diff --git a/content/docs/components/blur-fade.mdx b/content/docs/components/blur-fade.mdx
index 6eb471352..1c822fd48 100644
--- a/content/docs/components/blur-fade.mdx
+++ b/content/docs/components/blur-fade.mdx
@@ -46,14 +46,15 @@ npx shadcn@latest add "https://magicui.design/r/blur-fade"
## Props
-| Prop | Type | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------- |
-| children | React.ReactNode | The content to be animated | |
-| className | string | The class name to be applied to the component | |
-| variant | object | Custom animation variants for motion component | |
-| duration | number | Duration (seconds) for the animation | 0.4 |
-| delay | number | Delay (seconds) before the animation starts | 0 |
-| yOffset | number | Vertical offset for the animation | 6 |
-| inView | boolean | Whether to trigger animation when component is in view | false |
-| inViewMargin | MarginType | Margin for triggering the in-view animation | "-50px" |
-| blur | string | Amount of blur to apply during the animation | "6px" |
+| Prop | Type | Description | Default |
+| ------------ | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
+| children | React.ReactNode | The content to be animated | |
+| className | string | The class name to be applied to the component | |
+| variant | object | Custom animation variants for motion component | |
+| duration | number | Duration (seconds) for the animation | 0.4 |
+| delay | number | Delay (seconds) before the animation starts | 0 |
+| offset | number | Offset for the animation | 6 |
+| direction | string | Direction for the animation (`up`, `down`, `left`, `right`) | "down" |
+| inView | boolean | Whether to trigger animation when component is in view | false |
+| inViewMargin | MarginType | Margin for triggering the in-view animation | "-50px" |
+| blur | string | Amount of blur to apply during the animation | "6px" |
diff --git a/public/r/styles/default/blur-fade.json b/public/r/styles/default/blur-fade.json
index 702d72e68..a6e87dd0f 100644
--- a/public/r/styles/default/blur-fade.json
+++ b/public/r/styles/default/blur-fade.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"files": [
"path": "magicui/blur-fade.tsx",
- "content": "\"use client\";\n\nimport { useRef } from \"react\";\nimport {\n AnimatePresence,\n motion,\n useInView,\n UseInViewOptions,\n Variants,\n} from \"framer-motion\";\n\ntype MarginType = UseInViewOptions[\"margin\"];\n\ninterface BlurFadeProps {\n children: React.ReactNode;\n className?: string;\n variant?: {\n hidden: { y: number };\n visible: { y: number };\n };\n duration?: number;\n delay?: number;\n yOffset?: number;\n inView?: boolean;\n inViewMargin?: MarginType;\n blur?: string;\n}\n\nexport default function BlurFade({\n children,\n className,\n variant,\n duration = 0.4,\n delay = 0,\n yOffset = 6,\n inView = false,\n inViewMargin = \"-50px\",\n blur = \"6px\",\n}: BlurFadeProps) {\n const ref = useRef(null);\n const inViewResult = useInView(ref, { once: true, margin: inViewMargin });\n const isInView = !inView || inViewResult;\n const defaultVariants: Variants = {\n hidden: { y: yOffset, opacity: 0, filter: `blur(${blur})` },\n visible: { y: -yOffset, opacity: 1, filter: `blur(0px)` },\n };\n const combinedVariants = variant || defaultVariants;\n return (\n \n \n {children}\n \n \n );\n}\n",
