Note: All the versions not mentioned in the changelog file do not contain changes.
v1.0.0 (2020-03-26)
- #1151 Add customSelectedOptionRenderer to style ContextSwitcher dropdown button (@ndricimrr)
- #1058 Refactor authorisation to activate idp providers before Luigi is rendered (@maxmarkus)
- #1055 Externalize auth providers (@maxmarkus)
- #912 Switch to fundamental styles (@marynaKhromova)
- #1189 Modal window contrast on dark themes (@marynaKhromova)
- #1158 Aligned splitview and centered arrow (@ndricimrr)
- #1155 Document potential wrong-usage of context/dynamic nodes (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1135 Add fundamental library styles section to migration docu (@marynaKhromova)
v0.7.7 (2020-03-20)
- #1172 Fix virtualtree trailing slash (@maxmarkus)
- #1179 Fix navigate ok check for withoutSync (@maxmarkus)
- #1173 Recalculation after cache deletion (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1148 deleteCache was missing in contextswitcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1145 Route change loses context in contextswitcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1060 Luigi Videos (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1116 Add implementations/scenarios (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.7.6 (2020-03-09)
- #1075 Virtual tree navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #1111 Ability to update core URL without micro frontend URL change (@maxmarkus)
- #1076 Core API: Add splitview functionality (@ndricimrr)
- #1129 OpenIdConnect (OIDC) provider profile interceptor (@maxmarkus)
- #1119 Refactor resolved node children data management (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1115 Profile icon tooltip text (@maxmarkus)
- #1109 Document how to make use of contextUpdateListener (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1096 Document how to set auth storage type (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1099 Update documentation for examples + consolidate filenames (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.7.5 (2020-02-14)
- #1083 Open profile items in a modal window (@zarkosimic)
- #1081 CustomMessages from external mf does not work (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1068 Fix fd-modal mix-up (@JohannesDoberer)
v0.7.4 (2020-01-29)
- #1034 Add valid href to navigation links (@maxmarkus)
- #1065 Fix items calculation in more btn of tab nav (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1047 Custom options renderer config error (@maxmarkus)
- #1025 Improve API documentation (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1024 Improve authorization doc structure (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1000 Improve Overview page (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #965 Improve (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #877 Create content guidelines (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1003 Documentation fixes (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.7.3 (2019-12-19)
- #1002 Implicit structural nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #1014 Disable context switcher drop down caret when there is only one option (@pekura)
- #1008 Custom item renderer for options in context switcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #993 React setup (@ndricimrr)
- #994 Handle init in Luigi client without init handshake (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1028 Add navigation functionality to core api (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1017 Improve root nav caching (@maxmarkus)
- #1027 Add nonce param for OAuth2 and parameters to userInfoFn (@maxmarkus)
- #1023 Document anonymous access (@maxmarkus)
v0.7.2 (2019-11-29)
- #970 Third party cookie check (@JohannesDoberer)
- #941 Strip down angular example app (@pekura)
- #901 Inactive lifecycle hook (@maxmarkus)
- #923 Refactor authentication (@maxmarkus)
- #925 Provide possibility to add alt attribute to the
tag (@marynaKhromova)
- #926 Update vue example app (@pekura)
- #992 Edge browser back issue fixed (@maxmarkus)
- #979 Invalid initial root navigation node bug fix (@maxmarkus)
- #937 Example app switcher backdrop bug fix (@maxmarkus)
- #982 FAQ page in documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #969 Luigi architecture page (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #957 Luigi client installation document (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #907 Categories for documentation (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #847 Improve navigation parameters reference (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.7.1 (2019-10-25)
