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Motivation: Writing a Concurrent-Safe Stack

The following is a beginner-friendly example to explain why we need data structures specifically designed for multicore programming.

For this exercise, we are trying to define a concurrent-safe (lock-free) stack with the following signature:

module type S = sig 
    type 'a t
    val create : unit -> 'a t
    val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
    val pop : 'a t -> 'a option 

Sequential Implementation

We will start with a basic implementation suitable for sequential use and demonstrate why it fails with multiple domains.

module Stack_seq : S = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list ref

  let create () = ref []
  let push st a = st := a :: !st

  let pop st =
    match !st with
    | [] -> None
    | v :: xs ->
        st := xs;
        Some v

What happens if we try to use this stack with multiple domains?

Testing Our Implementations

Test Functor

To test our implementation, we need a test function that runs the code in parallel. Also, we want to be able to inspect the content of our stack.

module Test (Stack : S) : sig
    val test : unit -> int * 'a list
end  =  struct
    (** Work done by a single domain. The first argument is the domain identifier *)
    let work (id : string) (st : 'a Stack.t) : unit = ...
    (** Functions to use to inspect sequentially the content of the stack *)
    let drain (st : 'a Stack.t) : 'a list = ...

    (** The test function returns the number of elements in the stack and its contents *)
    let test () : int * 'a list = ...

We can define the drain function as follows:

 let drain (st : 'a Stack.t) : 'a list =
    let rec loop () =
      match Stack.pop st with None -> [] | Some v -> v :: loop ()
    loop ()

The work function defines what a domain does. For our test, each domain will push its id into the stack 10 times.

  let work (id : string) (st : 'a Stack.t) : unit =
    for _ = 0 to 9 do
      Stack.push st id

Then let's define our test: it spawns 2 domains that each execute work in parallel. test returns the content of the stack as well as its length so we can easily see if it contains the 20 elements we expect.

 let test () =
    let st = Stack.create () in
    let domainA = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "A" st) in
    let domainB = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "B" st) in
    Domain.join domainA;
    Domain.join domainB;
    let content = drain st in
    (List.length content, content)

Our Test functor is:

module Test (Stack : S) : sig
  val test : unit -> int * string list
end = struct
  (** Work done by a single domain. The first argument is the domain identifier *)
  let work (id : string) (st : 'a Stack.t) : unit =
    for _ = 0 to 9 do
      Stack.push st id

  (** Functions to use to inspect sequentially the content of the stack *)
  let drain (st : 'a Stack.t) : 'a list =
    let rec loop () =
      match Stack.pop st with None -> [] | Some v -> v :: loop ()
    loop ()

  (** The test function returns the number of elements in the stack and its contents *)
  let test () : int * 'a list =
    let st = Stack.create () in
    let domainA = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "A" st) in
    let domainB = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "B" st) in
    Domain.join domainA;
    Domain.join domainB;
    let content = drain st in
    (List.length content, content)

Testing the Stack_seq

Let's try our implementation Stack_seq:

# module Test_seq = Test (Stack_seq)
# Test_seq.test ()
- : int * string list =
(20, ["B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"])

Everything seems fine, right? Except, it is not running in parallel, as we can see from the consecutive Bs (pushed by domainB) and As pushed by domainA. This is because spawning a domain takes way more time than executing work, so domainA is long finished before domainB is even spawned. One way to overcome this issue is to increase the amount of work done in work (for example, by pushing more elements). Another way is to make sure the domains wait for each other before beginning their workload.

