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How to create an OAuth client

Boruta goes with some administration utilities. The best way to have an OAuth client up and running is to create a client with a seed script as following example:

# priv/repo/seeds.exs

id = SecureRandom.uuid()
secret = SecureRandom.hex(64)
private_key = JOSE.JWK.generate_key({:rsa, 2048, 65_537})
public_key = JOSE.JWK.to_public(private_key)
{_type, public_pem} = JOSE.JWK.to_pem(public_key)
{_type, private_pem} = JOSE.JWK.to_pem(private_key)

|> Boruta.Ecto.Client.create_changeset(%{
  id: id, # OAuth client_id
  secret: secret, # OAuth client_secret
  name: "A client", # Display name
  access_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24, # one day
  authorization_code_ttl: 60, # one minute
  refresh_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, # one month
  id_token_ttl: 60 * 60 * 24, # one day
  id_token_signature_alg: "RS256", # ID token signature algorithm, defaults to "RS512"
  userinfo_signed_response_alg: "RS256", # userinfo signature algorithm, defaults to nil (no signature)
  redirect_uris: ["http://redirect.uri"], # OAuth client redirect_uris
  authorize_scope: true, # take following authorized_scopes into account (skip public scopes)
  authorized_scopes: [%{name: "a:scope"}], # scopes that are authorized using this client
  supported_grant_types: [ # client supported grant types
  pkce: false, # PKCE enabled
  public_refresh_token: false, # do not require client_secret for refreshing tokens
  public_revoke: false, # do not require client_secret for revoking tokens
  confidential: true, # see OAuth 2.0 confidentiality (requires client secret for some flows)
  token_endpont_auth_methods: [ # activable client authentication methods
  token_endpoint_jwt_auth_alg: nil, # associated to authentication methods, the algorithm to use along
  jwt_public_key: nil # pem public key to be used with `private_key_jwt` authentication method
|> Boruta.Ecto.Client.key_pair_changeset(%{
  public_key: public_pem,
  private_key: private_pem
|> Boruta.Config.repo().insert!()
|> IO.inspect()

Or so, you can use all administration utilities described in Boruta API documentation to manage all entities you need to have your server up and running. If some are missing or can be improved do not hesitate to open an issue on GitLab, it would be very welcome.