- #920 Invalid auth provider error handling (@JohannesDoberer)
- #931 The goBack context is not delivered to preserved view (@pekura)
- #916 Backdrop not covering split-view micro frontend (@pekura)
v0.7.0 (2019-10-22)
- #843 Svelte 3 migration (@pekura)
- #871 Tab-style navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #900 TabNav component refactoring (@marynaKhromova)
- #894 Add hook at micro frontend container creation (@pekura)
- #898 Added links to getting started guide (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #869 Fixed api links (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #881 Add and describe "allowRules" in the general settings (@zarkosimic)
- #867 Improve Luigi readme (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #866 Improve authorization configuration (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #836 Create getting started guide (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.6.6 (2019-10-09)
v0.6.5 (2019-10-07)
- #832 Set userinfo without auth, new navigation.profile.staticUserInfoFn (@maxmarkus)
- #845 Extend iframe with "allow" attribute (@zarkosimic)
- #840 Move show alert and show confirmation modal to new core api ux section (@zarkosimic)
- #846 default icon for left nav item when it's collapsed (@marynaKhromova)
- #830 SEO optimisation (@marynaKhromova)
- #834 Vue app auth error (@JohannesDoberer)
- #864 fixed links to Lerna (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #862 Fiddle links in docs (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #857 Clean up example links in docs (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #826 Improve (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #840 Move show alert and show confirmation modal to new core api ux section (@zarkosimic)
- #813 Improve Luigi docs readme file (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.6.4 (2019-09-13)
- #825 Context switcher should (optionally) not shorten the navigation path on context change (@pekura)
- #812 custom logout action in profile section (@JohannesDoberer)
- #787 luigiAfterInit lifecycle hook + app loading indicator (@maxmarkus)
- #803 Title dropdown feature for switching applications (@pekura)
- #791 user menu without authorization (@JohannesDoberer)
- #821 Rework backdrop for luigi-app-root bootstrap mode (@zarkosimic)
v0.6.3 (2019-09-05)
- #792 Avoid Luigi not configured alert (@JohannesDoberer)
- #790 Replace UI tests attributes (@zarkosimic)
- #794 Change spelling to "micro frontend" (@alexandra-simeonova)
v0.6.2 (2019-08-29)
- #746 Custom events for core client communication (@maxmarkus)
- #756 Add test attribute to navigation nodes (@JohannesDoberer)
- #752 Mechanism for partial Luigi config update (@pekura)
- #745 Extend iframe sandbox rules (@JohannesDoberer)
- #760 Prevent luigi.auth.tokenIssued infinite loop (@maxmarkus)
- #717 Add documentation for responsive app setup (@jesusreal)
v0.6.1 (2019-08-09)
- #725 I18n luigi internal texts and messages translatable (@JohannesDoberer)
- #703 Product Switcher documentation and configurable label and icon (@maxmarkus)
- #697 Callback documentation for LuigiClient.addInitListener (@maxmarkus)
- #703 Product Switcher documentation and configurable label and icon (@maxmarkus)
v0.6.0 (2019-08-02)
- #705 Core api for getting translation for a specified key for given locale (@JohannesDoberer)
- #707 Add luigi bootstrap dom element option (@jesusreal)
- #694 smooth scrolling on mobile devices (@JohannesDoberer)
- #669 product switcher header to fiori3 concept (@JohannesDoberer)
- #678 Client permissions available in the client (@JohannesDoberer)
- #650 Split View micro frontends (@maxmarkus)
- #664 Accumulated badge counter for mobile (@maxmarkus)
- #712 Fix error on click on navigation node when node is active (@jesusreal)
- #500 Fix path routing (@y-kkamil)
- #665 Fix custom idp provider login function check (@maxmarkus)
- #690 Open split view in collapsed state (@maxmarkus)
- #668 Fix broken links in docu for auth providers (@jesusreal)
v0.5.4 (2019-07-29)
- #708 Fix error on click on navigation node when node is active (@jesusreal)
v0.5.3 (2019-07-23)
- #663 Remove nav highlight for semiCollapsible collapsed category (@maxmarkus)
- #648 Generic node actions (@jesusreal)
- #651 Post message target handling in Luigi Client (@JohannesDoberer)
