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Akash Kava edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 8 revisions

Setup Workflow Service

// create new workflow and execute now
var id = await SignupWorkflow.CreateAsync(context, "[email protected]");

// raise an event...
await context.RaiseEventAsync(id, SignupWorkflow.Verify, verificationCode);

Signup Example

Lets assume we want to verify email address of user before signup, we want to set max timeout to 45 minutes and maximum 3 retries.

public class SignupWorkflow : Workflow<SignupWorkflow, string, string>
    public const string Resend = nameof(Resend);

    public const string Verify = nameof(Verify);

    public override async Task<string> RunAsync(string input)
        var maxWait = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);
        var code = (this.CurrentUtc.Ticks & 0xF).ToString();
        await SendEmailAsync(input, code);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            var (name, result) = await WaitForExternalEventsAsync(maxWait, Resend, Verify);
                case Verify:
                    if(result == code)
                        return "Verified";
                case Resend:
                    await SendEmailAsync(input, code, i);
        return "NotVerified";

    public virtual async Task<string> SendEmailAsync(
        string emailAddress, 
        string code, 
        int attempt = -1,
        [Inject] MockEmailService emailService = null) {
        await Task.Delay(100);
        emailService.Emails.Add((emailAddress, code, CurrentUtc));
        return $"{emailService.Emails.Count-1}";
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