- Domain-Driven Design Starter Modelling Process
- ddd-crew/free-ddd-learning-resources
- How to learn Domain-Driven Design & Event Sourcing? Developer Journey Map and useful resources
- ardalis/DDD-NoDuplicates
- ardalis/awesome-ddd
- heynickc/awesome-ddd
- ddd-crew/ddd-starter-modelling-process
- ddd-crew/core-domain-charts
- Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon
- ddd-crew/context-mapping
- ddd-crew/welcome-to-ddd
- Design a DDD-oriented microservice
- PPPDDD.1 – What is Domain Driven Design?
- PPPDDD.2 – Distilling the Problem Domain
- PPPDDD.3 – Focusing on the Core Domain
- DDD Part 1: Strategic Domain-Driven Design
- DDD Part 2: Tactical Domain-Driven Design
- DDD Part 3: Domain-Driven Design and the Hexagonal Architecture
- A Brief Intro to Clean Architecture, Clean DDD, and CQRS
- A Basic Intro to Domain-Driven Design
- A Template for Clean Domain-Driven Design Architecture
- Tackling Complexity in the Heart of DDD
- Strategic Domain-Driven Design
- Domain Driven Design re-distilled
- A Basic Intro to Domain-Driven Design
- DDD and avoiding CRUD
- Domain-centric vs data-centric approaches to software development
- Experiences Going From Data-Driven Development to Domain-Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design: What is it and how do you use it?
- Data Points - Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs
- Data Points - Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 2
- Data Points - Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 3
- Domain-centric Architectures are Cool, but Why ?
- Clean Architecture : Part 1 – Database vs Domain
- Domain Centric Architecture ve Domain Driven Design
- AVOID Entity Services by Focusing on Capabilities
- Domains and Subdomains
- Scaffold Your Clean DDD Web Application - Part 6: Domain-Driven Design Workflow Patterns
- Domain-Driven Architecture Diagrams
- 3 things that will make or break your project
- Strengthening your domain: a primer
- Strengthening your domain: Aggregate Construction
- Strengthening your domain: Encapsulated collections
- Strengthening your domain: Encapsulating operations
- Strengthening your domain: Avoiding setters
- Strengthening your domain: The double dispatch pattern
- 10 Lessons from a Long Running DDD Project – Part 1
- 10 Lessons from a Long Running DDD Project – Part 2
- DDD revisited
- Integrity of Collections in Domain-Driven Design
- Introduction to DDD Lite: When microservices in Go are not enough
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Intro
- Domain-Driven Design in ASP.NET Core applications
- Introduction to DDD Lite: When microservices in Go are not enough
- DDD and bulk operations
- STOP doing dogmatic Domain Driven Design
- Strategic Domain-Driven Design
- Tactical Domain-Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design and the Hexagonal Architecture
- Using Value Objects with JPA
- Building Aggregates with Spring Data
- Building Repositories with Spring Data
- Publishing Domain Events with Spring Data
- DDD.1 – Crunching knowledge
- DDD.2 – Communication and the use of language
- DDD.3 – Binding model and implementation
- DDD.4 – Isolating the domain
- DDD.5 – A model expressed in software
- DDD.6 – The lifecycle of a domain object
- Change Tracking while doing DDD
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Procedural Beginnings
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Long Methods
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Extracting Domain Services
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Defactoring and Pushing Behavior Down
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Encapsulating Data
- Combining DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project
- Design a No Duplicates Rule in your Domain Model?
- EF Core 2.1 vs NHibernate 5.1: DDD perspective
- How to Handle Updates on Aggregates - Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScript
- DDD: guidance on updating multiple properties of entities
- Practical DDD in Golang: Aggregate
- What is Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Domain-Driven Refactoring: Encapsulating Collections
- Change Tracking while doing DDD (Revisited)
- How to create better code using Domain-Driven Design
- Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part I
- Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part II
- Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part III
- Implementing Domain Driven Design: Part IV
- What is domain-centric architecture?