- #562 Notification badge for counters (@maxmarkus)
- #640 Remove external link indicator for shellbar header nodes (@marynaKhromova)
- #638 Security dev guidelines for MF (@JohannesDoberer)
v0.5.2 (2019-07-12)
- #639 Alias function for getEventData (@JohannesDoberer)
- #653 Context switcher does not work when parentNodePath is root (@pekura)
- #647 Lodash vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
v0.5.1 (2019-07-09)
- #632 Remove side navigation footer when no footer text and no semi-collapsible navigation (@marynaKhromova)
- #623 Node category documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #627 Document view groups (@jesusreal)
v0.5.0 (2019-07-04)
- #626 Open modal from navigation node (@JohannesDoberer)
- #624 Fiori 3 compliant left navigation collapse (@marynaKhromova)
- #610 Improve default child mechanism (@maxmarkus)
- #618 Dropdown functionality for top right navigation nodes (@JohannesDoberer)
- #601 Add ie11 support (@jesusreal)
- #600 View group preloading (@pekura)
- #595 Add goBack support for normal navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #596 Add allow-modals to iframe sandbox options (@JohannesDoberer)
- #613 ContextSwitcher: Always reload if lazyLoadOption is enabled (@maxmarkus)
- #608 Fix core package json merge error (@jesusreal)
- #621 Update the general settings docu (@bszwarc)
- #602 Core API docu (@maxmarkus)
v0.4.12 (2019-06-24)
- #585 577 close modals by esc-key (@JohannesDoberer)
- #545 On auth expire soon event (@JohannesDoberer)
- #569 Reduce luigi client and core bundle size (@jesusreal)
- #552 Improve control over luigi bootstrap process (@pekura)
- #544 Extend luigi core api by methods for getting important dom elements (@marynaKhromova)
- #501 Luigi Authentication Events (@maxmarkus)
- #503 Display info in bottom left corner (@parostatkiem)
- #520 Cache and reuse viewgroups frame (@JohannesDoberer)
- #514 display picture in topnav for idp flow (@JohannesDoberer)
- #504 Add user pic to userinfo (@JohannesDoberer)
- #498 Update unit tests dependencies for luigi core (@jesusreal)
- #493 Make profile dropdown extensible (@jesusreal)
- #480 Alert improvements (@parostatkiem)
- #484 Display userinfo (@JohannesDoberer)
- #476 remove unnecessary styles (@marynaKhromova)
- #599 diff vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #580 axios vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #575 Node refresh bug on hash routing (@jesusreal)
- #566 Improve e2e testrunner script (@maxmarkus)
- #561 Fix e2e install (@maxmarkus)
- #558 Fix bug by overwriting description only when present (@jesusreal)
- #526 Bug in left navigation (@marynaKhromova)
- #528 Error message for invalid auth provider (@maxmarkus)
- #530 Fix dev server reload issue (@maxmarkus)
- #523 485 fix headerjs error (@maxmarkus)
- #482 fix linter errors (@maxmarkus)
- #546 Modernize luigi client (@maxmarkus)
- #544 Extend luigi core api by methods for getting important dom elements (@marynaKhromova)
- #542 Documented luigi.auth.tokenIssued event (@maxmarkus)
- #531 Cleanup codeowners and contributing files (@jesusreal)
v0.4.11 (2019-04-12)
- #468 Check origin of postMessages (@dariadomagala)
- #460 Modal mfs e2e tests (@parostatkiem)
- #451 Prevent unlogged rendering (@parostatkiem)
- #463 Add simple collapsible navigation option (@hardl)
- #459 Display labels in mobile top header menu, vertical alignment for labels (@marynaKhromova)
- #446 Modal mfs (@JohannesDoberer)
- #438 Improve login error behavior (@maxmarkus)
- #437 Optimize luigi.css size (@marynaKhromova)
- #424 Product switcher on mobile (@parostatkiem)
- #435 Fix alert message hidden under content window (@y-kkamil)
- #425 Add ts declaration file (@y-kkamil)
- #423 Duplicated logos and app switcher markup (@JohannesDoberer)
- #461 Prevent unescaped characters in the Alert component (@y-kkamil)
- #466 Deactivate Typescript Declaration file for Luigi Client (@jesusreal)
- #448 Escape some html characters for alert component (@y-kkamil)
- #429 Luigi Client package should not contain src folder (@jesusreal)
- #427 Fix transparent background in alerts (@dariadomagala)
- #454 Documentation for modal micro frontends (@JohannesDoberer)
- #442 Remove Creative Commons license from the docs folder (@klaudiagrz)
- #419 Change the codeowners file (@mmitoraj)
v0.4.10 (2019-03-08)
v0.4.9 (2019-03-07)
- #412 Focus improvements (@hardl)
- #409 Fix double-click selection issue (@hardl)
- #411 Wrap alert in an invisible overlay (@parostatkiem)
- #403 fix generic alert bug (@JohannesDoberer)