+ "content": "\"use client\";\n\nimport { useRef } from \"react\";\nimport {\n AnimatePresence,\n motion,\n useInView,\n UseInViewOptions,\n Variants,\n} from \"framer-motion\";\n\ntype MarginType = UseInViewOptions[\"margin\"];\n\ninterface BlurFadeProps {\n children: React.ReactNode;\n className?: string;\n variant?: {\n hidden: { y: number };\n visible: { y: number };\n };\n duration?: number;\n delay?: number;\n offset?: number;\n direction?: \"up\" | \"down\" | \"left\" | \"right\";\n inView?: boolean;\n inViewMargin?: MarginType;\n blur?: string;\n}\n\nexport default function BlurFade({\n children,\n className,\n variant,\n duration = 0.4,\n delay = 0,\n offset = 6,\n direction = \"down\",\n inView = false,\n inViewMargin = \"-50px\",\n blur = \"6px\",\n}: BlurFadeProps) {\n const ref = useRef(null);\n const inViewResult = useInView(ref, { once: true, margin: inViewMargin });\n const isInView = !inView || inViewResult;\n const defaultVariants: Variants = {\n hidden: {\n [direction === \"left\" || direction === \"right\" ? \"x\" : \"y\"]:\n direction === \"right\" || direction === \"down\" ? -offset : offset,\n opacity: 0,\n filter: `blur(${blur})`,\n },\n visible: {\n [direction === \"left\" || direction === \"right\" ? \"x\" : \"y\"]: 0,\n opacity: 1,\n filter: `blur(0px)`,\n },\n };\n const combinedVariants = variant || defaultVariants;\n return (\n \n \n {children}\n \n \n );\n}\n",
"type": "registry:ui",
"target": ""
diff --git a/public/r/styles/default/dock.json b/public/r/styles/default/dock.json
index 08908f201..0c6a94bd3 100644
--- a/public/r/styles/default/dock.json
+++ b/public/r/styles/default/dock.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"files": [
"path": "magicui/dock.tsx",
- "content": "\"use client\";\n\nimport React, { PropsWithChildren, useRef } from \"react\";\nimport { cva, type VariantProps } from \"class-variance-authority\";\nimport {\n motion,\n MotionValue,\n useMotionValue,\n useSpring,\n useTransform,\n} from \"framer-motion\";\n\nimport { cn } from \"@/lib/utils\";\n\nexport interface DockProps extends VariantProps {\n className?: string;\n iconSize?: number;\n iconMagnification?: number;\n iconDistance?: number;\n direction?: \"top\" | \"middle\" | \"bottom\";\n children: React.ReactNode;\n}\n\nconst DEFAULT_SIZE = 40;\nconst DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION = 60;\nconst DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 140;\n\nconst dockVariants = cva(\n \"supports-backdrop-blur:bg-white/10 supports-backdrop-blur:dark:bg-black/10 mx-auto mt-8 flex h-[58px] w-max items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl border p-2 backdrop-blur-md\",\n);\n\nconst Dock = React.forwardRef(\n (\n {\n className,\n children,\n iconSize = DEFAULT_SIZE,\n iconMagnification = DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION,\n iconDistance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE,\n direction = \"middle\",\n ...props\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const mouseX = useMotionValue(Infinity);\n\n const renderChildren = () => {\n return React.Children.map(children, (child) => {\n if (React.isValidElement(child) && child.type === DockIcon) {\n return React.cloneElement(child, {\n ...child.props,\n mouseX: mouseX,\n size: iconSize,\n magnification: iconMagnification,\n distance: iconDistance,\n });\n }\n return child;\n });\n };\n\n return (\n mouseX.set(e.pageX)}\n onMouseLeave={() => mouseX.set(Infinity)}\n {...props}\n className={cn(dockVariants({ className }), {\n \"items-start\": direction === \"top\",\n \"items-center\": direction === \"middle\",\n \"items-end\": direction === \"bottom\",\n })}\n >\n {renderChildren()}\n \n );\n },\n);\n\nDock.displayName = \"Dock\";\n\nexport interface DockIconProps {\n size?: number;\n magnification?: number;\n distance?: number;\n mouseX?: MotionValue;\n className?