- Modeling Relationships in a DDD Way
- How to create better code using Domain-Driven Design
- DDD building blocks - Kamil Lelonek
- Implementing Domain Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About it, But Were Afraid to Ask ⭐⭐
- Domain-Driven Design: A Walkthrough of Building an Aggregate ⭐
- Domain-Driven Design: Domain Events and Integration Events in .Net ⭐
- Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 1. The Beginning
- Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 2. The Domain
- Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 3. Draft of Subdomains
- Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 4. Tuning of Subdomains
- Java EE: Design Patterns and Architecture
- AVOID Entity Services by Focusing on Capabilities
- Domain-Driven Refactoring - Jimmy Bogard - NDC Oslo 2020
- Jimmy Bogard - Crafting Wicked Domain Models
- Jimmy Bogard - Domain-Driven Refactoring
- Jimmy Bogard - Domain Driven Design: The Good Parts
- STOP "doing" Domain Driven Design
- Webinar: Domain Driven Design
- The Intersection of Microservices, Domain-Driven Design and Entity Framework Core
- Decomposing CRUD to a Task Based UI
- Vladimir Khorikov: DDD in a nutshell
- DDD as Low-Code
- Is Domain-Driven Design Overrated? • Stefan Tilkov • GOTO 2021
- Do you have enough Complexity for a Domain Model (Domain Driven Design)?
- Getting modules right with Domain-driven Design by Michael Plöd - Spring I/O 2022 Sessions
- Hands-on case-study context mapping with Michael Plöd
- All our aggregates are wrong - Mauro Servienti
- DDD in large product portfolios - Andreas Pinhammer
- eShopOnContainers - Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 5, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor.
- kimcu-on-thenet/ddd-net-ef-core - Self study: DDD, .net core, entity framework core
- blog-core - Modular blog using Blazor with clean domain-driven design patterns
- practical-clean-ddd - The repository uses the eCommerce business domain to demonstrate how to apply Domain Driven Design, Clean Architecture, and Microservice Architecture patterns.
- ddd-guestbook - A DDD guestbook example written for ASP.NET Core
- run-aspnetcore - A starter kit for your next ASP.NET Core web application. Boilerplate for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with applying Clean Architecture and DDD
- run-aspnetcore-realworld - E-Commerce real world example of run-aspnetcore ASP.NET Core web application. Implemented e-commerce domain with clean architecture for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD best practices.
- gothinkster/aspnetcore-realworld-example-app - ASP.NET Core backend implementation for RealWorld
- DDD-starter-dotnet - Sample implementation and comparison of various approaches to building DDD applications. Useful as a baseline to quickly start a DDD dot net project.
- hOrgManager - CQRS and Clean Domain-Driven Design concepts on the ASP.NET Core stack. Demo application for a fictional corporate organization management tool.
- ChristDDD
- library - A comprehensive Domain-Driven Design example with problem space strategic analysis and various tactical patterns.
- Aggregates.NET - .NET event sourced domain driven design model via NServiceBus and GetEventStore
- eShopOnContainersDDD - Fork of dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers in full DDD/CQRS design using my own patterns
- ddd-and-eventsourcing-example
- educational-platform - Modular Monolith Java application with DDD
- coolstore-moduliths - The coolstore website on modular monolith approach
- modular-monolith-with-ddd - Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
- coolstore-microservices - A full-stack .NET microservices build on Dapr and Tye
- smartstore/SmartStoreNET - Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
- smartstore/Smartstore - Open Source ASP.NET Core Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
- VirtoCommerce/vc-storefront - VirtoCommerce Storefront for ASP.NET Core 3.1 repository
- VirtoCommerce/vc-module-customer - Contacts management module
- VirtoCommerce/vc-platform - VirtoCommerce Platform repository
- nopSolutions/nopCommerce - The most popular open-source eCommerce shopping cart solution based on ASP.NET Core
- trueai-org/module-shop
- pdevito3/craftsman - Craftsman is the workhorse behind the Wrapt framework and provides a suite of CLI commands for quickly scaffolding out new files and projects for your .NET Web APIs with simple CLI commands and configuration files.
- nguyentrucxinh/AspNetCore-DDD - Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 LTS application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing
- falberthen/EcommerceDDD - A lightweight ASP.NET Core SPA (Angular) showcase of Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, and Event Sourcing.
