diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 10d9cbb7b..5b9146516 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ But feel free to mix in match in anyway you feel fit.
| 03 | [Introduction to Matplotlib](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/introduction-to-matplotlib/) | Matplotlib helps to visualize data. You can create plots and graphs programmatically based on various data sources. |
| 04 | [Introduction to Scikit-Learn](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/introduction-to-scikit-learn/) | Scikit-Learn or sklearn is full of data processing techniques as well as pre-built machine learning algorithms for many different tasks. |
| 05 | [Milestone Project 1: End-to-end Heart Disease Classification](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/end-to-end-heart-disease-classification/) | Here we'll put together everything we've gone through in the previous sections to create a machine learning model that is capable of classifying if someone has heart disease or not based on their health characteristics. We'll start with a raw dataset and work through performing an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on it before trying out several different machine learning models to see which performs best. |
-| 06 | [Milestone Project 2: End-to-end Bulldozer Price Prediction](https://github.com/mrdbourke/zero-to-mastery-ml/blob/master/section-3-structured-data-projects/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression.ipynb) | In this project we'll work with an open-source dataset of bulldozer sales information. We'll use this data to build a machine learning model capable of predicting the sales price of a bulldozer based on several input parameters such as size and brand. Since this dataset isn't perfect, we'll work through several data preprocessing steps before building a model. And since we'll be working towards predicting a number (price of bulldozers), this project is known as regression project. |
+| 06 | [Milestone Project 2: End-to-end Bulldozer Price Prediction](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression-v2/) | In this project we'll work with an open-source dataset of bulldozer sales information. We'll use this data to build a machine learning model capable of predicting the sales price of a bulldozer based on several input parameters such as size and brand. Since this dataset isn't perfect, we'll work through several data preprocessing steps before building a model. And since we'll be working towards predicting a number (price of bulldozers), this project is known as regression project. |
| 07 | [Milestone Project 3: Introduction to TensorFlow/Keras and Deep Learning](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/end-to-end-dog-vision-v2/) | TensorFlow/Keras are deep learning frameworks written in Python. Originally created by Google and are now open-source. These frameworks allow you to build and train neural networks, one of the most powerful kinds of machine learning models. In this section we'll learn about deep learning and TensorFlow/Keras by building Dog Vision πΆποΈ, a neural network to identify dog breeds in images. |
| 08 | [Communicating your work](https://dev.mrdbourke.com/zero-to-mastery-ml/communicating-your-work/) | One of the most important parts of machine learning and any software project is communicating what you've found/done. This module takes the learnings from the previous sections and gives tips and tricks on how you can communicate your work to others. |
diff --git a/section-3-structured-data-projects/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression-v2.ipynb b/section-3-structured-data-projects/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression-v2.ipynb
index 76c9cc2eb..8c3e49c75 100644
--- a/section-3-structured-data-projects/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression-v2.ipynb
+++ b/section-3-structured-data-projects/end-to-end-bluebook-bulldozer-price-regression-v2.ipynb
@@ -11403,11 +11403,9 @@
"Let's now try it on a custom sample.\n",
- "Again, like all good machine learning cooking shows, I've searched the internet for \"bulldozer sales in America\" and [found a sale from 6th July 2024](https://www.purplewave.com/auction/240606/item/EK8504/2004-Caterpillar-D6R_XL-Crawlers-Crawler_Dozer-Missouri) (I'm writing these materials in mid 2024 so if it's many years in the future and the link doesn't work, check out the screenshot below). \n",
+ "Again, like all good machine learning cooking shows, I've searched the internet for \"bulldozer sales in America\" and [found a sale from 6th July 2024](https://www.purplewave.com/auction/240606/item/EK8504/2004-Caterpillar-D6R_XL-Crawlers-Crawler_Dozer-Missouri) (I'm writing these materials in mid 2024 so if it's many years in the future and the link doesn't work, check out the screenshot below).\n",
- "TK - image of bulldozer (add raw GitHub link from master)\n",
- "\n",
- "|
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+ "|
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"|:--:| \n",
"| Screenshot of a bulldozer sale advertisement. I took information from this advertisement to create our own custom sample for testing our machine learning model on data from the wild. [Source](https://www.purplewave.com/auction/240606/item/EK8504/2004-Caterpillar-D6R_XL-Crawlers-Crawler_Dozer-Missouri). |\n",