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janitor (development version, in progress)

Targeting CRAN submission around December 2017.

Release summary

Breaking changes

A fully-overhauled tabyl

Redid the approach to tidy counts / contingency tables, combining tabyl and crosstab into an all-encompassing function tabyl that can tabulate one, two, or three variables. The resulting tabyl data.frames can be manipulated and formatted using a family of adorn_ functions. See the tabyl vignette for more.

The legacy functions crosstab and adorn_crosstab have been deprecated, but remain in the package for now. Existing code that relies on tabyl will break if the sort argument is used, as that argument no longer exists in tabyl (use dplyr::arrange() instead).

Breaking improvements to clean_names

clean_names() now detects and preserves camelCase inputs and allows multiple options for case outputs of the cleaned data.frame. It also converts accented letters and turns # into "number". This is a breaking change, e.g., variableName in the data is now converted to variable_name (or variableName, VariableName, etc. depending on your preference). This may cause old code to break, where it would have been variablename. To minimize this inconvenience, there's a quick fix for compatibility: you can find-and-replace to insert the argument case = "old_janitor" to preserve the old behavior of clean_names() as of version 0.3.0 (and thus not have to redo your scripts beyond that.)



  • clean_names() transliterates accented letters, e.g., çãüœ becomes cauoe (#120). Thanks to @fernandovmacedo.

Note: to obtain this character transliteration functionality on a Windows computer, you will need version >= 1.1.6 of the stringi package. As of November 2017, this is available on GitHub, but not yet on CRAN.

  • clean_names() offers multiple options for variable name styling. In addition to snake_case you can select smallCamelCase, BigCamelCase, ALL_CAPS and others. (#131). Thanks to @tazinho, who wrote the snakecase package that janitor depends on to do this, as well as the patch to incorporate it into clean_names().


Bug fixes

  • adorn_totals("row") handles quirky variable names in 1st column (#118)

janitor 0.3.0 (Release date: 2017-05-06)

Release summary

The primary purpose of this release is to maintain accuracy given breaking changes to the dplyr package, upon which janitor is built, in dplyr version >0.6.0. This update also contains a number of minor improvements.

Critical: if you update the package dplyr to version >0.6.0, you must update janitor to version 0.3.0 to ensure accurate results from janitor's tabyl() function. This is due to a change in the behavior of dplyr's _join functions (discussed in #111).

janitor 0.3.0 is compatible with this new version of dplyr as well as old versions of dplyr back to 0.5.0. That is, updating janitor to 0.3.0 does not necessitate an update to dplyr >0.6.0.

Breaking changes

  • The functions add_totals_row and add_totals_col were combined into a single function, adorn_totals(). (#57). The add_totals_ functions are now deprecated and should not be used.
  • The first argument of adorn_crosstab() is now "dat" instead of "crosstab" (indicating that the function can be called on any data.frame, not just a result of crosstab())



  • Exported the %>% pipe from magrittr (#107).

Deprecated the following functions:

  • use_first_valid_of() - use dplyr::coalesce() instead
  • convert_to_NA() - use dplyr::na_if() instead
  • add_totals_row() and add_totals_col() - replaced by the single function adorn_totals()


  • adorn_totals() and ns_to_percents() can now be called on data.frames that have non-numeric columns beyond the first one (those columns will be ignored) (#57)
  • adorn_totals("col") retains factor class in 1st column if 1st column in the input data.frame was a factor

Bug fixes

  • clean_names() now handles leading spaces (#85)
  • adorn_crosstab() and ns_to_percents() work on a 2-column data.frame (#89)
  • adorn_totals() now works on a grouped tibble (#97)
  • Long variable names with spaces no longer break tabyl() and crosstab() (#87)
  • An NA_ column in the result of a crosstab() will appear at the last column position (#109)

janitor 0.2.1 (Release date: 2016-10-30)

Bug fixes

  • tabyl() and crosstab() now appear in the package manual (#65)
  • Fixed minor bug per CRAN request - tabyl() and crosstab() failed to retain ill-formatted variable names only when using R 3.2.5 for Windows (#76)
  • add_totals_row() works on two-column data.frame (#69)
  • use_first_valid_of() returns POSIXct-class result when given POSIXct inputs

janitor 0.2.0 (Release date: 2016-10-03)



Submitted to CRAN!


  • The count in tabyl() for factor levels that aren't present is now 0 instead of NA (#48)

Bug fixes

  • Can call tabyl() on the result of a tabyl(), e.g., mtcars %>% tabyl(mpg) %>% tabyl(n) (#54)
  • get_dupes() now works on variables with spaces in column names (#62)

Package management

  • Reached 100% unit test code coverage

janitor 0.1.2



  • Added a function adorn_crosstab() that formats the results of a crosstab() for pretty printing. Shows % and N in the same cell, with the % symbol, user-specified rounding (method and number of digits), and the option to include a totals row and/or column. E.g., mtcars %>% crosstab(cyl, gear) %>% adorn_crosstab().
  • crosstab() can be called in a %>% pipeline, e.g., mtcars %>% crosstab(cyl, gear). Thanks to @chrishaid (#34)
  • tabyl() can also be called in a %>% pipeline, e.g., mtcars %>% tabyl(cyl) (#35)
  • Added use_first_valid_of() function (#32)
  • Added minor functions for manipulating numeric data.frames for presentation: ns_to_percents(), add_totals_row(), add_totals_col(),


  • crosstab() returns 0 instead of NA when there are no instances of a variable combination.
  • A call like tabyl(df$vecname) retains the more-descriptive $ symbol in the column name of the result - if you want a legal R name in the result, call it as df %>% tabyl(vecname)
  • Single and double quotation marks are handled by clean_names()

Package management

  • Added codecov to measure test coverage
  • Added unit test coverage
  • Added Travis-CI for continuous integration

janitor 0.1 (Release date: 2016-04-17)

  • Initial draft of skeleton package on GitHub