My development tools, it encapsulates some open source projects, and better facilitate the conduct of Java Web development.
is the short of Let our development of Spring very easy!
Base on some open source framework. It encapsulates some classes and methods to make more convenient for developers.
It consists of the following modules:
Module Description lodsve-3rd Customized third-party packages lodsve-cache Cache management for ehcache/memcache/oscache/redis/... lodsve-core Basic and core package lodsve-dependencies Lodsve Dependencies Management lodsve-filesystem Manage oss/aws s3/... lodsve-framework-bom Lodsve Framework (Bill of Materials) lodsve-mongodb Connect to MongoDB lodsve-mybatis Mybatis component(mybatis common DAO/type handler) lodsve-rabbitmq RabbitMQ component lodsve-rdbms DataSource for RDBMS lodsve-redis Redis component lodsve-rocketmq RocketMQ component lodsve-scripts Script language support lodsve-search Search component(solr/lucene) lodsve-security Authentication and certification For Spring MVC lodsve-test Spring unit test expand(mock and db unit test) lodsve-validate Validate engine via Spring AOP lodsve-web Spring MVC expand(include swagger) lodsve-wechat WeChat SDK
version when I make incompatible API changes,MINOR
version when I add functionality in a backwards-compatible mannerPATCH
version when I make backwards-compatible bug fixes.RELEASE
means a stable release version.ALPHA
means internal version.BETA
means just for testing.
Now the newest and stable version is 2.7.6-RELEASE
You can also find the newest version in maven central:
See the current reference docs.
See the master branch Api Docs.
git clone [email protected]:lodsve/lodsve-framework.git
cd lodsve-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/config-template
Run command mvn idea:idea
or mvn eclipse:eclipse
in the root folder.
Note: Per the prerequisites above, ensure that you have
andMaven 3.3.X
andLombok Plugin
configured properly in your IDE.
Config your Git
git config --global "your name" git config --global "your email" git config --global core.autocrlf false git config --global core.safecrlf true
Config your IDE
- Eclipse: Open Settings-General-Workspace, modify
New text file line delimiter
- Eclipse: Open Settings-General-Workspace, modify
Text file encoding
- IDE: Open Setting-Editor-Code Style, modify
line delimiter
asUnix and OS X(\n)
- IDE: Open Setting-Editor-File encoding, modify all
andwith NO BOM
- Eclipse: Open Settings-General-Workspace, modify
Required IDE Plugins(Both Eclipse and Intellij IDEA):
- Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines
- Lombok plugin
- Email: [email protected]
- QQ: 867885140
- Blog: Blog OSChina
The Lodsve Framework
is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.
The Lodsve Framework
was created using awesome JetBrains IDEA.