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Releases: mixpanel/mixpanel-iphone

Notification timing + bugfixes

12 Sep 01:11
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This release allows you to control the timing of mini notifications that appear on screen by setting the miniNotificationPresentationTime property on Mixpanel

There are also some small bug fixes for A/B Testing. We now add the Designer mode 4 finger gesture recognizer on the keyWindow instead of the application delegate's window and there is a preprocessor flag for disabling this feature. We have also removed automatic tracking of the `$app_open' event

Thanks also to @pws5068 and @ayanonagon for contributions.

Bug fixes for AB testing

05 Sep 20:47
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This release contains fixes for some bugs that were found in v2.5.0

Thanks to @reddavis and @tooluser for the bug reports.

A/B Testing

27 Aug 17:03
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This release adds Mixpanel A/B testing for iOS

To learn more about how it works, check out the docs

App Links

21 Aug 01:00
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This release tracks Mixpanel events for App Links when you are using the Bolts iOS framework.

If your app uses Bolts and you use inbound or outbound App Links. Mixpanel will track the following events.

  • $al_nav_in : When your app is opened from an inbound app link
  • $al_nav_out : When your app opens an outbound app link
  • $al_ref_back_out : When someone navigates back to your app after an $al_nav_out

These events will show up in your mixpanel dashboard, and contain properties with information about the App Link including the Referrer and URL.

For more info on App Links see:
For info on using App Links with Bolts see:

Fix dates for locales without Gregorian calendars.

14 Jul 23:40
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This fixes an issue where users whose phones are set to use non-gregorian calendars (eg Japanese, Buddhist, Hebrew) would format date properties incorrectly for Mixpanel. All event properties of type NSDate should now be formatted as gregorian dates when send to the Mixpanel API.

2.4.0: Push notification tracking.

20 Jun 20:32
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New methods now optionally track remote notifications based on payloads. This will allow customers to view open rates similarly to those available to emails and in-app messages.

+ (Mixpanel *)sharedInstanceWithToken:(NSString *)apiToken;
- (instancetype)initWithToken:(NSString *)apiToken andFlushInterval:(NSUInteger)flushInterval;

can be changed to

+ (Mixpanel *)sharedInstanceWithToken:(NSString *)apiToken launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
- (instancetype)initWithToken:(NSString *)apiToken launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions andFlushInterval:(NSUInteger)flushInterval;

and a new method is available for push notifications that are received while the app is open.

- (void)trackPushNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;

Also, more files will throw compiler errors when ARC is not enabled.

Fix reachability callback

10 May 00:47
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This release fixes an issue that caused a crash when the Mixpanel library received a reachability notification after it had been deallocated.

2.3.5: General bug fixes and improvements.

18 Apr 00:54
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This release contains the following:

  • Image assets are in an Asset Catalog
  • Podspec updated for Cocoapods 0.31.1
  • Removed 'unused variable' warnings.
  • We are now using boundingRectWithSize on iOS7 to compute font size for notifications
  • Show notifications on the topmost visible view so they aren't hidden inside invisible views.
  • Only track notifications when they are really shown.
  • Fixed crash bug when tracking wifi/radio connectivity properties.

Backport for v2.2.3 fixes to archiving.

21 Mar 20:24
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This is a backport for apps that have not upgraded to ARC and intend to support iOS 5. It is NOT intended to be the latest release.

Fixed an issue where archiving synchronously on the serial queue would block indefinitely.

Reverted some changes from v2.3.3 to fix Podspec lint issues

19 Mar 22:36
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Commits relating to XCode 5.1 warning suppression were reverted because Cocoapods would not accept the podspec with a warning suppression compiler flag. These commits will return in a later release when we can find a cleaner solution.