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103 lines (76 loc) · 3.12 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (76 loc) · 3.12 KB


Poorly formatted feed? That's a scrapin'. Build Status

What is it?

A server/library for making RSS feeds work for you.

A fair proportion of RSS feeds these days will do things like truncate the description field of all items in a feed to force you to view the original page, or in the case of aggregate feeds, will instead just make your rss feed viewer do whatever it does for an empty description body.

Betterfeed is a Clojure library and server for providing per-feed and per-domain rules for repopulating the description field with scrapes of the original content, using arbitrary user-defined CSS selectors.

The project was born out of frustration with web browsers, ads and content producers and curators attempting to dictate the way in which their content is consumed


You'll first need to install rss-utils and then betterfeed by cloning the repo, cding into it and doing

lein install


This is pretty basic at the moment.

Crack open a repl and use

(require [betterfeed.core :as feed])
(feed/rewrite-feed "https://some.feed/feed.xml" "/tmp/feed.xml") 

and then simply point your rss feed reader at the new file. This will attempt to scrape anything matching <div class='entry'> by default, so you'll probably need to configure it.


Betterfeed utilizes the functional nature of Clojure so that you can easily construct partial functions at feeds and page contents in order to manipulate them to your whim.

The best example of this is utilizing the get-content-method map to define how you want to process pages from a given domain before dumping them in the <encoded> field.

For instance, if you only wanted content within the <div class='entry'> tag for domain "some.feed", you would define a get-content-method map to match the domain to use a partial created by the selector helper with an enlive CSS selector:

  (ref-set feed/content-method
    {"some.feed" (feed/selector [:div.entry])}))

To utilize more advanced selectors, you may need to include enlive directly to use some of its helper functions.

For example, if you wanted to match elements with an id attribute matching:


You could use:

(require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enl])
  (ref-set feed/content-method
    {"some.feed" (feed/selector [(enl/attr-starts :id "article-section-")])}))

Addtionally, you can specify feeds which will actually redirect to other sites for the content so that you can match against the article domains individually:

  (ref-set feed/will-3xx 


The project is really early days, and I've been using it extensively for my personal feeds. Any questions or comments or feature requests, just submit an issue and I'll attempt to address or answer questions.


BSD 3 Clause - see LICENSE