Adding a Barrier to Ensure Parallelism Happens

We use a basic barrier implementation to do that. Thanks to it, each domain will now wait for the other to reach the barrier before beginning to push.

module Test (Stack : S) : sig
  val test : unit -> int * string list
end = struct
  (** Work done by a single domain. The first argument is the domain identifier *)
  let work (id : string) (barrier : Barrier.t) (st : 'a Stack.t) : unit =
    Barrier.await barrier;
    for _ = 0 to 9 do
      Stack.push st id

  (** Functions to use to inspect sequentially the content of the stack *)
  let drain (st : 'a Stack.t) : 'a list =
    let rec loop () =
      match Stack.pop st with None -> [] | Some v -> v :: loop ()
    loop ()

  (** The test function returns the number of elements in the stack and its contents *)
  let test () : int * 'a list =
    let st = Stack.create () in
    let barrier = Barrier.create 2 in 
    let domainA = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "A" barrier st) in
    let domainB = Domain.spawn (fun () -> work "B" barrier st) in
    Domain.join domainA;
    Domain.join domainB;
    let content = drain st in
    (List.length content, content)

Let's run it again:

# module Test_seq = Test (Stack_seq)
# Test_seq.test ()
- : int * string list =
(11, ["A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "B"; "B"])

This is now clearly running in parallel but ... we only have 11 elements in the stack!

Why It Is Not Working

Now, the As and the Bs are interleaved: domains are running in parallel. The resulting stack, however, only contains 11 elements whereas 20 were pushed.

This is because we have a race condition here as push is a non-atomic operation. It requires first to read the content of the stack (!st) then to write in it (st := ...). So, for example, when two domains try to push in parallel into an empty stack the following sequence can happen:

  • domain A reads the stack: it is empty
  • domain B reads the stack: it is still empty
  • domain A pushes A on the empty stack it has read before
  • domain B pushes B on the empty stack it has read before.

This sequence results in a stack containing only one element of value B. The element pushed by A is lost because B did not see it.

Solution: Synchronization Mechanism

This is a very common issue in parallel programming. To prevent it, functions need to be atomically consistent (aka linearizable), meaning they must have a linearization point at which they appear to occur instantly. Such functions can be written with different techniques, including:

  • use of Atomic for mutable variables,
  • use of a mutual exclusion mechanism like Mutex.

However, both solutions have their limits. Using mutexes or locks opens the way to deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, etc.; it also often restricts considerably the performance gained by using multiple cores as the parts of the code effectively running in parallel are limited. On the other hand, atomics are - without a complex algorithm to combine them - only a solution for a single shared variable.

A Concurrent-Safe Implementation

First Try

Let's try to replace references by atomics in our code to demonstrate this point:

module Stack_ato : S = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list Atomic.t

  let create () : 'a t = Atomic.make []

  let push (st : 'a t) a =
    let before = Atomic.get st in
    let after = a :: before in
    Atomic.set st after

  let pop st =
    match Atomic.get st with
    | [] -> None
    | v :: xs ->
        Atomic.set st xs;
        Some v

This implementation of push still does a read and write:

# module Test_ato = Test (Stack_ato) 
# Test_ato.test ()
- : int * string list =
(14, ["B"; "B"; "B"; "A"; "A"; "B"; "B"; "A"; "B"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "B"])

and, as expected, it is not working. The interleaving scenario described previously can still happen, meaning our function is not linearizable (or atomically consistent).

Second Try

To make it work we actually need a special function: Atomic.compare_and_set.

The Atomic.compare_and_set function performs an atomic read-compare-write operation. This means it reads the current value of an atomic variable, compares it to an expected value, and if they match, it writes a new value and returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. This entire operation is done atomically, ensuring that no other thread can interfere between the read and write steps.

Our new stack module now looks like:

module Stack_lf : S = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list Atomic.t

  let create () : 'a t = Atomic.make []

  let rec push (st : 'a t) a =
    let before = Atomic.get st in
    let after = a :: before in
    if not (Atomic.compare_and_set st before after) then push st a

  let rec pop st =
    let before = Atomic.get st in
    match before with
    | [] -> None
    | v :: after ->
        if Atomic.compare_and_set st before after then Some v else pop st
# module Test_lf = Test (Stack_lf) 
# Test_lf.test ()
- : int * string list =
 ["A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "A"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "A";
  "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "B"])

This is finally working as intended!

Final note

This final implementation is actually Treiber stack implementation as done in Saturn. However, written the way it is here, it will perform poorly. This is one of the main arguments for using Saturn data structures instead of doing your own: even a very simple algorithm needs work to perform well.