- DevBetterCom/DevBetterWeb - A simple web application for devBetter
- baratgabor/MyWarehouse - Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Design sample project based on C# 9 / .NET 5 / ASP.NET Core 5 / EF Core 5 & Angular 11 with Bootstrap.
- ThreeDotsLabs/wild-workouts-go-ddd-example - Go DDD example application. Complete project to show how to apply DDD, Clean Architecture, and CQRS by practical refactoring of a Go project.
- peholmst/DDDExample - Example application for my TechLunch @ Vaadin about DDD and the Hexagonal Architecture
- EnLabSoftware/HRManagement
- ledjon-behluli/SeparateDMAndPmWithTracking
- marcinstelmach/AwesomeBank - Bank system in .NET 5.0 using DDD, CQRS, modular monolith architecture
- stemmlerjs/ddd-forum - Hacker news-inspired forum app built with TypeScript using DDD practices from solidbook.io.
- AlphaYu/Adnc - The microservice framework is also suitable for the development of monolithic architecture systems. It supports the classic three-tier and DDD architecture development model, and integrates a series of mainstream and stable microservice supporting technology stacks. A framework with front-end and back-end separation. The front-end is based on Vue and the back-end is built on .Net 5.0.
- grandnode/grandnode - Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB
- grandnode/grandnode2 - Open source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
- MongkonEiadon/VehicleTracker - Vehicle Tracker with Microservice example
- yang-xiaodong/eShopOnContainers - Replace eShopOnContainers EventBus with CAP
- CodelyTV/typescript-ddd-example - TypeScript DDD Example: Bootstrap your new projects or be inspired by this example project
- ardalis/DDD-NoDuplicates
- DarekModzelewski/Contoso-University-DDD
- ttulka/ddd-example-ecommerce - Domain-driven design example in Java with Spring framework
- ttulka/ddd-example-ecommerce-microservices - Domain-driven design microservices example
- marcinstelmach/Ecommerce.Api - Ecommerce in .net core 2.2, C#, MediaTr, CQRS, DDD, Autofac, DI, Entity Framework Core, Memory Cache, Serilog
- thiagocruzrj/E-commerce-DDD - DDD applied in E-commerce context.
- kalintsenkov/BettingSystem - ASP.NET Core | Domain-Driven Design | Clean Architecture
- VasilisGaitanidis/master-containerized-microservices - This repo contains a sample application based on a fictional eCommerce. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concepts like: Clean Architecture, Microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Publish-Subscribe Architecture, Domain Driven Design (DDD). Currently this is a work in progress.
- MesutAtasoy/Joker - An example of microservices container based application which implemented different approaches within each microservice (DDD, CQRS, Simple CRUD)
- canperk/NorthindDomainDrivenDesignSample - DDD with Northwind Sample Database
- thangchung/northwind-dotnet - A full-stack .NET 6 Microservices build on Minimal APIs and C# 10
- sedatkocaer34/NorthwindDDDSample
- andresantarosa/CleanArchitectureExample - CleanArchitectureExample Project
- asc-lab/better-code-with-ddd - This repository contains code that accompanies presentation ASC LAB team gave at meetup about “Creating better code with Domain Driven Design”.
- wkrzywiec/library-hexagonal - An example application written in Hexagonal (Ports and Adapter) architecture
- zkavtaskin/Domain-Driven-Design-Example - Blog series supplementary domain-driven design C# repository that (hopefully) actually makes sense.
- hamed-shirbandi/TaskoMask
- NHadi/Pos - Sample Application DDD, Reactive Microservices, CQRS Event Sourcing Powered by DERMAYON LIBRARY
- DijanaPenic/DDD-VShop - VShop is a sample .NET 6 application built as Modular Monolith with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach. Each module is an independent vertical slice with its custom architecture.
- m-jovanovic/event-reminder - .NET Core Web API for seamless event organization with configurable notification systems.
