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A scope-based keymap system that brings simplicity and clarity to modal editor configurations through mindful organization and purposeful design.


Traditional modal editor keymaps typically organize bindings by tool or function.

But I noticed a pattern in my thinking: I always consider the scope first.

  • I want to toggle the App keymaps.
  • I want to search the entire Workspace for...
  • I want to look in this Document for...
  • I want to do something with this Change...
  • I want to rename that Symbol...

That's when I decided to adapt my modal editor to this mental model.

This system takes a different approach by organizing mappings based on their scope of operation:

  • [A]pp (<leader>a) - Application-level operations
  • [W]orkspace (<leader>w) - Operations affecting the entire workspace
  • [D]ocument (<leader>d) - Operations on the current document
  • [C]hange (<leader>c) - Operations on a change (Hunk)
  • [S]ymbol (s) - Operations on code symbols

Design Principles

  • Scope First
    • Every operation must clearly belong to a specific scope (workspace, document, symbol)
    • The scope should be immediately obvious from the operation's nature
  • Semantic Operations
    • Mappings should represent clear, meaningful operations
    • Focus on frequently used operations that benefit from quick access
    • Focus on what the operation means, not how it's implemented
  • Tool & Editor Agnostic:
    • Mappings should be independent of specific tools or editors
    • Use semantic terms (e.g., 'History' instead of 'Git')
    • Implementation details are left to the user's configuration
  • Preserve Editor Defaults:
    • Don't replace basic editor operations with custom mappings
    • Focus on operations that enhance rather than replace core functionality
    • Leave common editor commands in their traditional form
  • Consistent Patterns:
    • Second key should relate to the action within the scope
    • Related operations should share the same scope
    • Maintain predictable patterns across all mappings
  • Single Source:
    • Each operation should have exactly one mapping
    • Avoid duplicate mappings across different key combinations
    • Choose the most appropriate and efficient mapping location

Leader Key

I personally use (and recommend) , as my leader key, but you can use any key you like. This way we use both hands in combination when typing the keymaps, which reduces strain by balancing the workload on the fingers. Also I find that the the middle finger is faster than the thumb, which is generally a good thing, but also very nice to quickly double tap the leader key, to reach the command mode.


<leader><leader> - Global

This is a little bit of a special case, as it's not really a keymap, but a global command. This is an alternative way to quickly enter the command mode (same as :), which lends to increased direct usage of the builtin commands without mapping them.

Since I am using home row mods (really bottom row mods.. See my layout here, I sometimes get missfires for quickly typing :. When quickly dobule tapping the leader key, I quickly and safely reach the command mode, without worrying about typos.

This is of course just personal preference.

For example in Neovim you can create a mapping like so:

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<leader><leader>", function()
    vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(":", "n", true)
end, { desc = "Command Mode" })

Alphabetical Order

All keybindings in each scope are listed alphabetically for easier reference and maintenance, not by frequency of use or importance.

Ergonomic Design

When using , as the leader key, the system naturally creates efficient left-hand finger patterns. The scope key (first key after leader) and the operation key (second key) are often adjacent or nearby on the keyboard (e.g., sa, we, wd), minimizing finger travel and creating comfortable rolling motions for the left hand. This ergonomic benefit is a fortunate consequence of the alphabetical organization combined with the QWERTY layout's letter placement.

<leader>a - [A]pp

Keybinding Mnemonic Description Notes
<leader>aa App Actions Show available app actions / commands
<leader>ad App Document Open document from any workspace If available. (e.g. file-surfer.nvim)
<leader>af App Focus Focus Mode
<leader>ai App Intelligence Show AI tools If available.
<leader>aj App Jumps Show application jump list If available.
<leader>ak App Keybindings Show keybindings
<leader>al App Languages Manage language servers
<leader>an App Notifications Show notifications
<leader>ag App Git Show git module
<leader>ao App Options Toggle app options like Background, Line numbers, etc.
<leader>ap App Plugins Manage plugins
<leader>ar App Recent Open recently visited documents accross all workspace If available.
<leader>as App Settings Toggle app settings In Neovim this would let us fuzzy find config files, and on a mac app this would lead us to settings.json. (cmd-,)
<leader>at App Themes Switch theme or colorscheme
<leader>aw App Workspace Open workspace
<leader>az App Zoom Zoom Mode
<leader>aI App Information Show app information (formatter, lsp, linters, help tags, etc)

