This repository holds data and code necessary to reproduce the results in the manuscript "Genomics-accelerated discovery of diverse fungicidal bacteria".
The "raw" data includes:
- Information about each isolate, including taxonomic assignments and screening results
- BGCs identified in each isolate, and the results of clustering them into families
- List of BGCs used to query the collection for the in vivo experiment
- List of BGCs from the AgBiome collection that clustered with the query BGCs
- Taxonomic assignments for isolates in the AgBiome collection that contained hits to the query
To reproduce figures and results, run the following command:
make all
Here's a full list of make commands:
help : Show this help message
build-image : Build the docker image for notebooks
build-graphlan : Build the docker image for graphlan
build-alluvial : Build the docker image for ggalluvial
run-notebook : Run the notebook server
stop-notebook : Stop the notebook server
get-url : Get the URL of the notebook server
data/category_covariance.png : Produce the metadata covariance figure
data/table2.tsv : Produce Table 2 and related feature selection analyses
images/model_cv.png : Perform cross-validation analysis to compare modeling approaches
data/sa_rf_model_pickle : Train the machine learning models
data/collection_query_pa.tsv : Evaluate performance of ML models on validation set
generate-cladograms : Produce the cladogram from the ms
generate-cladograms : Produce the cladogram from the ms
clean : delete all images and derivations, keeping only original data files
all : reproduce all figures and analyses
In brief, the make all
command runs the following notebooks:
generates Table 1 and Supplemental Figure 2table2_bgc_feature_selection.ipynb
generates Table 2, Supplemental Table 1, Supplemental Figures 3 and 4.model_cross_validation.ipynb
performs the ML cross-validation experiment, Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure 6prioritization_exp_model_training.ipynb
generates Supplemental Figure 5, and trains the models used in the in vivo experimentmodel_performance.ipynb
evaluates the results of the in vivo experiment, generates Figure 4.figure2_cladogram.ipynb
generates the GraphLan files to produce the cladograms in Figure 2 and Supplemental Figure 1.all_screened_alluvial.R
generates the alluvial plot of all screened isolates in Figure 2.