- jbogard/presentations/DomainDrivenRefactoring
- pdevito3/domain-events-example
- bymyslf/payment-gateway - A sample project using Hexagonal (Ports & Adapters) architecture, Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD tactical patterns
- idugalic/digital-restaurant - DDD. Event sourcing. CQRS. REST. Modular. Microservices. Kotlin. Spring. Axon platform. Apache Kafka. RabbitMQ
- schananas/reactive-stock-market - This project takes you through the design of simple stock market application based on custom reactive CQRS framework
- AntonioFalcaoJr/Dotnet6.GraphQL4.WebApplication - This project exemplifies the implementation and dockerization of a simple Razor Web MVC Core consuming a full GraphQL 4 Web API, build in a .NET 6 multi-layer project, considering development best practices
- AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing - A full-stack .NET 7 EDA solution
- ddd-by-examples/cinema - Cinema playground - example repo from reserving seats with different rules
- pdevito3/PeakLimsApi - A complex DDD based web API to model the accessioning workflow within a LIMS.
- MarkNijhof/Fohjin - This is a personal sand box
- CodelyTV/csharp-ddd-skeleton - C# DDD Skeleton: Bootstrap your new C# projects applying Hexagonal Architecture and Domain-Driven Design patterns
- klimisa/aggregate-implementation-patterns-csharp - Aggregate implementations workshop port to C#
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/HotelManagement
- AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing - The main objective of this cloud-native project is to represent the state of the art of a distributed, reliable, and highly scalable system by interpreting the most relevant principles of Reactive Domain Driven Design.
- matt-bentley/DDDMart - Sample eCommerce application using Domain Driven Design
- Nairda015/IGroceryStore - IGroceryStore - Loosely coupled monolith app
- bitloops/ddd-hexagonal-cqrs-es-eda - Complete working example of using Domain Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing (ES), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using TypeScript and NestJS
- m-khooryani/OverCloudAirways
- evolutionary-architecture/evolutionary-architecture-by-example ⭐ - Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and various architectural patterns.
- kamilbaczek/Estimation-Tool ⭐ - Modular monolith architecture example in .NET. Estimation Tool is tool to optimize estimation process in IT company.
- baranacikgoz/modular-monolith-ddd-vsa-webapi - A .NET 8 Webapi boilerplate with Modular Monolith approach, Domain-Driven Design and Vertical Slices architecture along with Clean Architecture principles per feature
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/ECommerce
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Tickets
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/MeetingsManagement
- oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore/Sample/Warehouse
- EventSourcing.NetCore/tree/main/Sample/Warehouse.MinimalAPI ⭐
- oskardudycz/kandddinsky2024 ⭐
- oskardudycz/slim-down-your-aggregate/tree/main/csharp/Original ⭐
- Eventuous/eventuous - Minimalistic Event Sourcing library for .NET
- xhafan/coreddd - A set of open-source .NET libraries helping with domain-driven design (DDD) and CQRS
- eventflow/EventFlow - Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- oskardudycz/GoldenEye - The CQRS flavoured framework that will speed up your WebAPI and Microservices development
- Shriek-Projects/shriek-fx - An easy-to-use rapid development framework developed on the basis of.NET Core 2.0, following the constraints of domain Driven Design (DDD) specifications, combined with the CQRS architecture to provide the infrastructure for event-driven, event backtracking, responsiveness, and more. Let developers enjoy the true meaning of object-oriented
- daxnet/apworks-core - Apworks framework supporting .NET Core
- node-ts/ddd - A Domain Driven Design framework for software simplicity in node
- revoframework/Revo - Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for C#/.NET Core
- lucabriguglia/OpenCQRS - .NET Standard framework to create simple and clean design. Advanced features for DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
- kalintsenkov/BookStore - ASP.NET Core | Domain-Driven Design | Clean Architecture
- Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software 1st Edition
- Domain - Driven Design: Atacando as Complexidades no Coracao do Software Paperback – January 1, 2016
- Learning Domain-Driven Design: Aligning Software Architecture and Business Strategy 1st Edition
- Domain-Driven Design Distilled 1st Edition
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design 1st Edition
- Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design 1st Edition
- Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core: Tackling complexity in the heart of software by putting DDD principles into practice
- Domain-Driven Design The First 15 Years Essays from the community
- ABP - Implementing Domain Driven Design
- Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#
- Collaborative Software Design - How to facilitate domain modeling decisions