<leader>w - [W]orkspace

Keybinding Mnemonic Description Notes
<leader>wd Workspace Document Find document in workspace
<leader>we Workspace Explorer Open file explorer
<leader>wf Workspace Find Find and replace in workspace Optional: Maybe not needed, if the editor offers a replace field under <leader>wt.
<leader>wg Workspace Git Show workspace version control history
<leader>wc Workspace Changed Show changed files in workspace
<leader>wp Workspace Problems Show workspace diagnostics
<leader>wr Workspace Recent Show recently visited documents Optional: Maybe not needed, if editor merges recently opend documents in <leader>wd.
<leader>ws Workspace Symbol Find symbol in workspace
<leader>wt Workspace Text Find text in workspace
<leader>wvb Workspace Version Branches Show version branches
<leader>wvc Workspace Version Commits Show version commits
<leader>wvt Workspace Version Tags Show version tags
<leader>ww Workspace Word Find word under cursor in workspace Optional: Maybe not needed if the editor uses the selection under the cursor when using <leader>wt.

<leader>d - [D]ocument

Shortcut Mnemonic Description Notes
<leader>da Document Associated Find associated documents
<leader>dc Document Changes Show document changes (if available)
<leader>df Document Find Find and replace in document
<leader>dg Document Git Show document version control history e.g. Visualization of git log
<leader>dl Document Last Switch to last document <C-^> in Neovim
<leader>dp Document Problems Show document diagnostics
<leader>ds Document Symbol Find symbol in document
<leader>dt Document Text Find text in document
<leader>du Document Undo Open undo tree If available.
<leader>dvr Document Version Revert Revert changes
<leader>dvs Document Version Stage Stage changes
<leader>dvu Document Version Utage Unstage changes
<leader>dw Document Word Find word under cursor in document
<leader>dya Document Yank All Copy whole document
<leader>dyp Document Yank Path Copy path of document e.g. absolute, relative path, filename etc.
<leader>dyr Document Yank Remote Copy remote path of document e.g. GitHub Perma link

<leader>c - [C]hange

Shortcut Mnemonic Description Notes
<leader>cs Change Stage Stage current hunk
<leader>cr Change Revert Revert current hunk
<leader>cu Change Undo Undo staged hunk
<leader>cd Change Diff Show hunk diff
<leader>ca Change All Show all changes If available. (e.g. Snacks.picker.git_diff)

s - [S]ymbol


Unlike other scopes, symbol operations do not use the leader key due to their high frequency of use. This intentional exception optimizes for efficiency while maintaining the semantic meaning of the scope. But of course it is possible to just also use the leader prefix before that!


If you plan to use it without a leader prefix, and use Neovim, I would recommend to disable the default s Binding. Yes- this goes against the principle not to overwrite editor defaults, but it is (at least for me), not a used keymapping, and is also often overridden by other plugins and systems.

You can disable the default mapping in Neovim like so:

vim.keymap.set("n", "s", "<Nop>")
Shortcut Mnemonic Description Notes
s; Symbol Actions Show symbol actions
sd Symbol Definition Go to symbol definition
sg Symbol Git Show git blame information
si Symbol Info Show symbol information Hover Information
sl Symbol Log Insert log for symbol If available. (e.g. Programmatically log symbol under cursor)
sn Symbol Name Rename symbol
sr Symbol References Show symbol references
sI Symbol Inspect Inspect symbol under cursor


Feel free to:

  • Suggest improvements to the scope organization
  • Propose new scopes for uncovered contexts
  • Share your adaptations for different editors


MIT License - Feel free to adapt and use in your own configurations.