All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Unreleased section should follow Release Toolkit
- Updated golang patch version to v1.23.6
- Updated golang patch version to v1.23.5
- Updated golang patch version to v1.23.4
- Updated golang patch version to v1.23.3
- Upgrade go to 1.23.2
- Upgrade integrations SDK so the interval is variable and allows intervals up to 5 minutes
- Updated golang version to v1.23.1
- Updated golang version to v1.22.5
- Updated golang version to v1.22.4
- Updated golang version to v1.22.3
- Updated golang version to v1.22.2
- Fixed release pipeline
- Updated to v3.8.2+incompatible
- Updated golang version to 1.21
- Update Go version to 1.20
- Update Go version to 1.18
- Bump dependencies
Added support for more distributions:
- RHEL(EL) 9
- Ubuntu 22.04
Added support for more distributions:
- Debian 11
- Ubuntu 20.10
- Ubuntu 21.04
- SUSE 12.15
- SUSE 15.1
- SUSE 15.2
- SUSE 15.3
- Oracle Linux 7
- Oracle Linux 8
Moved default config.sample to V4, added a dependency for infra-agent version 1.20.0
Please notice that old V3 configuration format is deprecated, but still supported.
- Add ARM support.
- Update Go to v1.16.
- Migrate to Go Modules
- Update Infrastracture SDK to v3.6.7.
- Update other dependecies.
- Adds arm packages and binaries
- Crash when additional fields may come back as floats
- Crash when API returns float values for fields that look like integers
- Crash when API returns string values for fields that are normally integers
- Added safer defaults for ClusterName
- Collect node's
- Issue causing duplicate metrics to show up for buckets
- A number of new metrics.
- Renamed the integration executable from nr-couchbase to nri-couchbase in order to be consistent with the package naming. Important Note: if you have any security module rules (eg. SELinux), alerts or automation that depends on the name of this binary, these will have to be updated.
- Unique GUIDS for windows components
- Windows installer packaging
- provided sidecar Kubernetes containers
- Renamed entity namespaces to scope them to couchbase
- Updated to v3 SDK
- Added clusterName as an identity attribute
- Bug where integration would collect all nodes as the same node
- Remove unused dependency for nri-jmx
actually worked now- Fixed issues where unchecked pointer dereferences could happen
- Bumped to protocol version 2 in definition file
- Bumped version for GA release
- Cluster name and hostname to Node and Query Engine entities
- Initial version: Includes Metrics and Inventory data