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n props?: PropsWithChildren;\n}\n\nconst DockIcon = ({\n size = DEFAULT_SIZE,\n magnification = DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION,\n distance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE,\n mouseX,\n className,\n children,\n ...props\n}: DockIconProps) => {\n const ref = useRef(null);\n const padding = Math.max(6, size * 0.2);\n const defaultMouseX = useMotionValue(Infinity);\n\n const distanceCalc = useTransform(mouseX ?? defaultMouseX, (val: number) => {\n const bounds = ref.current?.getBoundingClientRect() ?? { x: 0, width: 0 };\n return val - bounds.x - bounds.width / 2;\n });\n\n const sizeTransform = useTransform(\n distanceCalc,\n [-distance, 0, distance],\n [size, magnification, size],\n );\n\n const scaleSize = useSpring(sizeTransform, {\n mass: 0.1,\n stiffness: 150,\n damping: 12,\n });\n\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n};\n\nDockIcon.displayName = \"DockIcon\";\n\nexport { Dock, DockIcon, dockVariants };\n",
+ "content": "\"use client\";\n\nimport React, { PropsWithChildren, useRef } from \"react\";\nimport { cva, type VariantProps } from \"class-variance-authority\";\nimport {\n motion,\n MotionValue,\n useMotionValue,\n useSpring,\n useTransform,\n MotionProps,\n} from \"framer-motion\";\n\nimport { cn } from \"@/lib/utils\";\n\nexport interface DockProps extends VariantProps {\n className?: string;\n iconSize?: number;\n iconMagnification?: number;\n iconDistance?: number;\n direction?: \"top\" | \"middle\" | \"bottom\";\n children: React.ReactNode;\n}\n\nconst DEFAULT_SIZE = 40;\nconst DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION = 60;\nconst DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 140;\n\nconst dockVariants = cva(\n \"supports-backdrop-blur:bg-white/10 supports-backdrop-blur:dark:bg-black/10 mx-auto mt-8 flex h-[58px] w-max items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl border p-2 backdrop-blur-md\",\n);\n\nconst Dock = React.forwardRef(\n (\n {\n className,\n children,\n iconSize = DEFAULT_SIZE,\n iconMagnification = DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION,\n iconDistance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE,\n direction = \"middle\",\n ...props\n },\n ref,\n ) => {\n const mouseX = useMotionValue(Infinity);\n\n const renderChildren = () => {\n return React.Children.map(children, (child) => {\n if (React.isValidElement(child) && child.type === DockIcon) {\n return React.cloneElement(child, {\n ...child.props,\n mouseX: mouseX,\n size: iconSize,\n magnification: iconMagnification,\n distance: iconDistance,\n });\n }\n return child;\n });\n };\n\n return (\n mouseX.set(e.pageX)}\n onMouseLeave={() => mouseX.set(Infinity)}\n {...props}\n className={cn(dockVariants({ className }), {\n \"items-start\": direction === \"top\",\n \"items-center\": direction === \"middle\",\n \"items-end\": direction === \"bottom\",\n })}\n >\n {renderChildren()}\n \n );\n },\n);\n\nDock.displayName = \"Dock\";\n\nexport interface DockIconProps\n extends Omit, \"children\"> {\n size?: number;\n magnification?: number;\n distance?: number;\n mouseX?: MotionValue;\n className?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n props?: PropsWithChildren;\n}\n\nconst DockIcon = ({\n size = DEFAULT_SIZE,\n magnification = DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION,\n distance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE,\n mouseX,\n className,\n children,\n ...props\n}: DockIconProps) => {\n const ref = useRef(null);\n const padding = Math.max(6, size * 0.2);\n const defaultMouseX = useMotionValue(Infinity);\n\n const distanceCalc = useTransform(mouseX ?? defaultMouseX, (val: number) => {\n const bounds = ref.current?.getBoundingClientRect() ?? { x: 0, width: 0 };\n return val - bounds.x - bounds.width / 2;\n });\n\n const sizeTransform = useTransform(\n distanceCalc,\n [-distance, 0, distance],\n [size, magnification, size],\n );\n\n const scaleSize = useSpring(sizeTransform, {\n mass: 0.1,\n stiffness: 150,\n damping: 12,\n });\n\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n};\n\nDockIcon.displayName = \"DockIcon\";\n\nexport { Dock, DockIcon, dockVariants };\n",
