diff --git a/design-documents/import/refactor-product-import.md b/design-documents/import/refactor-product-import.md
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+# Proposal to refactor product import in order to drop dependency on `AUTO_INCREMENT` and table status
+While implementing support for MySQL 8, we found out that some places make use of the `AUTO_INCREMENT` to predict
+the primary key of data rows that are being created. One of these places being the product import.
+In general no application should rely on `AUTO_INCREMENT` when processing data for insertion, as generation of serial ids
+should be left to the RDBMS in order to be thread-safe. Unfortunately when importing relational data, such as products,
+we need to be able to predict identity of main records (`catalog_product_option` and `catalog_product_link` in our case).
+Normally the entity models would take care of persisting the relational data involved but this is way too slow for big
+amounts of data, thus the importers resort to generating plain SQL `INSERT` or `UPDATE` queries.
+In order to improve the performance, as little SQL queries as possible should be made, thus inserting the main record
+and selecting it from database would slow down the process. Instead the importer predicts the next available serial id
+by fetching the table's `AUTO_INCREMENT` value one time and then incrementing it per new record.
+This will eventually lead to collisions if another process inserts data into the same table shortly after the
+`AUTO_INCREMENT` was fetched but before the importer has persisted the new entity. Additionally this approach relies on
+metadata that may not be present in RDBMS other than MySQL / MariaDB. Finally fetching the `AUTO_INCREMENT` may fail
+on MySQL 8 due to the table statistics cache under the following circumstances:
+1. If the table is empty and has never seen an `INSERT`, MySQL 8 returns `null` for the `AUTO_INCREMENT`
+1. If the table's statistical data has not reached the statistics cache TTL, MySQL 8 will return an outdated value
+## Approach 1: Sequences instead of `AUTO_INCREMENT`
+RDBMS like Oracle and PostgreSQL use sequences in order to provide a thread-safe serial id. Though
+MySQL / MariaDB do not yet natively support sequences, they can be emulated by introducing a sequence table.
+Magento already provides the possibility to make use of a sequence, but the implementation relies on the existence of a
+specific sequence table per table that will be fed by the sequence. This tends to be slow and creates more data than
+actually needed. In order to reduce the amount of data and increase performance, we could use a generic sequence table
+and implement a stored procedure (actually a stored function) in the database that increments the sequence value and
+returns the new value, as proposed by [Percona](https://www.percona.com/blog/2008/04/02/stored-function-to-generate-sequences/)
+### Database
+The following `db_schema.xml` is needed:
+Additionally the following stored functions must be created (currently not possible via `db_schema.xml`):
+CREATE FUNCTION sequence_next_value(tableName VARCHAR(64)) RETURNS INT
+ UPDATE seqeuences SET val=LAST_INSERT_ID(val+1) WHERE name=tableName;
+CREATE FUNCTION sequence_current_value(tableName VARCHAR(64)) RETURNS INT
+ SET @currentValue = NULL;
+ SELECT val FROM sequences WHERE name=tableName INTO @currentValue;
+ RETURN @currentvalue;
+This can be achieved in a schema patch, which will also make sure that the optional table prefix is prepended to the
+name of the sequence table inside the stored functions.
+Also the sequence entries for the aforementioned tables must be initialized, which can be done in a data patch that
+takes existing entries into consideration.
+### Classes
+class \Magento\Framework\EntityManager\Sequence\GenericSequence implements \Magento\Framework\DB\Sequence\SequenceInterface
+ const SEQUENCE_NEXT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "SELECT sequence_next_value('%s')";
+ const SEQUENCE_CURRENT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "SELECT sequence_current_value('%s')"
+ private $resource;
+ private $connectionName;
+ private $entityTable;
+ public function __construct(
+ \Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection $resource,
+ string $connectionName,
+ string $entityTable
+ ) {
+ $this->resource = $resource;
+ $this->connectionName = $connectionName;
+ $this->entityTable = $entityTable
+ }
+ public function getNextValue()
+ {
+ $connection = $this->resource->getConnection();
+ return $connection->query(sprintf(self::SEQUENCE_NEXT_VALUE_TEMPLATE), $this->entityTableName)->fetchCol();
+ }
+ public function getCurrentValue()
+ {
+ $connection = $this->resource->getConnection();
+ return $connection->query(sprintf(self::SEQUENCE_CURRENT_VALUE_TEMPLATE, $this->entityTableName))->fetchCol();
+ }
+### di.xml
+In the `di.xml` of the module `Magento_Catalog` the following lines need to be inserted:
+ default
+ catalog_product_link
+ default
+ catalog_product_option
+ -
- productLinkSequence
+ -
- productOptionSequence
+### Classes
+The class `\Magento\Staging\Setup\Declaration\Schema\Db\MySQL\DDL\Triggers\MigrateSequenceColumnData` needs to be moved
+to `\Magento\Framework\Setup\Declaration\Schema\Db\MySQL\DDL\Triggers\MigrateSequenceColumnData` in order to avoid code
+duplication (currently the class is available in Magento 2 EE only).
