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id_rsa Too Open
If you have played with id_rsa and trying to use your private key, you might one day find this error. How to fix it? Explained in the site! -
How To SHA256SUM
What is SHA256SUM? How does one use it? Basic stuff covered here! Pretty standard for explanation and not too cramped with advanced information. -
Run A C Program Using Terminal
Even though during this tutor, it is stated that we can just run make (thanks sir!), it is obviously a bonus to learn how to compile and run a C program! All explained here in relatively short words! -
C Format Specifier
If we are going to use C, it is obvious printing stuff to your terminal will be one of the thing you will do often, probably for debugging purposes. To do that, it is VERY IMPORTANT to understand what format specifier does what! All in the link above :). -
Benefits of C
At times, you definitely has wondered, "Why are we using C?" Well, the answer is given here! It's not much, but it satisfy what I wanted to know on why C is still used (read point 5 and point 6). -
Security and Protection of Linux
As you might have read from the reading assignment, Security and Protection is an absolute MUST. But then comes the question, is Linux safe enough? How does it fare compared to Windows? What do the experts think? Answered in one page! -
Privacy in Indonesia
In the status quo, where data drives the world, many people try to gather data, even by using morally wrong ways. What used to be something that many doesn't care about, becomes something that is hotly debated today internationally. How about Indonesia? Spoiler: it's behind, by a lot... :( sad. -
How Secure Is Your Password?
This one is a must watch (yes, watch). Especially in an era where your data worth more than you can possibly think. And hey, if you loved Vsauce, you will definitely love this, and maybe even the channel all together! -
How To Defend Your Data: Hacker Edition
How do you defend your data you ask? Why not ask someone who hack and attack data? Very short time commitment, very huge insight obtained! -
C tutorial
Last but certainly not least, you wanna learn the basic about C? "Basic" guide obtainable here!
Bonus. Great Song
I swear this is not another rickroll.
Great song, and also a great game (psst, tell me if you wanna play it sometimes :D)