- clickbait – content designed to attract attention and encourage traffic.
- confirmation bias – the act of searching for or interpreting new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.
- deep fakes – fake videos or images created using AI and machine learning that feature well-known or fictional people doing or saying things that are not real.
- fake news – hoaxes, opinions, scams, or misleading or false information presented as legitimate news stories.
- filter bubbles – digital echo chambers of like-mided views and ideas, curated through algorithms, user behaviour, and the personalisation of online services.
- fork –
- lateral reading – the process of reading across sources and checking information as its presented to you.
- markdown – Markdown is a language used for formatting plain text. You use markdown to indicate where words should be in bold, italics, headings, etc.
- pull request – A pull request is when you request changes that you have made be made to a repository be merged into the original repository.
- repository –