+The following classes need to be changed in order to make use of sequences:
+* `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Link` when saving links the class currently performs `INSERT` and `UPDATE`
+ via the connection, this must be changed to make use of the `\Magento\Framework\EntityManager\EntityManager` which
+ will automatically use the sequence if available.
+* `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Option` currently relies on `\Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb::save()`
+ to persist data, this must be changed to make use of the `\Magento\Framework\EntityManager\EntityManager` which
+ will automatically use the sequence if available.
+* `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product` when processing link bunches
+* `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Option` when importing options and their values
+### Considerations
+The product import will slow down a little bit as every new product link and new product option will add one query to
+the overall process. The performance impact should be minimal though since we use a stored function which is a lot
+faster than initiating an `INSERT` like `\Magento\Framework\EntityManager\Sequence\Sequence` does (also updating an
+existing row takes less time than inserting a new one). If we try to import 500 products with 5 new links
+each, this will sum up to 2500 additional queries as compared to the current implementation.
+Profiling of this has been performed by Lars Röttig in the scope of creating a proposal for the refactoring of the
+customer import (see [MC-21651](https://jira.corp.magento.com/browse/MC-21651)).
+### Estimation
+As detailed above, the implementation and refactoring is quite straight forward. The most difficult part will be creating
+the needed stored functions as this is not yet supported by the declarative schema. This must be done in a schema patch,
+which is no big issue though.
+I'd estimate 3 to 4 man-days for the job.
+## Approach 2: UUID
+Usage of a serial primary key has been around for a very long time, yet it has always been known to be suboptimal.
+Either the software has to make sure to generate a key that is unique, which is not an easy feat, or generation is left
+to the RDBMS using a sequence-ish construct (e.g. `AUTO_INCREMENT` in MySQL / MariaDB).
+In the first case race conditions can occur as multiple threads may generate the same key, in the last case the RDBMS
+has to be queried in order to retrieve the generated key.
+Additionally both options will eventually lead to the case where all keys are used up (depending on the size of the
+serial field). On systems that perform a lot of `INSERT`s this may happen sooner than one might think.
+This is where UUID come in handy. As per definition UUID are supposed to be universally unique (which is not entirely
+true with UUID4 but the [probability for a collision](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Collisions)
+is so small that it can be ignored) thus they can be generated by the application no matter how many application copies
+use the same database to store data. Depending on the RDBMS, UUID can be stored and indexed natively (e.g. PostgreSQL
+has a custom type `uuid`), on MySQL / MariaDB though we would have to use a `char(36)` (since UUID are always 36
+characters long and `char` performs better than `varchar`).
+### Database
+The following tables need change:
+* Column `catalog_product_option.option_id` must be renamed to `catalog_product_option.old_option_id` such that external
+ services that query for product options by id can still be fed with the expected data. Also we will need the values
+ of this column to transpose referential integrity of existing records to the new UUIDs.
+* Column `catalog_product_option.option_id` needs to be created as `char(36)` and filled with new UUIDs.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_price.option_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity must
+ be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_option.option_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_OPT_PRICE_OPT_ID_CAT_PRD_OPT_OPT_ID` must be rebuilt.
+* Unique Constraint `CATALOG_PRODUCT_OPTION_PRICE_OPTION_ID_STORE_ID` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_title.option_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity must
+ be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_option.option_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_OPT_TTL_OPT_ID_CAT_PRD_OPT_OPT_ID` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_type_value.option_type_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)`.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_type_value.option_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_option.option_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_OPT_TYPE_VAL_OPT_ID_CAT_PRD_OPT_OPT_ID` mut be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_type_price.option_type_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_option_type_value.option_type_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `FK_B523E3378E8602F376CC415825576B7F` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_option_type_title.option_type_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_option_type_value.option_type_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `FK_C085B9CF2C2A302E8043FDEA1937D6A2` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_link.link_id` must be renamed to `catalog_product_link.old_link_id` such that external
+ services that query for product links by id can still be fed with the expected data. Also we will need the values
+ of this column to transpose referential integrity of existing records to the new UUIDs.
+* Column `catalog_product_link.link_id` needs to be created as `char(36)` and filled with new UUIDs.
+* Column `catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal.link_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_link.link_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_LNK_ATTR_DEC_LNK_ID_CAT_PRD_LNK_LNK_ID` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_link_attribute_int.link_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_link.link_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_LNK_ATTR_INT_LNK_ID_CAT_PRD_LNK_LNK_ID` must be rebuilt.
+* Column `catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar.link_id` must be changed to datatype `char(36)` and referential integrity
+ must be recreated to make use of the new values from `catalog_product_link.link_id`.
+* Foreign Key Constraint `CAT_PRD_LNK_ATTR_VCHR_LNK_ID_CAT_PRD_LNK_LNK_ID` must be rebuilt.
+### Classes
+First off we need a service that returns UUIDs and can be used by entity and/or resource classes to create an identifier
+in case there is none. Luckily Magento already has such a service built in, `\Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService`.
