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d411d66 · Jan 18, 2020


This branch is 1 commit behind ThirstyHead/refactoring-browsers:master.



Introducing Talk-o-Vision, a browser-native slideshow. That's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No frameworks. No external dependencies.

Running Locally

This presentation can be served from any standard web server. (For example, Caddy. See the included Caddyfile for configuration details.)

A NodeJS-based web server is included to make it easy to run locally. To run the web server:

$ npm start

Then visit http://localhost:8000 in a browser.

NOTE: This is -- intentionally -- a "Fainting Goat" web server. It is meant to halt at every error that occurs, rather than recovering gracefully. I like this feature, but others might find it annoying. That's why both Caddy and NodeJS web servers are included.

Adding a New Language

If you'd like to add a new translation of this presentation, you can easily copy the en-us canonical version into a new directory under /slides by typing:

$ npm run addlang zh-cn

This will create a new directory tree that looks similar to this:

├── css
├── js
├── slides
│   ├── slide1
|       ├── audio.mp3
|       ├── index.html
|       ├── image.png
│   ├── slide2
│   ├── slide3

After that, you can translate the text in slide1/index.html. Press t while viewing the slideshow to open the Transcripts window and ensure that your translated text is being used.

If you'd like to add recorded audio, save the audio file as slide1/audio.mp3 and reference it in slide1/index.html. Similarly, you can add any translated images (screenshots, websites, etc.) as slide1/image.png and reference them in slide1/index.html.

To view the slideshow while you are developing it, type npm start and then visit http://localhost:8000/slides/zh-cn/index-src.html. This version of index.html dynamically pulls in the slides on-the-fly.