Any help is welcome for DinoMail.
You can open an issue, following the template, for bug reports or new features (read the paragraph on evolution on DinoMail).
You are more than welcome to help resolving issues. Just let a message on the related issue on github to say you are on it.
DinoMail is obviously opened to any bug reports and we will fix bugs.
API does not offer as much control as the graphical interface. We will implement, on demand, any feature that is already in DinoMail but not on the API.
DinoMail is not closed to new features. However, we want DinoMail to stay simple, lightweight, os and softwares independent. Hence
- DinoMail will not implement any reading message features (webmail)
- DinoMail may implement test connections to the mail server
- DinoMail will not directly modify configuration files or interact with mail softwares
- DinoMail may help generating configuration files