+The following classes need change:
+* In `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Option` the following property and method must be added:
+ ```
+ /** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService */
+ private $identityService;
+ protected function _beforeSave(\Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel $object)
+ {
+ if ($this->isObjectNew($object)) {
+ $object->setId($this->identityService->generateId());
+ }
+ return parent::_beforeSave($object);
+ }
+ ```
+* In the class `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Option\Value` the following property and method must be added:
+ ```
+ /** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService */
+ private $identityService;
+ protected function _beforeSave(\Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel $object)
+ {
+ if ($this->isObjectNew($object)) {
+ $object->setId($this->identityService->generateId());
+ }
+ return parent::_beforeSave($object);
+ }
+ ```
+* In `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Link` the following property and method must be added:
+ ```
+ /** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService */
+ private $identityService;
+ protected function _beforeSave(\Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel $object)
+ {
+ if ($this->isObjectNew($object)) {
+ $object->setId($this->identityService->generateId());
+ }
+ return parent::_beforeSave($object);
+ }
+ ```
+* In the method `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Link::prepareProductLinksData` the lines
+ ```
+ $bind = [
+ 'product_id' => $parentId,
+ 'linked_product_id' => $linkedProductId,
+ 'link_type_id' => $typeId,
+ ];
+ $connection->insert($this->getMainTable(), $bind);
+ $linkId = $connection->lastInsertId($this->getMainTable());
+ ```
+ must be changed to
+ ```
+ $linkId = $this->identityService->generateId();
+ $bind = [
+ 'link_id' = $linkId,
+ 'product_id' => $parentId,
+ 'linked_product_id' => $linkedProductId,
+ 'link_type_id' => $typeId,
+ ];
+ $connection->insert($this->getMainTable(), $bind);
+ ```
+* In `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product` the following property must be added:
+ ```
+ /** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService */
+ private $identityService;
+ ```
+* In the method `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product::_saveLinks` the following line must be removed
+ ```
+ $nextLinkId = $this->_resourceHelper->getNextAutoincrement($mainTable);
+ ```
+* The signature of the method `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product::processLinkBunches` must be changed to
+ ```
+ private function processLinkBunches(array $bunch, Link $resource, array $positionAttrId)
+ ```
+* In the method `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product::processLinkBunches` the line
+ ```
+ $productLinkKeys[$linkKey] = $productLinkKeys[$linkKey] ?? $nextLinkId;
+ ```
+ must be changed to
+ ```
+ $productLinkKeys[$linkKey] = $productLinkKeys[$linkKey] ?? $this->identityService->generateId();
+ ```
+* In the method `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product::processLinkBunches` the line
+ ```
+ $nextLinkId++;
+ ```
+ must be removed.
+* In the class `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Option` the following property must be added:
+ ```
+ /** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityService */
+ private $identityService;
+ ```
+* In the method `\Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Option::_importData` the lines
+ ```
+ $nextOptionId = $this->_resourceHelper->getNextAutoincrement($this->_tables['catalog_product_option']);
+ $nextValueId = $this->_resourceHelper->getNextAutoincrement(
+ $this->_tables['catalog_product_option_type_value']
+ );
+ ```
+ must be changed to
+ ```
+ $nextOptionId = $this->identityService->generateId();
+ $nextValueId = $this->identityService->generateId();
+ ```
+### Considerations
+Traditionally Magento uses `int(10)` to store serial primary keys, which evaluates to 4 bytes of data per row.
+On MySQL / MariaDB UUID are stored as `char(36)` which evaluates to 36 bytes of data per row.
+This means that we'd add 32 bytes of storage per row if we switched to UUID.
+For the same reason, querying the database for an entity that uses UUID primary keys by its id could be a bit slower
+as the index lookup may take a little longer (depending on the type of index that is being used).
+Since a process can create new entities without the need to talk to the database, the performance of the import will not
+degrade in any way, which is definitely worth the trade-off.
+### Estimation
+As displayed above, refactoring the classes is rather easy as we simply have to replace fetching the `AUTO_INCREMENT`
+by generation of a UUID in the importers and give control over identity generation to the resource
+models. Altering the database and migrating from serial id to UUID without losing referential integrity on the other
+hand will be a complex task that requires good planning and lots of testing.
+I'd estimate roughly 5 to 8 man-days for the job.
+## Conclusion
+Although using UUIDs instead of serial ids would be a great option, migrating existing data could become troublesome and
+the overall performance of using a `char` field for primary key needs to be benchmarked before even attempting to use
+UUIDs. Additionally this is probably a BIC, thus it is not an option for a patch release.
+Switching to sequences on the other hand brings stability and thread-safety at minimal cost. The changes that need to be
+done are straight forward and will definitely not raise a BIC.
+Considering all aspects, I'd suggest switching to generic sequences. In the long run I'd suggest to support sequences in
+the declarative schema and let the database abstraction layer decide how these are implemented for arbitrary RDBMS (e.g.
+native sequences in Oracle, PostgreSQL and MSSQL, generic sequence table in MySQL / MariaDB etc.). The `identity`
+attribute of columns in the declarative schema could then be used to indicate which column is fed by the sequence and
+thus initiate the sequence for the table in case is does not exist. This would give us the opportunity to get rid of
+`AUTO_INCREMENT` (and its MSSQL equivalent `IDENTITY`) altogether.