Hi 👋🏾, I am a full-stack developer at TCU. Pronouns are she/her
Web professional specializing in building user-friendly, accessible, and optimized web applications using a solid foundation that is progressively enhanced to provide core experiences across browsers.
HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Command Line, GIT, Responsive Web Design, User Experience, Accessibility, JSON, Agile Methodologies, Node.js, SQL, C#, ASP.Net Core
- Created a Web API Application in ASP.Net Core that uses C# and Entity Framework
- Designed MSSQL Relational database for application
- Frontend is developed using React.js
- Rewrite the Password web application from VB to C#
- Used to update and unlock TCU credentials
- Web API written in .Net Framework 4.7
- Frontend is written in React.js
- Architected design system
- Architected design system
- Developed WordPress Theme