Code for a circuit monitoring temperature, humidity, SLA battery voltage and state of charge.
A typical usage is to monitor a box containing a solar charge controller and a battery which is kept outside.
- Sparkfun ESP8266 Thing (
- I2C Humidity and temperature sensor: Si7021 (
- Analog/Digital Soil moisture sensor such as FC-28
- voltage divider for measuring battery voltage
- Setup the circuitry useful reading for ESP8266 Thing dev board hardware setup:
- Setup the ESP8266 board in Arduino IDE
- Create/use a Blynk account
- Copy Config.h.sample to Config.h then set there your wifi connection params, blynk key and other options
- Compile and update the firmware
- Add a jumper to allow deep sleep Connects GPIO16 (XPD) to the RST pin. (info can be found in ESP8266 manual)
- Si7021 connected by I2C pins
- GPIO pin 13 connected to soil moisture sensor VCC. This powers up and shuts down the sensor before and after readings
- voltage reduced by voltage divider goes to ADC pin (should be betwen 0-1 volts)