- #333 Fix errors when building luigi angular sample application (@kwiatekus)
- #395 Add generic alert (@jesusreal)
- #394 fix application setup issues (@JohannesDoberer)
- #390 Implement test coverage feature (@parostatkiem)
- #389 Add generic confirmation modal (@jesusreal)
- #385 Reload micro frontend when clicking on selected node (@maxmarkus)
- #371 add product switcher to navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #392 Reload same node fails if no iframe exists (@maxmarkus)
- #380 Fix default child and 404 error mechanism bug (@dariadomagala)
v0.4.5 (2019-01-23)
- #313 Luigi config meets es6 (@parostatkiem)
- #325 Webpack for LuigiClient (@parostatkiem)
- #321 Dynamic nodes prevent navigation tree mutation (@maxmarkus)
- #310 Improve 404 handling (@parostatkiem)
- #315 Add isolate all views setting (@dariadomagala)
- #339 Increase oidc client loading timeout (@kwiatekus)
- #377 Fix iframe top position (@jesusreal)
- #378 Fix frame reload on 404 (@dariadomagala)
- #368 Dynamic path params not passed to children providers - fix (@pekura)
- #362 Relative navigation from client does not work with dynamic nodes (@pekura)
- #349 Fix preserve views node params (@dariadomagala)
- #361 Empty navigation category should not be shown (@pekura)
- #352 Fix babel polyfill error (@parostatkiem)
- #342 Ignore path params in context switcher label (@parostatkiem)
- #365 Split documentation for navigation config (@bszwarc)
- #343 Add docs and examples for anonymous content (@dariadomagala)
- #313 Luigi config meets es6 (@parostatkiem)
- #325 Webpack for LuigiClient (@parostatkiem)
- #310 Improve 404 handling (@parostatkiem)
- #315 Add isolate all views setting (@dariadomagala)
- #344 Fix formatting issues and add missing info (@bszwarc)
v0.4.4 (2019-01-10)
- #319 Implement anonymous content feature (@hardl)
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
- #331 Fix defaultChildNode mechanism for root path (@jesusreal)
- #317 Improve defaultChildNode (@parostatkiem)
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
v0.4.3 - 2019-01-07
- #318 Increase timeout and improve error handling for loading oidc client library (@kwiatekus)
- #312 Fix node params for path routing (@dariadomagala)
v0.4.1 - 2018-12-27
- #252 Unsaved changes modal (@parostatkiem)
- #288 Add possibility to use pathRouting with angular-cli (@maxmarkus)
- #307 Fix error with parsed data (@dariadomagala)
- #301 Fix dropdowns behavior on click events (@dariadomagala)
- #305 When adding a listener via Luigi Client API, call only the listener being added (@jesusreal)
- #299 It is not possible to have a root node with empty path segment and a view (@pekura)
- #283 Default child node mechanism breaks if path ends with a slash (@pekura)
- #277 Improve Luigi readme files (@bszwarc)
- #282 Add short file about Luigi Core (@bszwarc)
v0.4.0 - 2018-12-06
- #259 Nav collapsed feature (@parostatkiem)
- #247 Luigi view components design upgrade (@antiheld)
- #226 Add check if modules are same domain (@dariadomagala)
- #266 Fixes for browser incompatibilities (@pekura)
- #253 Allow async defaultChildNode (@maxmarkus)
- #261 Fix the relative path bug (@dariadomagala)
- #250 preserveView should allow viewUrls with query params (@maxmarkus)
- #246 Luigi Client creates extra entry in browser navigation history (@pekura)
- #238 viewUrl should not be mandatory in dynamic node (@maxmarkus)
- #262 Add improvements to Luigi Client API comments and annotations (@bszwarc)
- #251 Improvements for dex auth (@maxmarkus)
- #241 Include v0.3.8 in changelog (@kwiatekus)
- #240 Improve luigi client docu and generate new (@jesusreal)
v0.3.8 - 2018-11-23
- #190 Context Switcher in top navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #209 Support navigation nodes that just link to other nodes (@jesusreal)
- #162 404 support for non existing paths (@parostatkiem)
- #187 Luigi Core config refactorings (@jesusreal)
- #200 Align luigi header title with fundamental style (@parostatkiem)
- #180 Token refresh (@y-kkamil)
- #160 Configurable logo and title (@maxmarkus)
- #235 Issues with path routing (@jesusreal)
- #234 Add logout.html to webpack config (@kwiatekus)
- #232 Fix no context switcher error (@pekura)
- #224 Bugfix/preserve view content area (@maxmarkus)
- #222 Login fix (@hardl)
- #202 Fix go-back-button bug (@parostatkiem)
- #215 mock auth logout page fix (@y-kkamil)
- #211 Multiple path parameters do not get replaced in view url (@pekura)
- #212 Fix failing unit tests (@dariadomagala)
- #206 Center the logo (@dariadomagala)