"type": "registry:ui",
"target": ""
diff --git a/registry/default/example/blur-fade-demo.tsx b/registry/default/example/blur-fade-demo.tsx
index 30328c8af..e8fefd0e3 100644
--- a/registry/default/example/blur-fade-demo.tsx
+++ b/registry/default/example/blur-fade-demo.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable @next/next/no-img-element */
import BlurFade from "@/registry/default/magicui/blur-fade";
const images = Array.from({ length: 9 }, (_, i) => {
diff --git a/registry/default/example/blur-fade-text-demo.tsx b/registry/default/example/blur-fade-text-demo.tsx
index 986a3b2a2..8e6e2f067 100644
--- a/registry/default/example/blur-fade-text-demo.tsx
+++ b/registry/default/example/blur-fade-text-demo.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export default function BlurFadeTextDemo() {
Nice to meet you
diff --git a/registry/default/magicui/blur-fade.tsx b/registry/default/magicui/blur-fade.tsx
index 44e897ee4..e7216e10d 100644
--- a/registry/default/magicui/blur-fade.tsx
+++ b/registry/default/magicui/blur-fade.tsx
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ interface BlurFadeProps {
duration?: number;
delay?: number;
- yOffset?: number;
+ offset?: number;
+ direction?: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right";
inView?: boolean;
inViewMargin?: MarginType;
blur?: string;
@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ export default function BlurFade({
duration = 0.4,
delay = 0,
- yOffset = 6,
+ offset = 6,
+ direction = "down",
inView = false,
inViewMargin = "-50px",
blur = "6px",
@@ -41,8 +43,17 @@ export default function BlurFade({
const inViewResult = useInView(ref, { once: true, margin: inViewMargin });
const isInView = !inView || inViewResult;
const defaultVariants: Variants = {
- hidden: { y: yOffset, opacity: 0, filter: `blur(${blur})` },
- visible: { y: -yOffset, opacity: 1, filter: `blur(0px)` },
+ hidden: {
+ [direction === "left" || direction === "right" ? "x" : "y"]:
+ direction === "right" || direction === "down" ? -offset : offset,
+ opacity: 0,
+ filter: `blur(${blur})`,
+ },
+ visible: {
+ [direction === "left" || direction === "right" ? "x" : "y"]: 0,
+ opacity: 1,
+ filter: `blur(0px)`,
+ },
const combinedVariants = variant || defaultVariants;
return (
diff --git a/registry/default/magicui/dock.tsx b/registry/default/magicui/dock.tsx
index d59b27e40..13cd7a07a 100644
--- a/registry/default/magicui/dock.tsx
+++ b/registry/default/magicui/dock.tsx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const DEFAULT_MAGNIFICATION = 60;
const dockVariants = cva(
- "supports-backdrop-blur:bg-white/10 supports-backdrop-blur:dark:bg-black/10 mx-auto mt-8 flex h-[58px] w-max items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl border p-2 backdrop-blur-md"
+ "supports-backdrop-blur:bg-white/10 supports-backdrop-blur:dark:bg-black/10 mx-auto mt-8 flex h-[58px] w-max items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl border p-2 backdrop-blur-md",
const Dock = React.forwardRef(
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const Dock = React.forwardRef(
direction = "middle",
- ref
+ ref,
) => {
const mouseX = useMotionValue(Infinity);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ const Dock = React.forwardRef(
- }
+ },
Dock.displayName = "Dock";
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ const DockIcon = ({
const sizeTransform = useTransform(
[-distance, 0, distance],
- [size, magnification, size]
+ [size, magnification, size],
const scaleSize = useSpring(sizeTransform, {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ const DockIcon = ({
style={{ width: scaleSize, height: scaleSize, padding }}
"flex aspect-square cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full",
- className
+ className,