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Hey there! I'm Translator. I'm a Discord Bot and I can translate and convert values/texts.

Fully compatible with Slash commands .


Luis-Node Luis-NPM Luis-JS

  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • JavaScript

Emojis meanings

We use emojis on commits names to represent what we did. So below is a table with their meanings.

Emoji Meaning
🆕 New function, file, condition, etc.
Updating code, packages or recycling code
Issue fixed successfully, PR merged
Error to fix issue, code/file/folder removed
🔧 Code block fixed/corrected

Bot commands

View below bot commands and how to use each one.

Command Type Description Example
/translate Slash command Translate text from a language to another. /translate <from:en> <to:pt> <text:Hey there!>
/t Slash command Auto translate text to a language. /t <to:en> <text:Bom dia!>
/convert Slash command Convert values/texts to various formats. /convert <type:Convert to> <format:Roman numeral> <content:13>
/help Slash command View bot guide and info. /help
Translate message Message Context Menu Translate any message. Right-click on a message > Apps > Translate message


To compile this project in your PC. Follow this steps:

1. Cloning repository

Initially, you need to clone this repository. If you're using Git, in console, type:

git clone

2. Installing packages

To run the bot, you need to install all the required packages, listed in package.json file.

So when finish the cloning, open a terminal in /TranslatorBOT folder and type:

npm install

3. Token

To the bot authentication, you need to request a token to the bot in Discord Developers.

Create a bot, copy token and paste in index.js last line. In this part:


4. Starting

To init the bot execution, you need to open a terminal in project's folder, so...

With Node.js

node index.js

5. YES!

That's a wrap! Now the bot is online.


You can contribute to the project creating a Pull Request. If you don't know how to, follow the steps below:

1. Doing a fork

A fork is basically a repository copy, but yours.

To create a new one, click on Fork button, in above menu. The button look like this:


2. Cloning your fork

Now, you can clone your fork to your PC and make the changes.

Do this how you want.

3. Do your changes

Modify the code, but turn it better. Any unnecessary Pull Request will be closed.

4. Create a Pull Request

  1. To do a Pull Request, go to the pulls tab and click in New Pull Request.
  2. Select this repository as base and your fork as compare.
  3. Do a sinopsis of your changes with Markdown and click in Create Pull Request.

Your contribution will be verified by me and if it's right, you'll be a member of this project!

Repository contributors