- #196 Fix for goBack when not using micro frontend without routing (@maxmarkus)
- #177 Allow multiple init and update listeners (@maxmarkus)
- #197 Improve luigi-client js docs (@kwiatekus)
- #155 Describe get path params and get node params better (@pekura)
- #199 Add missing line and improve wording (@bszwarc)
v0.3.7 - 2018-10-31
- #169 Enable Luigi Client (micro frontend) to check whether a path exists in the main app (@jesusreal)
- #168 Fix bug for closest parent navigation on Luigi Client (@jesusreal)
- #138 Add details about navigation nodes and reading node parameters (@bszwarc)
- #176 Update and improve the content of the installation guide (@bszwarc)
- #161 Fix small docu bugs (@jesusreal)
v0.3.6 - 2018-10-23
- #131 Make automatic login configurable (@dariadomagala)
- #121 Navigation node as a link to an external page (@parostatkiem)
- #118 Keep left-side navigation on a node hierarchy level (@maxmarkus)
- #129 Add automatic loading indicator to show processing (@maxmarkus)
- #105 Enable e2e tests (@dariadomagala)
- #142 View preservation is now allowed also cross-domain (@maxmarkus)
- #140 Fix css issues in core and angular example (@jesusreal)
- #116 Change per-component backdrop to global one (@parostatkiem)
- #120 Fix fonts bundling in luigi core (@parostatkiem)
- #115 Re-login not redirecting to luigi app (@jesusreal)
- #148 Copy template for security issues (@franpog859)
- #135 Improve getting started documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #137 Add autogenerated luigi client api docs (@jesusreal)
v0.3.5 - 2018-09-26
- #104 Dynamic pathSegments in navigation nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #84 Remove unnecessary files from public folder (@dariadomagala)
- #103 Fix behavior of the logout dropdown (@dariadomagala)
- #102 Fix 'preserve view' feature for sibiling nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #89 Fix unnecessary 'authSuccessfull' handler execution on each page refresh (@dariadomagala)
- #79 Fix fundamental-ui issues in applications setup docu (@jesusreal)
- #107 Commands path info in angular example readme (@parostatkiem)
core-0.3.3 - 2018-09-14
- #67 Navigation node visibility with custom nodeAccessibilityResolver (@maxmarkus)
- #82 Fixed changedetector bug (@dariadomagala)
- #71 Fixed top navigation popover behavior (@maxmarkus)
- #76 Fixed broken routing after successful OIDC authentication (@maxmarkus)
- #57 Fixed preserve view and back example (@dariadomagala)
- #75 Fixed import of LuigiClient on angular app (@jesusreal)
- #80 Luigi documentation refinements (@dpolitesap)
- #34 Introduce changelog file (@jesusreal)
client-0.3.2 - 2018-09-10
core-0.3.1 - 2018-09-07
- #31 Redirect from root node to first child (@y-kkamil)
- #50 #49 [fix] OAuth2 implicit grant flow should use GET as default reques⦠(@aartek)
core-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Preserve view and go back feature.
- Default child nodes feature.
- Support for url parameters.
- Add vue.js example app by @DamianLion
- On angular example app, update angular version from version 5 to 6.
- On angular example app, introduce fundamental-ui css framework.
- Backdrop functionality can now be disabled via Luigi Config object.
- Add error message for missing Luigi Config.
- Improvements on authorization, remove login button, trigger auth flow on page load.
- Add documentation.
- 'hideNav' flag to disable top and left navigations is called now "hideNavigation" and is under "settings".
- 'isHashRoute' flag to activate hash routing is moved to Luigi Config object under 'settings' and is called now 'useHashRouting'.
- Luigi Config is now under "window.Luigi.config" instead of "window.LuigiConfig" and "setConfig" and "getConfig" helper methods are available.
- On angular example app, fix path routing issues by simplifying app chunks split.
- On backdrop functionality, fix some small visual errors.
client-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Support for url parameters.
- Add documentation.
- Prevent reloading of whole browser window when navigating with hash routing and only hash changes.
- Core: Angular example application.
- Core: Hash-based and path-based routing.
- Core: Navigation setup.
- Core: Support authorization via Open ID Connect (OIDC) or OAuth2 Implicit Grant.
- Core: Navigation on top and left (can be disabled via Luigi Config object).
- Core: Backdrop functionality.
- Core: Authorization.
- Client: Lifecycle functions.
- Client: Link manager for navigation.
- Client: UX manager for backdrop.