocksdb. Download v1.2.13, and install in c:\dependence.

    cd c:\dependence (Download the package in this directory and unzip it)
    cd zlib-1.2.13\contrib\vstudio\vc14
    devenv zlibvc.sln /upgrade
    msbuild zlibvc.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
    msbuild zlibvc.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
  • Install rocksdb in c:\dependence.

    cd c:\dependence

    Download rocksdb and unzip it.

    Edit rocksdb\

    set(LZ4_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/lz4-1.9.2)
    set(LZ4_INCLUDE ${LZ4_HOME}/lib)
    set(LZ4_LIB_DEBUG ${LZ4_HOME}/visual/VS2017/bin/x64_Debug/liblz4_static.lib)
    set(LZ4_LIB_RELEASE ${LZ4_HOME}/visual/VS2017/bin/x64_Release/liblz4_static.lib)
    set(ZSTD_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/zstd-1.5.2)
    set(ZSTD_INCLUDE ${ZSTD_HOME}/lib ${ZSTD_HOME}/lib/dictBuilder)
    set(ZSTD_LIB_DEBUG ${ZSTD_HOME}/build/VS2010/bin/x64_Debug/libzstd_static.lib)
    set(ZSTD_LIB_RELEASE ${ZSTD_HOME}/build/VS2010/bin/x64_Release/libzstd_static.lib)
    set(ZLIB_HOME $ENV{THIRDPARTY_HOME}/zlib-1.2.13)
    set(ZLIB_LIB_DEBUG ${ZLIB_HOME}/contrib/vstudio/vc14/x64/ZlibStatDebug/zlibstat.lib)
    set(ZLIB_LIB_RELEASE ${ZLIB_HOME}/contrib/vstudio/vc14/x64/ZlibStatRelease/zlibstat.lib)

    Compile rocksdb. Follow Installation Instructions.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    set THIRDPARTY_HOME=c:\dependence(cmd) or $env:THIRDPARTY_HOME="c:\dependence" (powershell)
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -DLZ4=1 -DZLIB=1 -DZSTD=1 -DPORTABLE=1 ..
    msbuild rocksdb.sln /p:Configuration=Release
    msbuild rocksdb.sln /p:Configuration=Debug

Compile MCP

  • Download source code
    git clone --recursive
    cd mcp && mkdir -p build && cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \
    -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dependence\boost \
    -Drocksdb_INCLUDE_DIR=c:\dependence\rocksdb\include \
    -Drocksdb_LIBRARY_RELEASE=c:\dependence\rocksdb\build\Release\rocksdb.lib \
    -Drocksdb_LIBRARY_DEBUG=c:\dependence\rocksdb\build\Debug\rocksdb.lib \
    -Dlz4_LIBRARY_DEBUG=c:\dependence\lz4-1.7.5\visual\VS2010\bin\x64_Debug\liblz4_static.lib \
    -Dlz4_LIBRARY_RELEASE=c:\dependence\lz4-1.7.5\visual\VS2010\bin\x64_Release\liblz4_static.lib \
    -DZSTD_LIBRARY_DEBUG=c:\dependence\zstd-1.3.7\build\VS2010\bin\x64_Debug\libzstd_static.lib \
    -DZSTD_LIBRARY_RELEASE=c:\dependence\zstd-1.3.7\build\VS2010\bin\x64_Release\libzstd_static.lib \
    -DZLIB_LIB_DEBUG=c:\dependence\zlib-1.2.11\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibStatDebug\zlibstat.lib \
    -DZLIB_LIB_RELEASE=c:\dependence\zlib-1.2.11\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibStatRelease\zlibstat.lib \
    -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ../
    msbuild mcp.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
    msbuild mcp.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64

Run a node

Read Help

./mcp --help

Run a node as an ordinary node

./mcp --daemon --console --data_path=<Your data path>

Run a node as a witness

./mcp --daemon --console --data_path=<Your data path> --witness --witness_account=<Witness account keystore file> --password=<Password for the keystore file>

Once the mcp is running, you can change other configuration items in the config.json file in the data path specified.